Wednesday, December 08, 2010

OK! Wins Most Misleading Cover

When I saw OK!'s cover, I was at first sad, because I thought it meant that Kendra Wilkinson had a miscarriage. Then I thought to myself it must be something else because there is no way Kendra would have not told the world in a second that she was pregnant. Sure enough, Kendra losing her baby actually means that her baby is now living with Hank. Really? Yep. Apparently Kendra sends the baby out to live with Hank so she can focus on her career of posing and posing and showing up at clubs and posing. I don't understand why she does not accompany the baby for these visits. Is she that busy that a nanny and Hank is better than Kendra being with the baby? This all sounds like some trial child visitation thing for next season's Kendra and Hank Divorce.

Meanwhile, OK! should be ashamed of themselves because you know everyone is thinking she had a miscarriage which is not something to be taken lightly or joked about.


  1. When I first read that cover I thought Hank jr somehow died.

    That being said, I'm not anyone's mommy, but I can't imagine not living with/raising such a small little one cause I want to focus on my career.

    That's not right.

  2. I can put the rumors to rest. I have friends who are invited to Hank IV's birthday party this weekend. No, Hank IV isn't living with Hank now.

    If this was put out there by Kendra, shame on her!

  3. Crap...these magazines are crap

  4. That's actually a pretty disturbing cover. You are correct - not to be taken lightly.

  5. When I saw that headline I assumed that Kendra had left the baby at the mall.

  6. I was going to post a knee-jerk reaction to Kendra's belief that being in Minnesota is like being in hell, but then I remembered looking at the weather report earlier today.

  7. That was to looserdude.

  8. Why the eff does it say "Tragic news" in the little circle by the pic of the Hanks?? Tragic news? Really? It's TRAGIC NEWS that a son is with his father??? Ugh, so ridiculous.

  9. I thought the same as looserdude, I figured there was going to be a full tv coverage or something about the missing child. What a crappy cover.

  10. Ugh. I just don't give a shit about Kendra. She's no better than a Kardashian. Famous for a sex tape and fucking an old man.

  11. Hey - what's the shocking new details on those little Michigan boys on the cover of the magazine?

  12. There not divorced or even legally seperated. She just wants to live in LA becuase it is more "fun" It is a lifestyle choice not something she has to do.

    All this to stay relevant and keep her reality show is just beyond pathetic.

  13. And another thing.... are these celebrities not in the least bit superstitious?? NO WAY IN HELL does someone even suggest there is a tragedy in my family for magazine sales, no effing way.

  14. It's like she's on the wrong track, something is off. I thought she was okay with Hank. He won't stay with a slutty wife unless he wants the $$$ and publicity.

  15. Ok should be banned from publishing anything ever again. All I can think about is all the real single moms out there who are trying to make ends meet while raising their kids, and then we have this piece of trash boo hooing because her very rich husband is in another state while she films a reality show somewhere else. Please! The editor of this piece of crap magazine needs to be slapped with a few dozen copies of his trash.

  16. She really doesn't seem like a good Mom. She seems like she was all about getting publicity for the pregnancy, and that's it.

  17. Why does anyone give a crap about what Kendra does anyway??? She's a cheap slut who's famous for screwing an old man.

  18. @looserdude - That was exactly my first thought when I saw the cover.

    That bottom picture was taken after the SuperBowl last year, right? And not even relative to the story.
