Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Viral Videos Of 2010

Yesterday I brought you the first installment of the most viral of videos from 2010. Here is the second installment.


  1. Don't understand the whole Ginger thing. Is it supposed to be ironic?

  2. I got pissed off at the ginger kid. He takes things too seriously. If it was supposed to be funny, it wasn't.

  3. Can't figure out why that Russian has an otter stapled to his head.

  4. Two more sad videos by attempted attention whores. Fail.

  5. I don't understand the prejudice against "gingers," particularly in the UK. Is it some leftover from the witchcraft hyteria of the past?
    How finely can we split the discrimination hair? Somebody help me out here, please.

  6. It's a throwback to anti-Irish sentiment from the 19th Century and before when the Irish (with a greater prevalence of red hair) were regarding as ethnically inferior.

    Redheads were feared because they were believed (in folklore) to be the devil's children & were conceived during thier mother's menstruation.

    Mythology has it that Redheads were reputed to bleed more than other hair types; they were associated with witches & vampires and were reputed to be sacrificed in ancient Egypt.

    Shakespeare made all of his most menacing characters wear red wigs.

    Children get teased as redheads but when they become adults, the teasing usually stops (especially if you are a woman) because you are considered fiery and beautiful.

    Just don't ask a redhead if the carpet matches the drapes. If she's a natural redhead, chances are, they do.

  7. Yes, I am a redhead as is my mother, sisters and wiener dog (named Rouge). My mother was nicknamed "Witchiepoo" and her car was referred to as the "Vroom Broom."

    HR Pufnstuff anybody?

  8. That ginger thing was sad. poor boy.

  9. @caydian: Thanks! I knew it had to have some kind of folklore origins. And for the record, redheads are fiery and beautiful!

  10. Well, maybe not THAT kid...

  11. Yes, all gingers are witches!

  12. @__-__=__

    Yes. Yes we are {rubs hands together...laughs}!

  13. Hahaha, I love the ginger kid!

  14. Thanks, South Park, for introducing that particular brand of British ridiculousness to the US.

    We have enough of our own ridiculous things to call other people, we didn't need yet another group to single out for bullying.

  15. I'm kind of "meh" on both of these.
