Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Maury Povich Auctions Off Another Virgin

Two years ago, Maury Povich, stopped doing DNA tests long enough to announce that a woman named Natalie was auctioning off her virginity. I remember writing about it back then and some updates but I don't know if she ever went through with it. At one point I think some guy had offered $300K but she then decided she wanted the money just to meet him and then she would decide if she was going to sleep with him. It all got a bit confusing. Well, apparently Connie Chung did not give Maury much crap about the first time because Maury has another virgin on his show this week and that same brothel owner is getting a 50% share. The girl, and I will call her a girl because she is just 18, has rationalized this whole process by saying, "I heard my mom talking with her friends and they all said they wish they could go back in time and sell their virginity. This is an opportunity for me to make more money than people see in a lifetime."

The girl also said that she was raised in poverty and although she has not had a medical exam, she did take a lie detector test which proves that she at least thinks she is a virgin. She looks much older than 18 to me.


  1. I come from a not rich family myself, and the only thing I thought was I should probably get an education. Selling my virginity never crossed my mind.

    Who's the stupid one here? Probably not me.

  2. I'm not sure virgins have a "look," but this girl isn't what was in my mind's eye. How did Connie Chung choose this loser?

  3. This is what it's come to, folks. Women with zero self-respect who see more value in selling themselves than in pursuing a lucrative career. Tragic.

  4. I'm gonna sell my virginity too. It's in "used" condition and sold "as is". Treefiddy!

  5. How is this not prostitution? She's selling herself for money. That's no better than a hooker on a street corner.

  6. Umm...what about getting an education? Poor thing believes that she will make 'more money than most see in their lifetime'. Yeah right, and she'll spend it all within a year.

  7. No one should pay a dime without an independent doctor examination.

  8. while this is disgusting (puke), it's also disgusting that there are so many men (all of them?) who get such an ego boost from being the one to 'deflower' a virgin---like 'man, i gave it to her GOOD. she'll never forget ME!'


  9. terrible wig - and hers is pretty aweful too

  10. If she was raised in poverty who paid for her terrible implants?

  11. lol Maja!! Funniest thing I've read all day, or expect to.

  12. That girl has been around the block a few times.

  13. Maja!


    Hey I think many of us have those "as is" things ;)

    This is what got me ROFLMAO!

    she at least thinks she is a virgin.

    Really?! she *thinks* she is a virgin.

    C'mon! Even if I have denied it.. I have always known when a wayward peen has been near my lady parts!

  14. Yeah, I'm with Ariel...those tits look like Hell.

  15. Those are shelf tits.

    "I *think* I'm a virgin because a penis hasn't been in my vagina. Do fists count?"

  16. I really don't understand why men make a big deal out of breaking a woman's hymen. I suppose it has something to do with the propagation instinct and wanting to ensure one's DNA, not another's is preserved.

    I remember being raised in a religion that pretty much said you were crap if you didn't remain a virgin until you were married. Women were solely defined by 'virtue' and by how many babies they were capable of producing. I think this kind of thinking - defining a woman's worth by her sexual "purity" is archaic and ought to be done away with ASAP. This is kind of repulsive.

  17. Totally agree, MadLyb.

  18. Agree with Ariel. Those boobs do not look natural. Did she escape poverty long enough to pay for some really cheap and really cheap-looking implants? You get what you pay for, honey.

  19. Remember when Maury Povich had a respectable show?

    She is about to give the milk for free b/c her boobie is about to pop out of that top.

  20. Maja. With a J. said...
    I'm gonna sell my virginity too. It's in "used" condition and sold "as is". Treefiddy!

    "Woman, you want me to pay Treefiddy for your virginity?"

  21. Her wig just looks really stupid on her head. She looks rode hard and put away wet, at just the age of 18.

    She needs an education, not $300K. What an idiot.

  22. @Kate. It is prostitution. That's why it's being done through a brothel. Prostitution within the brothel setting is legal in SOME places (Vegas for example). I assume she's operating out of one of those places.

    1) I agree that she doesn't look like a virgin, but judging her and saying "she's been around the block a few times" based on how she looks is really awful. Way to stereotype.

    2) I dunno, I treated my body badly enough as it was in college and I didn't make any money off it. If I could go back now, and NOT do all that, I would. But if I couldn't take it back, I'd at least want to make a bunch of money out of it. To each their own, I think.

  23. I spent years trying to give mine away and that was hard enough.

    Still, she does have great boobs and a bit of an Avril Lavigne thing going on. To be honest, if she can get $300k for it, and some mug will pay that, then I don't begrudge her doing this.

  24. Aw, that is just so sweet. I hope Richard Gere buys here and makes her his princess!

  25. Not quite the words of Jeff Dunham's Walter but close enough...

    Who wants a virgin? Give me a slutty broad who knows what she's doing.

  26. Sounds like she's a born-again virgin. Any woman can go to a specialized OB-GYN and get re-hymenated...for a price.

  27. 1. an internal exam can not only prove whether or not she's a virgin, but the exam itself can break the hymen.
    2. so can riding horses, tampons (or insertion of any other object) most any type of sports or rough activity, or, hell, just about anything.
    3. some women have very tough hymens, and actually have to have to have a hymenectomy performed to make insertion of anything (ahem) comfortable.

    basically, a virgin is defined (i believe) as one who has not had heterosexual sex with the proper sex organs (insert tab a into slot b).
    personally, for the 5-1/2 years of hell i went through because i was on the rebound and wanted to get it over with, i probably should have sold mine. it was almost taken from me when i was a kid anyway.
    @MCH, yes, _I_ remember when maury had a respectable show, i liked it. it was one of the more respectable shows in the genre at the time. then he went and got all jerry springer on us. what happened?

  28. Wait. Isn't this the same wig wearing girl selling her virginity on the Stern show a few weeks ago? The interview was CREEPY only because of her Mom. The girl seemed to not have a single thought of her own and turned to her mom to supply all the answers. Scary stuff. I'll try to post a pic of that girl, it looks like her if I remember right. On the Stern show she said she was wearing a wig to try to hide her identity??? WTF???

  29. Here's a link...

