Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lindsay Is In Trouble And Radar Needs To Get A Life

How do you think Radar Online and the rest of their family of companies (Star & National Enquirer), get their stories? Yep, they pay for them. Almost all of them in fact. So, when Radar ran a piece today talking about how the woman who ratted out Lindsay Lohan was paid $10,000, it somehow reflected poorly on her. Considering the woman got fired from her job, and probably would have no matter what she did, she is probably pretty happy she has something to tide her over.

Anyway, only Lindsay Lohan could f**k up this badly while in rehab. I must have missed the memo where rehab was like a college dorm where people go out and party every night or hold parties in their rooms. Apparently Lindsay refused to take a breathalyzer test when she came back from one of her bar nights and now faces 6 months in jail. Of course she did not want to take it. She was blasted out of her mind drunk. She probably has been more than once while she was there. Better to take your chances with the judge and high priced lawyers than take a breathalyzer at 3am knowing it will make you look bad. Of course screaming at a woman who is probably paid slightly more than minimum wage and calling her a c**t, will probably get you no favors either.


  1. betty ford is a joke. going to bars? climbing over walls to sneak back in? THIS is REHAB????

    i'm sure nothing will happen to poor lindsay. she'll get people to lie for her, and nothing will happen to her. then she'll get out of this so-called rehab and start all over again on her spiral of self-destruction.

    i'm sick as fuck of hearing about her.

  2. For many, many reasons, she is currently a lost cause.

  3. I'm disappointed with the Betty Ford Clinic. I had a high opinion of them and thought it was a chance for LL to get her act together. Not that it's their fault, but how do you get to a bar from rehab?

  4. I imagine that Dawn had enough of LL's BS about two days before this happened. Dawn figured if she got fired then she would be eligible for the 112 weeks of unemployment. And, possibly food stamps too.

    When LL came back loaded, (AGAIN) and started abusing Dawn (AGAIN), it was over. Remember when the trick on Dr. Drew's Rehab show snatched that little snot Carrie Anne by the hair? I suspect Dawn was right at that stage. And we'll never see the tape.

    So Dawn will get the blame for all this. LL will walk, as usual. Just go ahead and put LL back on the street where she can OD on her own without taking down anyone else. Her career is over. Her parents are scum.

  5. I feel horrible for all those people who are in rehab with her and genuinely want to get better. Seeing her behave like a horse's ass daily can't be good for recovery.

  6. What I don't understand is why Lindsay is allowed to stay in a facility for celebrities like Betty Ford, which actually doesn't seem to care to get people back on track but only caters to their spoiled needs.
    I don't understand that there doesn't seem to be something like a closed facility which would be like some kind of jail only for addicts and probably more comfortable but still like jail?
    So no trips to bars or climbing walls like school kids at a boarding school would do for fun.
    Wasn't rehab supposed to be some kind of punishment for her?
    I bet she gets breakfast in bed and then decides if she's in the mood to participate in today's group therapy session or just wants to hang. Betty Ford seems more like a holiday resort than anything else.

  7. Goddamnit, Lindsay...quit screwing around and get healthy.

  8. whether she is 1000% wrong or not (is), LL in rehab is protected by HIPAA and confidentiality laws. Dawn can file criminal charges for the assault, but not to sell info about what happens in the building, on the clock.

  9. I wonder if someone can convince Stevie Nicks to sit down with Lindsay for a serious heart to heart, then transport Lindsay to the place in Arizona that got Stevie clean. If not, Lindsay is a dead woman walking.

  10. just wish she'd thrown down with Jennifer from Sober House...she'd have cleaned the floor with little miss lohan

  11. Oh , stop bashing the staff person for HIPPA laws! Lindsey has been getting away with shit Joe Average would never, because of bullshit protectionist laws for far too long. My only concern about the fired worker is that she might be able to be bought off by Lindsey's attornies. Charges dropped. I think Betty Ford will continue to cover all this up in order to try and maintain their reputation. The reputation that crackhead Lindsey is singlehandedly destroying.

    A refused breathalyzer is a FAILED breathalyzer. Back to jail for this twat.

  12. I'm so sick of Lindsay and all these stories. Honestly she is 24 let her drink herself into oblivion or maybe she will wake up and grow up one day.

    I have to say though, if there is a loophole that girl can find it.

    I do feel bad for the fired worker. But she should of just walked away from Lindsay and let BF big wigs deal with it. Everything Lindsay touches turns to shit and she is happy to take people down if it protects her and her fear of going back to jail trumps everything.

  13. Ban on Lindsay.........please

  14. Def with Misch - ban on all Lohan related stuff ! Sick of her face, her name her stupid parents !

  15. lindsay is obviously bent on self-destruction, but i do think that the betty ford peeps are enablers. countdown to all the news/tabs plants about how they're so wonderful and strict, and only want to help her...

  16. I will say this it may have been wrong for the fired worker to behave in the manner that she did. However, she short changed herself and could have gotten more. And those photos of her bruising, TMZ will take ownership of them and reap from licensing. SMH.

    Sorry in advance if someone is sickened by what I wrote.

  17. sorry, i blame BF for this. they are trained to deal with difficult addicts-confidentially-and she ran her mouth to TMZ.

    the "addictions technician" only made like $1700/month. $10G goes a long way. i'd like to know what kind of training she had,what level of authority she held at BF before i judge. sounds like a cash grab.

  18. What Cheryl said: lost cause.

    Didn't she only have like 3 weeks to go or something? You can't keep yourself from partying WHILE IN REHAB?? Throw this trick in jail until she's ready to start trying. Cause she sure as hell ain't.

  19. Sick of her - she doesn't care about her sobriety, why should we? People like her and her family trivialize a deadly condition and the people who are doing the hard work of recovery.

  20. you know what? i don't even CARE if this is a cash grab by the technician. $1700 a month?
    betty ford hasn't been a real rehab facility for years. it's just another coddling place for spoiled brats like lohan.

    if she wants to get sober, she needs to go to hazledon. i've heard that from some repeat rehabbers---that place is no joke. they don't give a shit who you are.

    which is why she'll never, ever go there.

  21. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Does LL even have money to be in a rehab???

  22. If she goes to Hazelden, they will straighten her ass out. Those people are hardcore, they treat everyone the same. Lindsay deep down doesn't want to get better. She's addicted to her addictions.

  23. kcqueen

    Hippaa isn't a bullshit protectionist one has the right to be selling your medical info to the media just b/c you are a celebrity.
    even celebrities have the right to privacy when it comes to their health...just like those who are not in the limelight.
    the healthworker broke the law.

    this isn't about lindsay lohan but about someone who is trying to make a quick buck of off someone's name.

    i'm in med school and you don't know how they stress hippaa to the max and that you don't fuck around with it b/c you can and will lose your license.

    just wanted to stress that hippaa laws are meant to be followed by all hospital volunteer, hospital cleaning people, and all healthcare workers.

    that is my 2 cents of the day.

  24. who cares? this is about a spoiled self-entitled addict trashing a woman in public, demanding she be fired and accusing her of a crime.

    if this little bitch did it to me, i'd tell them to jam their shitty $1700 a month job and run my mouth all i wanted too. they were going to fire her BEFORE she talked to the media. they wanted the whole story killed, while lindsay got to get her PR machine revved up to annihilate this woman in the press.

    fuck lindsay.

  25. Lindsay Lohan clearly wants to die. Can we please just LET her, and be done with all of this nonsense?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. She makes me really sick. You would think that she might be taking all this stuff somewhat seriously & at least do some reflecting while she was in there on what a fabulous mess she has made of her life. I really could care less what happens to this clueless b****.

  28. Maybe not by the 2011 broadcast, but by 2012 she'll be in the In Memoriam portion of the Academy Awards; the only way she'll be recognized by the Academy now.

  29. HIPPA laws are designed to protect EVERYONE. Remember Octomom? Several dozen people lost their jobs for selling info about her and her babies when they were born. She would have been fired if she sold the info or if she just gave it away for free. No difference under HIPPA laws. Bottom line: if a person knowingly violates HIPPA laws (which this woman did), not only will that person lose their job, but they're also liable for up to $25,000 in fines, and can go to prison for up to a year. Lindsay is pathetic, but the tech who sold this info is an idiot.

  30. It's going to be hard to get $25,000 from someone on unemployment and food stamps! And, yes, they were going to fire her anyways. Maybe self-entitled people like LL should be more considerate and conscious of those less fortunate in the first place.
