Thursday, December 23, 2010

Landon Donovan Files For Divorce

Apparently that post World Cup reconciliation did not work out between Landon Donovan and his soon to be ex-wife, Bianca Kajlich. The couple had separated back in October of last year and things were progressing towards divorce. Then, with news of Landon getting another woman pregnant and his heroics at the World Cup, the couple made a surprising show of public reconciliation. Well, that is over as Landon, without an attorney, filed for divorce from The Rules Of Engagement star. His people did the whole we will still be friends thing, but who knows.

I was really hoping they would make things work, but it was not to be.


  1. I hope she takes him for a ride. Honestly, if you're going to cheat on your spouse, at the very least, you could use a condom.


  2. Didn't you hear he is looking for spousal support from HER as well as asking her to pay for his legal fees??!!

    Douchey McDouchebag

  3. *eyeroll*

    Yeah, because footballers are broke as a joke.

  4. bflogurl - I saw that, too. What a goddamn pussy.

  5. He didn't get the big sponsors or European Football pay days as expected. Here in America we only reward players when they win.

    When I read yesterday he was going after alimony I puked a little in my mouth.

    And, this dude dodged a bullet when the kid turned out not to be his.

  6. I didn't understand that part. He wants her to pay his attorney's fees, but he filed without a lawyer.

  7. He wants alimony?! Sure he doesn't earn the same as Kaká or C. Ronaldo but please he's the best known soccer player from the U.S

  8. @timebob

    We also reward sports players who don't play soccer.

  9. soccer stars don't make much here,but he is a true dick for asking.

  10. So now she's free for Oliver Hudson. They make a great couple.

  11. ^^ I totally agree Mina! LOVE them as well as Patrick Warburton. The rest of the cast can suck it though.

  12. Oliver Hudson and Patrick Warburton are the best parts of that show. And Timmy.
    The woman who plays Jeff/Patrick's wife annoys the CRAP out of me for some reason. She's popped up in so many shows over the years and they've always failed. I blame her.

  13. Oh noooo, bflogurl. Patrick is great, that's a given but I also love the others. I love Megyn since I saw her in 'Grounded for life' and I think Adhir Kalyan is so hot. That British, er, South-African accent. hahaha
    He and David Spade are so funny.
    Come here, Tamir.

  14. Nooooooooooo, Rocket Queen!!!

  15. So what is Jennifer's last name?

  16. Anonymous1:45 PM

    He's expecting HER to ask for alimony and lawyer's fee, so this is a legal tactic to avoid that. He makes tons more than she does, I highly doubt he wants money from her. Also, he can file without a lawyer in an UNCONTESTED divorce, the fact that he is asking her to pay his legal fees will only apply if she contests his petition and they have to go to court. I thought Enty BEING A LAYWER would've explained all this. *side eye*

  17. what an idiot. has he SEEN her? she's gorgeous. in the end he's really a downgrade, despite his money. poor girl has really been thru the wringer.

  18. The whole pregnancy thing happened when they were already separated. He acknowledged he'd slept with the woman and said he was ready to step up if it was his. It turned out not to be- how does this make him a jerk?
