Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Kate Gosselin Goes Camping

I thought I would limit myself to just one episode of the Sarah Palin show, but after seeing that Kate Gosselin will be on this week, I have to watch. Apparently she has the worst time of her entire life when Sarah and family take her and the kids camping out in the Alaska wilderness. What i absolutely fantastic about this is that in the old days she would have yelled at Jon and blamed him for everything and would have been high and mighty and that no civilized person would ever go camping and blah blah blah.

She can't do that this time. For one, she is a guest and she wanted to go and she is getting paid and apparently she just can't find it in herself to yell at Sarah. So, she just complains to the camera guys. The entire time!!

I think all you need to know to make you want to watch this episode is that it is pouring rain, cold, and everyone is having a great time except for Kate.


  1. When is this on? Please don't say Sunday @ 10. That's Dexter time.

  2. wow. no, not going to watch. even if there is suffering involved - in the end it will result only in my suffering and their being paid.

    i'm just not masochistic enough.

  3. Sarah Palin is spunky. I hate spunky. (With apologies to Lou Grant.)

  4. @shakey - I dig it. Dexter is rocking my world. I love Lumen. Hopefully the writers can find it in their hearts to not kill her off.

  5. It is on this Sunday evening.

    Shut the Hell up Kate!

    My brother and sister-in-law drove up to Alaska on his MOTORCYCLE during the summer. They slept in a tent every night for a month for their HONEYMOON, and absolutely loved it! It was the best trip they have ever taken because of the beauty of Alaska.

    Kate was given this wonderful opportunity that many can only dream about, and she still found a way to make it miserable for her children.


  6. I don't care about either of these two twats. Sorry, no amount of train wreck will get me to watch, especially not after the hunting picture pose.

  7. Kate was probably upset because of having to share screen time with someone very attractive and more interesting. At least she proved once again she is the queen of b*tching and whining. The world cannot operate to her satisfaction.

  8. i won't ever watch this show. thanks, but no thanks.

  9. WTF. How are these two friends?

    Maybe Palin can have the Kardashians on next.

  10. Who paired these two up?

  11. I'm surprised Kate didn't melt.

  12. Can't imagine her going camping, especially with Sarah Palin. Too bad they didn't also invite Octomom and her kids. Now that would be something to watch-- three narcissistic women/mothers camping out in the Alaskan bush with their kids. The horror, the horror!

  13. Palin's head looks ginormous in that pic.

  14. @Penelope- If only a wild pack of Grizzlies would swing by and eat the three of them.

  15. I *LOVE* it! I am TOTALLY going to watch!

    Sorry RQ & LMSM, I respect your choices, but we are polar opposites. Hunting is how we feed ourselves in this family, and that is just not going to change.

  16. I think the network set them up together, right?

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dexter. There was that one season with that English chick which was just so bad, but the others are amazing. Lumen for the win!

  17. If I was in the Alaskan wilderness with Sarah Palin and that many kids I would pray for a pack of grizzlies to come and eat me!!!

  18. @K - I'm not going to denigrate ANYONE who hunts to feed their family - it's a tradition that has been going on for time immemorial. But there's a line when hunting is done for sport, publicity and attention. And that is disgusting to me.

  19. Linnea, someone on the fb fan page has the idea that the babysitter is somehow related to the English chick. Makes sense because the babysitter is strange - too calm. Looserdude - I have a feeling she's going to wind up dead because of Jordan Chase. I haven't read any of the books so I don't know if the show is true to the written word. I do believe she is his soulmate.

    I wonder how they're going to take care of Robocop.
