To see the Entertainment Tonight headline you would have thought Justin Timberlake got hurt on the set of his latest movie and was in danger of losing a limb. Instead, it looks like Justin hurt his leg, continued working that day and then worked again the next day. So, you know, nothing serious, but ET will probably get some people to watch their show and will probably tease it like it is the biggest thing that has happened since some brilliant mind combined peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Made it much easier to eat with a spoon. I am far too lazy to actually spread it on bread.
He looks high as hell in this photo.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ew on the PB&J combined thing...that mess grossed me out even as a kid!
And here I thought whipped peanut butter was something new.
ReplyDeleteOT on this item, but is it true Justin expects an Oscar nom for his performance in The Social Network? If so, is his performance good enough to merit one?
Nutella in a spoon is the best.
ReplyDelete@shakey - I sure as hell HOPE he doesn't expect one. I'm hearing he WANTS one like hell, but there is no justice if he gets one. I like Justin a lot, as a SINGER. This whole acting thing is starting to really bother me.
ReplyDeleteCheck out this link if you want a good laugh at Justin's acting - Lainey did a great job making up a game where you have to guess if he's acting or not in these photos:
Sorry - I don't know how to make it clickable.
My kids always like PB and honey over jelly.
ReplyDeleteShould say, PB and honey INTSTEAD of jelly, dammit.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand JT.
ReplyDeleteSpeak up Justin. I can't hear you over the violins.
ReplyDeleteI thought he was bringing sexy back.
ReplyDeleteI'm not feeling J.T. as an believable actor at all but you can tell it's his 'life long dream'
ReplyDeleteand he's going to get respectabilty no matter how much he has to shell out and schmooze,
See, that is what makes me not like him. The arrogance. He is a great singer/performer but the acting has not proven to be so great. He has had some good SNL skits, though. I still haven't seen The Social Network, but I'm going to go out on a limb & say there were probably a lot of other performances that outweighed his.
ReplyDeleteHow do you even let people know you want an Oscar? Is he sending people flowers and candy, or how is he making it known that he wants one real bad?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, Linnea. I heard it on tv - doesn't mean it's true, but I don't doubt it with his ego.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he should listen to his own song - Cry Me a River.