Thursday, December 02, 2010

Jon Gosselin Got A Job

Stop the presses. Jon Gosselin got a job. An actual real job. You know the kind we all have where we are bored out of our skulls for years on end while we work for the man and countdown the days until a three day weekend or the two week vacation we spend half of running errands we did not have time to do the other 50 weeks of the year.

According to E!, "Jon is back at work at a normal job not in media or entertainment," the source says. "He's working in technology, which he did before the show."

E! is calling it a Christmas miracle. I think Jon is probably wishing he had done some things differently and was still pulling in six figures every month for doing pretty much nothing except raising his kids and getting free trips.


  1. Really scratching the bottom of the barrel if this is a miracle.

  2. I won't hate on honest employment so I'm glad.

  3. I'm glad he finally did the right thing and seems to have stopped trying to claw his way into the entertainment industry. Kate should consider getting a real job too (and stop subjecting her children to the unreal and stressful world of reality television).

  4. Ha! I'll bet he hates that he had to go back to regular work. Sorry that Ed Hardy deal didn't work out, Jon. Wait, no, I'm not.

  5. What Cheryl said. It's the holiday season so I'm going to be charitable and give him the benefit of the doubt here. Hopefully with the kids being expelled he's realizing he has to make a more "normal" life for them.

  6. I'm with Cheryl. Living a normal life is probably the best thing anyone can do for those kids.

  7. what Cheryl said. i'm not going to hate on the guy for not having a job and then hate on him when he does.

  8. Agree with Cheryl, at least the guy had enough sense to go back to what he knows. So many people who get into this business think they are going to be the next best thing and try to stay relevant but constantly being in front of the camera. I respect that for the last several months I have heard very little about him and haven't seen much of him either. I hope he keeps it up and just focuses on those kids.

  9. @Lady J

    Not that I disagree with you, but I think his silence has more to do with TLC having him by the balls legally, than him suddenly getting some sense.

  10. Now all that needs to be done at this point is for a family mediator to step in and lay down some boundaries for Kate and Jon, when it comes to dealing with their kids.

  11. that first paragraph describes life. i refuse to let it BE my life.

  12. Wonder if the she devil will try to get child support?

  13. In today's economy, I'm happy for anybody who gets a job. Now if only Mommy Dearest could go back to a "normal" life too.

  14. @Sue Ellen

    You may be right I forgot about that lawsuit with TLC.

  15. Jon tweeted this back in October about the time the kids were expelled (before the media knew) and after he was in court trying to pull the kids off TV. Unfortunately, the judge ruled that Kate gets to make all filming decisions.

    Due to the overwhelming amount of questions, statements, false statements in the media, I would like to clarify a few things. First and foremost, for people who did not watch Jon & Kate Plus 8, I stated years ago, and on television, that I no longer wanted to film and wanted my privacy back. This is not a decision I made lightly or without weighing all the factors involved. The negative effects on my family was my greatest concern and far outweigh any monetary gain we received. Today, my children are much older than when we first started. They are acutely aware their life is markedly different from their peers. They are six, and ten, and have to deal with the paparazzi! They can’t visit a public place without a crowd gathering to stare or people snapping pictures with cell phones.

    Whether the children want to film or not is completely irrelevant. Children rely on the guidance of the adults in their life to ensure their best interest. Left to their own most children would not eat properly, visit the dentist, or complete their homework. Do you think a child would choose a day on the beach instead of attending school? Of course. Is this the best thing for them? Is it the child’s decision to make? Of course not.

    I am acutely aware of the mistakes I made in 2009 and I am ashamed of the choices I made. I have apologized to Kate, my family, and to my friends. Through counseling I have learned to own my actions. My goal is to move forward in a positive direction.

    Lastly, my children have experienced a lot of life changes in a short period of time; new home, new school, parents divorced, increased media attention, and much more. Obviously it would be short-sighted to declare that all of their current struggles are attributed to one factor. These multiple changes are exactly why I feel they need privacy, stability, and security. Filming and displaying their private lives at this time is not in their best interest.

  16. Whoa. Did Jon Gosselin REALLY write that? If he did and it's not a cut & paste job written by a publicist or some other professional, and if he actually meant what was written, well, I'm...dare I say it? Kinda impressed.

    I only have long-lasting, permanent hate for people who don't think about their actions or choices and who won't admit it when they're wrong. Taking responsibility for one's own actions and choices is pretty fucking rare these days and deserves to be supported.

  17. I believe his current girlfriend Ellen had a hand in it. From what I've heard, she's pretty normal and wants the kids off TV. She's the one that started giving the kids blankets so they can hide from Chris, the local pap.

  18. Wow, I guess he's not useless after all! Way to go, dude.

  19. Well, at least it's a job. And from what I recall hearing before it was a pretty decent one! (Not compared to TLC money but to you or I).

    Secondly, as much of an Ed Hardy loving douchebag that this guy is, I have always thought he had the kids best interests at heart more so than his devil ex-wife. It was horrible that he cheated...I don't excuse that but I can totally understand why. I agree w/ his stance!
