Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Wants 20 Feet At All Times

Someone from US Weekly must have come to the same conclusion that I did yesterday. They have been way to nice and suck uppy the past week or so and decided to do something about it. I can see the meeting now. Everyone was probably sitting around a conference room deciding who they could trash. Bingo. Jennifer Aniston. This way people are guaranteed to read it and since they make up stuff about her every week it won't matter. Plus, they won't make it too bad.

Well, out of that meeting came the brilliant idea to say that while filming Wanderlust, Jenifer Aniston would not let anyone within 20 feet of her. Of course, it is all couched by saying that it was never actually said aloud, just kind of implied. So, basically, it could have just been that one person who said they did not feel like they could be within 20 feet of her. Ahh, it is two days before Christmas and you have to fill up space somehow. Dr. Drew already claimed Angelina as his victim this week, so that leaves Jen. As much as Jen chain smokes her Camels I don't know if I would want to be within 20 feet of her anyway.


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