In the wake of Shania Twain's engagement announcement yesterday, it got me to thinking about her and the whole breakup of her marriage. I think we would all agree that the European paps can be just as sneaky as their American counterparts. Tabloids in Europe will even go to more extreme measures to get a great story. I noticed in US Weekly's story about Shania's engagement that they say that Mutt left Shania for the woman who was married to the guy Shania is now marrying.
Remember when that woman, Marie-Anne Thiebaud, denied having an affair with Mutt. Well has anyone ever shown a picture of them together since? Everyone over here just swallowed Shania's story without doing any followup. Maybe the tabloids in Europe did a followup, but you would think it would have made some headlines here or at least a picture. But there has been nothing. What if Shania was the one who had the affair, but paid some hush money so she could look like the victim. I just think the whole thing smells kind of fishy.
Shania was off the radar, living in Switzerland and not having much of a career and then wham, Mutt supposedly has an affair, she moves back to North America, has a boyfriend, releases an album and has all this free publicity backing her up. Hmmm.
For starters, no one ever sees Mutt. Even when they were together.
ReplyDeleteI think they were swapping and discovered they liked the *other* better than the one they had to go home with.
That would interesting if true but there are no pics of Shania & Mutt either.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Mutt is reclusive.
ReplyDeleteWhat Matt said.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason though, I thought Mutt admitted it - am I wrong?
I always thought that since she and current fiance were cheated on by their respective spouses, Shania and current fiance bonded b/c of their shared grief. Since she and current fiance were friends for over 14 yrs, they would have pretty solid foundation relationship-wise bc of their long friendship. Since Mutt was a successful producer before Shania, why would he accept $ to be publicly deemed as the cheater?
ReplyDeleteI think you're right on it, Enty. I'm watching the Nashvegas press to see how happily and easily they swallow this story. No way she's the innocent in this. She's also got a new book coming out and a new Oprah hyped/produced talk show debuting in Jan 2011. She's spinning this to shore up her career back in the US.
ReplyDeleteIt was fishy at the time too.
ReplyDeleteI will agree with Enty. In fact, I think it was somewhere in this comments on this blog that I first saw someone say that it was Shania who cheated and not Mutt, but Shania was more experienced in the PR game and went running to the press. I've never seen Mutt or Marie Anne admit to an affair anywhere in print, I would love a link if they have.
ReplyDeleteI have only seen two pictures of mutt. And lets just say its a face only a mother could love.
ReplyDeleteShania made a step up no matter who cheated on who.
she's not doing anything any different than anyone who's ever moved on, and decided on a career comeback. in the grand scheme of things, it's all pretty civil. idk who 'leaked' the affair story, but both parties have been pretty good about laying low. good for them. at least they weren't fame-whoring the tabs (sideye to the karsahshian types). that alone garners my respect. and ok, so she's got a book and a talk show and a whatever coming up? good. as for the free pr...smart! well played, shania, well played.
ReplyDeleteIt could happen but I really don't know, they've been pretty quiet about it so anything is just speculating. Although if Enty's bringing up this possibility, could he know something?
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a blind item at the time about an entertainer that managed to turn the tables on the ex faster in the media, because she is media saavy he was not.
ReplyDeleteMutt's been around the industry way longer than Shania. Way longer.
ReplyDeleteRQ is right. no, i don't think she cheated first. and this situation isn't that unique. you have 2 couples who were close---too close. one thing leads to another, then the 2 wronged spouses console each other and BINGO, they're now together.
ReplyDeletei wish her well. i've always liked her.
Why would anyone think she was the one who cheated? Mutt admitted he was the cheating spouse. This happened over a year ago and now she is moving on and everyone is suspicious? Is she supposed to go to a corner and die? There will always be people out there who try to dissect every little piece of information. I say good for her she is in love again. Besides, Mutt was the one who insisted they move to Switzerland and kept her isolated. He is well known for being a recluse and led an almost hermit like lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteI think Shania has something on Mutt. That's why he let her get away with the "affair" story. It looks like Shania is the one that had the affair and is playing the victim. Very savvy. But this story is way too suspicious.
ReplyDeleteMutt has produced some of the best selling albums of all times but you can probably count on one hand the pictures of him you will find out there. Big time recluse. Unless the paps are in his house, I'm thinking they wouldn't have much luck getting any pics if they were to be had in the first place. As for money, go back to him producing some of the best selling albums of all time. He's got a shitload of cash. Far more than Shania. She couldn't buy him off.
ReplyDeleteHas Shania's album done well? I'm not into country music.
I know MV is supposed to be American, but I like Shania so much for that, because Mutt perpetrating such a fraud would definitely 'shake the industry to the core.' He has had enormous success with many bands over the decades.
ReplyDeleteAND Shania really stopped releasing cd's and her voice sounded totally different in old pageant footage. Now that this new album is coming out, I can finally eliminate her if the voice sounds the same as before.
Sorry. I was obsessed with the MV blind for a minute.
(If Shania were MV though, she would be more likely to use it to get what she wants from the divorce; she could play the victim if it were exposed, plus surely Mutt would do anything to keep that taint from his past work.)
I know, MV is not Shania. carry on.
I thought this was close to being revealed in the past.
ReplyDeleteNah Libby, I love it when the MV blind is being brought up! Keep the guesses alive! :')
ReplyDeleteAw. Thanks, linnea. I have always liked her for that blind. Must. Let. Go.
ReplyDeleteIt's what I said ALL along. Shaninny Twat is a habitual liar. Has been from the start, lying about her heritage, lying about her name, lying about her family tragedy, lying about Mutt when they first met, lying about how she and Mutt first met, etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd you notice how this album she's supposedly worked so hard on hasn't come out yet? Cos Mutt isn't there to sweeten the vocals as he did on her other top-sellers. It probably sounds as bad as her debut album did.
Enty is getting more and more cynical. As everyone said, you never saw a picture of Mutt when he was with Shania, why would there be any pictures now? A person that does not want to be photographed will make sure he's not photographed, no matter how hard the paps try. Also curious about why you say the paps are just as bad or worse in Europe? I've never known that to be the case.
ReplyDeleteExtra is on right now and they just said "Mutt and Marie-Anne are still together".
ReplyDeleteMutt could retire off the albums he did for Def Leppard and ACDC alone, not to mention the other big hits he produced.
ReplyDeleteIn 2008, when the story broke of the split up and Mutt's supposed infidelity he was working on Nickelback's record and in fact was living in Chad Kroeger's house in Vancouver. In fact, he lived there for 5.5 months as they used Kroeger's home studio to record the record.
ReplyDeleteHe worked with Nickelback? In that case, he deserves whatever hell she put him through. ;)
ReplyDelete@Patty - I will think he's the bees knees forever because of his work with Def Leppard. Although damn. That Nickelback news kind takes away from it, doesn't it?
ReplyDelete@Mooshki - LOL!! Zing!
ReplyDeleteIt is a little weird but...based on their previous relationship, not really.
She has cornered the wronged victim role and people lapped it up without question. She conveniently failed to mention her own affair with one of the builders working on her and Mutt's home a few years back. Imagine that. Mutt Lange was devastated at the time but agreed to give their marriage another chance as they had a little one to think about and he was deeply in love with her still. Mutt has kept a dignified silence.