Wednesday, December 01, 2010

I Say Expelled Kate Gosselin Says The School Could Not Meet Their Needs

Last week, I wrote about Kate Gosselin and how she went on ET and said her kids had not been expelled and how she was only fooling herself or trying to make herself feel better. Kate keeps insisting to the world though her kids were not expelled. This story should have been done and over with. They are at home and being home schooled which is not the worst thing in the world. In fact, home schooling can be great. Kate though keeps bringing this up like it is some kind of mark against her and that we think bad of her because her kids were expelled. She told Kneepads,

"The school would never use that word. [Collin and Alexis] were not expelled. [The school] did not feel like they could meet their needs anymore, so it was decided they should leave, for now."

Just because they don't use the word does not mean that was not what happened.


  1. OK, the school did not use the word expelled. They were asked to leave, and not by her choice. Where I come from that's expelled. Sugarcoat it all you want, same end result.

  2. Ah yes. I always wondered what it would be like to have a mother like this. My mother was a grade 3 teacher in a small town where all the teachers knew each other. Only ONCE did my mother ever take my side against a teacher growing up - and he was a lazy boozer just counting the days to retirement, and she knew all about it.
    Anyway, all this to say: get a grip, Kate. Take responsibility. It's unlikely that the SCHOOL is the problem here.

  3. I'm a former teacher, most of those years at small private schools. I'm sure that the school offered all the resources that they could. Expelling 6 year olds is not taken lightly. It is a big deal.

  4. I'm with Cheryl, when a 6 year old is either offically "expelled" or asked to leave, it's a huge deal. I seriously hope they are getting the counselling they obviously need.

    P.S. I wish the Today show would ban her.

  5. The problem is she raised kids who think they are the center of the universe due to constant cameras and attention their entire lives.

  6. blah blah blah, kate g 8 news is even more BORING than lindsay!

  7. In 15-20 years there is going to be enough seriously effed-up celebrity and psuedo-celebrity offspring to fill a zoo!! Charlie Sheen's kids, Britney Spears' kids, all the Gosselins, Octomom's brood, the Ritchie-Maddon kids, Pete and Ashley's kid . . . . I could go on and on. A Golden Age of bad behavior and gossip site heaven will dawn.

  8. Kate, please go away. Thank you.

  9. I bet those kids shape up in no time. They're at home now with the rest of the litter. I could be wrong but being home with that many siblings would become, let's say, tiresome, to me. I would rather be at school where there is some diversion besides taking care of the others. And you know that's exactly what's happening in that household.

  10. Having attended a number of private schools, I can tell you the preferred term is "asked not to return."

    In fact, I am quite familiar with the phrase.

  11. Dear Karma I know that you are busy but there is a very deserving Mother in need of your immediate attention THANK YOU =)

  12. @rj: i disagree, i really think the madden-ritchie kids and even maybe even simpon-wentz's boy will have a shot.

    nicole and joel (or is it benji, i honestly dont know) seem like involved and aware parents.

  13. OMG! KATE, PLEASE, stop airing you 6 year old's dirty laundry on National TV over and over. I am truly SO sad for those kids.

    I heard her on the Today show, praising herself for having 6 out of 8 kids who are doing really well. SERIOUSLY???

  14. she addressed Colin's post divorce anger issues on the show last week. get the fkin cameras out of their lives and get them proper therapy.

  15. Didn't take anyone with a genius IQ to predict this outcome.

    She should have turned off the cameras when those kids entered preschool. They might have had a chance. But she's too addicted to staying "famous" to quit this reality show nonsense and get her old job back.

  16. Sorry, but I do think home-schooling the two expelled kids is bad for them. In general, I have no problem with it. But in the Gosselins case, those kids have almost no chance to interact with other kids. Being locked away in the family compound with an indifferent mother (when she's in town) isn't in their best interests, especially when they have emotional and behavioral issues.

    For the school to expel two but still keep six, it must have been a pretty big deal.

    Free the 8!

  17. Huh. You can put a pig in a frock, but it's still a pig in a frock. Eh, Kate?

  18. How the fuck is it hard to "meet the needs" of kindergarteners? Just like the bullshit excuse Kate used a week or so ago about the kids "being under too much pressure" or whatever. HELLO you dumb skank, they are in fucking ELEMENTARY school. What pressure?

    I really can't wait until these kids grow up and we get to hear all the Mommie Dearest type crap she likely pulls.

  19. @awesome balla. I hope you're right for the kids' sakes, but I just get a bad feeling everytime I see Nicole R. I can't say exactly why. I just don't think she's got her stuff together. I've always thought Ashlee Simpson is mentally unstable. Major eating disorder at least, for sure. Pete seems caring and involved though so the kid may have a chance. I'd like for all these kids to be okay, but there is an awful lot of HORRIFIC parenting going on right now.

  20. Their ASSES WERE KICKED OUT! How about that instead of expelled.

  21. what's disturbing here is that she's not teaching those children accountability by sugar-coating this...they're going to be poor excuses for adults if she keeps it up.

  22. I think Madonna's son Rocco might have some issues. When he's with her she treats him like an afterthought. When he's with Guy, Rocco seems happier.

  23. if the school said expelled, she would sue the pants off of them. so the school said they couldn't meet the needs of the kids...meaning they didn't have time to chase after the little brats all day AND teach other children. you say tomato, i say tomoottto

  24. It's unfair to call the kids brats. They've been poorly parented by both Kate and Jon. They're yanked in and out of school at a moments notice to film that stupid show (expulsion hasn't stopped the filming). They've been isolated from all their other relatives, neighbors, and potential friends. They've been working longer and harder than almost any other child I can think of and will end up with nothing by the time they are 18. I pity them.

  25. you are right, Paisley...working in the school system, i work ALOT with little ones who are yanked in and out and shuffled from school to school. calling them 'brats' is about 'difficult'?

  26. I'd go with troubled, sad, confused, stressed, and exhausted. At least Jon is finally trying to get the kids off TV (better too late than never). Too bad the judge put all filming decisions in Kate's hands.

  27. yes, i have seen personally, mommy is NOT always best! i wish things weren't always decided by the money side of things...
