It is one thing to nominate The Tourist for the best comedy/musical when it is neither a comedy or a musical or good, but apparently wanting to have Brangelina and Johnny Depp show up at their poor excuse for an awards show was not enough for the voters of the Golden Globes. Nope. According to The Los Angeles Times, the voters may have been bribed by Sony to nominate Burlesque. The movie that almost no one has gone to see, was nominated for best musical/comedy so will have to compete against The Tourist.
Prior to voting, many of the voters were flown to Las Vegas by Sony and were also given tickets to see Cher in concert. After all those freebies, the next thing you know, Burlesque is being nominated for Best Picture. This is kind of worse than MTV and their Video Music Awards because the Golden Globes are supposed to have some kind of legitimacy. They don't but the average person watching in January does not know that. They think these are voters from the foreign press who are voting because a picture is good, not because they got a free t-shirt and a photo op with Cher.
This is news? You don't remember the year of "Scent of a Woman" when Al Pacino had his picture taken with every single member of the FPA? Or the time they gave an award to Pia Zadora for a film that hadn't even been released?
ReplyDeleteI suspected this the second I saw that turkey of the year Burlesque was nominated. This year's GG nominations are the most ridiculous I remember ever seeing. What bugs me is that it's usually considered to be a bellweather of what to expect for Oscar noms.
ReplyDeleteIt is one thing to nominate The Tourist for the best comedy/musical when it is neither a comedy or a musical or good...
@ Robert: Wow, Pia Zadora! I have not heard that name in a long time. I wonder what ever happened to her?
i hate all these awards shows. they're meaningless except to the narcissistic hollywood people who never get tired of walking red carpets in fancy clothes and borrowed jewels, and patting themselves on the back for doing such great work.
ReplyDeletefact is, there's very little 'great work' coming out of hollywood these days. and when there is---especially in TV---it's ignored because someone didn't play the game, or pissed off the wrong person.
they should all be ashamed of most of what passes for entertainment these days.
I've thought all along the nomination for "The Tourist" as a comedy or musical was intentional. As in "it's so bad, it's funny".
ReplyDeleteThese awards shows make a lot of money for the networks because they're starfests, but yeah. Meaningless.
ReplyDeletethis is the industry version of effing-for-tracks.
ReplyDeletedon't ever put anything past sony.
Isn't the Golden Globe the best award that money can buy?
ReplyDeleteSorry, but the reputation has been tarnished for years. They are just getting sloppy and obvious now instead of surreptitious, behind-the-scenes negotiations for who get what awards.
the comedy categories are ridiculous but the drama categories are adequate
ReplyDeleteSony was very stupid for doing this. They've just given middle America a look behind the curtain. The Hollywood Machine needs to keep up a pretense of legitimacy, and they've given that a huge blow.
ReplyDeletei remember a story on Sharon gave watches to the members for being nod Also last year, Dicaprio invited some members at a party for Tobey Maguire(his best friend) and Maguire has been nod for "brothers"
ReplyDeletethe award show is dead. no one wants to see a bunch of dicks pat each other on the back all night anymore.
ReplyDeleteSo true Pookie - and, if Burlesque doesnt win, did someone else eff better?
ReplyDeleteSony is a shitfest company anyway. My brother's favorite band (Rouge Traders) was represented by Sony. After nine months of being jerked around and releasing singles with promises of the next album, the whole thing is still on hold. Their excuse? The singles weren't selling.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about the mighty dollar with Sony...just like a lot (i.e. ALL) of the PR companies.
GG has a reputation for this kind of thing, not a shocker at all.
ReplyDeleteat first I was sort of shocked by how pale Cher is in the photo, but I have to remember that she's 64 years old. Pretty amazing, really.
Does anyone think the Oscars are rigged?
ReplyDeleteThis type of campaigning and gifting has been going on since the Golden Age of Hollywood. It doesn't really bother me. This is an award show that we are talking about, not anything actually important.
ReplyDeleteOne reason that Cary Grant never won an Oscar outright (he was given a lifetime achievement award) was because he was never under an exclusive contract to any one studio so he didn't have a studio campaigning and wheeling and dealing for him. That's also why the richest studio, MGM, had the most awarded pictures.
The Globes just want Depp and Jolie to show up and walk the red carpet so ratings will be good. However, it wouldn't surprise me if neither of them bothered to show up.
I liked Burlesque.
ReplyDeleteActing and dialog were iffy, but the musical numbers were very good and when you throw Cher into the mix, you've got a GG nominated film.
How many other musicals were there this year?
I had to laugh at the Pia comment. I remember reading that her old, rich hubby bought the award for her.
I never watch any of these, the clothes and jewels are borrowed...the gift bags are the major draw to get presenters ...nope I pass...
ReplyDeleteWell, I still wanna go to a Hollywood awards show so if anyone has an invite, you just let me know!*L*
ReplyDeleteWhy not just ask the Brange to host the GG, or present an award??
ReplyDeleteI think the 'effing-for-tracks' analogy is quite apt. Certainly that's well-covered (well-splayed?) ground for that delightful artist's artist, Ms. Christina Aguilera.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks awards ceremonies matter even a bit or acknowledge exemplary work is naive in the extreme.
I think the 'effing-for-tracks' analogy is quite apt. Certainly that's well-covered (well-splayed?) ground for that delightful artist's artist, Ms. Christina Aguilera.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks awards ceremonies matter even a bit or acknowledge exemplary work is naive in the extreme.
I actually like the Golden Globes, but ever since Pia Zadora won best actress for Butterfly even I as a kid knew it was rigged.
ReplyDeleteBut at the end of the day, even the Oscars is just a money making scheme. I really liked Gladiator, but Best Picture of the year? And Madonna as Best Actress for Evita, which was basically just a 2 hour long video? Seriously, there wasn't someone better that year?
Jesus, Christina A looks like a tranny in this shot. That hair and make up is just too much.
ReplyDeleteThis is why that category is stupid. How can Burlesque be up against The Kids are Alright (which I get to FINALLY see tonight!)?? Surely that film will win over the others, right?
ReplyDelete@ sunnyside1213 - are the Oscars rigged?
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine who works in the industry told me that it's commonplace for Academy members to give their ballots to their spouses, significant others, assistants, etc. to fill out.
Ain't that fucked up?
Pffft.....it happens in our gov't all the time - why not the "acting" industry?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed Burlesque. It's actually not doing as bad as people thought. It's almost at 40 million, which is pretty good for a musical. It opened with more than The Tourist.
ReplyDeleteEither way, I don't watch the Golden Globes to see which movie is going to win. It's great to see celebs drunk off their ass.
My friends and I like to watch and play, "Who's Going To Rehab This Year?"
The only reason to watch these awards is to see a host like Ricky G. make them squirm in their seats and maybe a really drunk 'artist' up on stage screwing up their lines.
ReplyDeleteThat's it.
Unless an F-Bomb get's released I can just watch the Cliff Notes version the next day on the web.
The only things I watch on these shows are the opening numbers (I love when the cameras go to some humorless twat actor sitting in the audience). Then I tune into The Fashion Police the next day.