Friday, December 17, 2010

Four For Friday - Money Money Money

#1 - This former A list singer is providing her boyfriend with $10,000 a month living expenses. You know, in addition to everything else she pays for.

#2 - Speaking of money, this actor from a hit cable show is getting a divorce and one of the reasons is that his soon to be ex-wife pocketed about $200K of his money and won't tell him if she still has it or spent it.

#3 - This A+ list movie actor gets charged by his wife each time they have sex. If he wants it, then he needs to give her the cash upfront. Well, if I had to have sex with him, I would probably want to get paid to. I wonder how much she charged him for the kid.

#4 -Money is obviously not a problem for this B list movie and television actor who has serious hair issues to go along with his bad attitude. He had so many parking tickets for one of his cars that he just walked away from the car rather than pay the accumulated $10,000 in fines on the car.


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