Over the weekend, TMZ released some photos of Alex Welch. You probably don't know the name, but Alex was the woman allegedly punched by Demi Lovato on a private plane flight from Colombia. According to rumor and innuendo, Alex was sitting in her seat when Demi came up to her and punched her right in the face. After the punch was thrown, Demi was thrown off the plane and the next thing you know Demi was in rehab.
I am guessing that Alex and her pictures might have shown up because Alex has hired a lawyer and is exploring her legal options. I smell lawsuit. That looks painful.
was it planned to have all the posts about violence put together? yikes!
ReplyDeleteIf you're rich you hit you pay. If you're poor you hit you go to county jail.
ReplyDelete'nuff said.
Boo hoo. Yes. Demi punched her. It was a terrible thing to do, but I think she's been punished enough. Embarrassed in the press, off the tour, in rehab, etc... If this girl wanted to press charges against her, she could have easily contacted the proper authorities. She didn't. Instead, she send pics out and contacts an attorney. This girl is an idiot if she decides to go up against Demi and the Disney machine. She'll give new meaning to the phrase "you'll never work in this town again." If she can't handle being a dancer on the Jonas Brothers/Demi Lovato tour, she is in for a rude awakening when she tris getting on a real rock band's tour. Good luck with that!
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't she punch her back?
ReplyDeleteShe deserves a paycheck. Demi's handlers should've taken care of that already.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ice Angel. Boo hoo indeed.
ReplyDeleteIt is said that the reason she didn't contact a lawyer earlier is because she continued on tour. That doesn't make sense. She could have called 911 the minute she got off the plane.
Won't the big problem be is where the jurisdiction lies in this case?
ReplyDeleteColumbia? The registry of the private jet?
Im surprised she got thrown out of her own flight. Or was it full of other people?
ReplyDeleteI agree though, violence is always horrible but she should have called the cops.
What does the law say? Is she the one that has to press charges or can it be done by any prosecutor?
@Ice Angel
ReplyDeleteShe's been punished enough? How? She is a girl with a substance abuse problem who hit someone. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her because she likes to sniff coke pop pills and drink alcohol. Everything that has happened to her is her OWN doing, people love to blame Disney for the problems of their stars, (and while they do hold some of them blame)people are RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS. If she is embarrassed it is because of actions that she did on her own. no one held a gun to her head and made her do anything.
As for this girl she might be an opportunist but i doubt anyone here would allow ANYBODY let alone a CELEBRITY put their hands on them and not do something about it.
Lady J-if an every day person did this, you would expect them to call the police. But since it's a celebrity with deep pockets, she is seeking the advice of an attorney and sending the pics out-opportunist.
ReplyDeleteBut honestly-what is/should be the penalty for giving someone a black eye? First offense? Probably no jail time and perhaps a fine or public service or something.
My point is that if a coworker did this to you and they were fired from their job (the tour) kicked off a flight and sent home and ended up in rehab, would you sue? Over a black eye? Is there permanent damaage? Is she suffering post traumatic stress disorder? No. She continued on with the tour and posted pics and laughed about it with her friends. Plus she got a whole lot of publicity for the whole thing.
And no. I don't feel sorry for Demi and wasn't defending her. I hope she gets the help she totally needs. But this girl is also making a foolish mistake, in my opinion, for trying to cash in on the situation. I am sure she is going to encounter a lot of drugs and crazy behavior if she is to continue with her profession and she needs to toughen up a bit. If I was hiring dancers for say a Black Eyed Peas tour or something like that, I wouldn't want a letigious, attention seeking person on my payroll. That's all.
ditto Mooshki!
ReplyDeleteand enty, every colombian i know thanks you for spelling the name of their country right, as opposed to w/ a 'u', as most americans tend to do.
You would think Demi's people would have cut this girl a check with a confidentiality clause attached already.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what provoked the punch or whatever, but regardless, Demi should be punished somehow unless she was defending herself.
@Ice Angel
ReplyDeleteI see where ur coming from.
@Lady J...thanks! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell, she needs to face some kind of punishment, even if its a just a fine. And she needs to pay up something to this young girl for the crime of a sucker punch. Gah, if you're going to fight, let it at least be a fair fight!
ReplyDeleteGee, I thought suing someone was the American way of life. As the flight was in-mid air, no sure about jurisdiction, but if it is Columbia, I wouldn't try to file something like this there. She may have tried to file some charges already and we don't know.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the girl was disoriented and pressured by those around her not to do anything. Perhaps promises were made that were backed out of. Yes, it's opportunistic, but if I was knocked out of my seat, I'd be pretty pissed as well.
As for the "you're done in this town" attitude, IMO it's always nice to think about labour laws - that should include being free from harm. How Draconion if Disney is allowed to get away with.
I'm sorry, but if you punch me, you'd thank your lucky stars if I just whimpered and got a lawyer....
ReplyDeleteBlack my eye, and you're coming back with a split lip and a bloody nose at the *very* least.
I won't start a fight, but I will by God finish it.
right on, K.
ReplyDeleteShe'll give new meaning to the phrase "you'll never work in this town again." If she can't handle being a dancer on the Jonas Brothers/Demi Lovato tour, she is in for a rude awakening when she tris getting on a real rock band's tour.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but that made me laugh so hard. A real rock band tour? Since when do they have dancers? lol
Agree with MadLyb....and K :)