Monday, December 13, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

These two singers are always compared to one another in the press. They look like each other, sort of sound the same, and are going for the same target audience. You’d be surprised to know however, that both are perpetuating this public ‘competition’ because it boosts the sales of both.


  1. Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Katey Perry and Lady Gaga. Similar music and outrageous styling.

  4. A part of me wants to say....Katy Perry & Zooey Deschanel...but Zooey doesn't sound anything like Katy.

    I'm going to go with Lady Gaga & Ke$ha.

  5. Gaga and Christina.

  6. My 1st thought was Christina Aguilera and Gaga, except they do not sound alike at all. I'm leaning more toward the Ke$ha/Gaga comparison.

  7. lil kim and nicki minaj. FTW.

  8. Back in the day it used to be Christina and Britney.

  9. Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj.

    -other Cheryl

  10. Michelle Branch & the singer that looks like her?!

  11. Gaga and Madonna? Not that I agree it's just that ShowBiz tonight made the comparison. Not that ShowBiz tonight is always right. Just throwing another option out there is all. :p

  12. Beyonce and Rihanna.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Ooh, I agree, Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj.

  15. I think it's the Disney girls - Selena and Demi. I get them confused, too. Since I don't watch the Disney channel, they seem like the same person.

    You'd have to have been off the planet for many years to confuse Madonna with Lady Gaga or Lady Gaga for Christina Aguilera. Granted, it's obvious Madonna was one of Lady Gaga's major influences, but there is no way you can confuse them.

  16. Carrie Underwood and Kelli Pickler

  17. Is this the silliest blind ever? Who cares if they know that they are compared or not.

  18. Nicki Minaj and Lil' Kim.

  19. I immediately thought of Selena/Demi, even though I have no idea what they sound like (singing).

    The only two people I ever really get confused are Amy Adams/Isla Fischer

  20. Okay, this cannot be Gaga and Aguilera. I think it has to be a public "feud" between the two, not just two people who sound the same. There's nothing between Gaga and Aguilera that would make them "in on" the competition.

    Therefore...Minaj and Lil Kim. They're the only two who truly have a self-induced feud.

  21. I'm going with Lady Gaga and Gwen Stefani (not sure if that's spelled right)

  22. Gren Stefani and Xtina?

  23. I don't think this one has anything to do with Christina. Her album tanked. The public competition hardly helped her album sales lol.

  24. I guess I thought the only feuding and comparisons in sounds and looks and same general audience were the Carrie Underwood Taylor Swift showdowns always always always in Nashville awards stories.

  25. (And Carrie Underwood famously snubbed/cut short fawning over Taylor at some awards, and Taylor's rep famously slammed American Idol, and am I just imagining it or aren't there constant Who's the Country Sweetheart/Queen stories about those two? They both just make a bazillion bucks and keep hauling off all the awards too.)

  26. What about Kanye and Fiddy---didn't that have a competition awhile ago regarding record sales?

    I don't see anything that indicates these are young females---
