Tuesday, December 07, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This C List actress leaves LA for Thanksgiving to be with family in the Midwest. This year she did a little Black Friday scamming shopping with family. She went to Target and got gift cards for spending a certain amount and then took all the stuff she bought back to Walmart. She ended up with large amounts of gift cards to both stores and no one batted an eye because she’s famous. She was just in a movie so we don’t see the need for her to abuse the system…


  1. Don't have a guess, but there was also no need for Winona to have sticky fingers, but she did. Celebrities probably get bored.

  2. i had enough money to buy that lisptick when i was 15,it's about the thrill.

  3. Technically she's only scamming Wal Mart, and in my opinion, they deserve to be scammed.

  4. "She went to Target and got gift cards for spending a certain amount and then took all the stuff she bought back to Walmart."

    WTF. Wouldn't this have read that she took it back to Target?

    Anyway, whomever, it is has no class.

  5. What rebellious said.

    I think Enty was hitting the bong before he wrote this.

    There's only ONE actress I know who regularly comes to the Midwest to see her relatives...and she'd NEVER do this. Not now, not ever. No sir.

    Whoever it is, should...think about their actions.

  6. Who has that much time ? Crazy people...

  7. For buying certain items available at both stores, Target gave her Target gift cards. She then returned the items to Walmart ("I lost the receipt") and kept the Target gift cards.

    Both stores were a little screwed by her actions.

    What a waste of time.

  8. @ The Nightmare Child

    This wasn't Enty's blind, it was BuzzFoto's.,

    But I agree the person needs to think about their actions and why they did this.

  9. Thanks, Skittle Kitty!

  10. I really don't know how some people sleep at night.

  11. You can't return an item purchased at a Target to a Walmart. Each large box store has their own sku numbers on the boxes. I found this out when I got married and tried to return some duplicates. I tried taking them back to Target (I had registerred there for every day things and appliances), I was told that they weren't purchased there. I had to then try taking them to other stores and found out they were purchased at Walmart.

  12. Nope, not true of Walmart, New Life. As long as Walmart carries that exact product, you can return it. I've done it enough times to be an expert. And no, not because I'm a scammer, but because I'm terrible about keeping receipts. The one thing Walmart has going against the practice is that you can only return things to them three times in one year without a receipt, as they take your driver's license info when you return now and keep it in an automated system. But, if it's all on one return, I'm sure they could get away with it.

  13. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I think Jenna Fisher from the office was home here in STL for Thanksgiving....Too lazy to google it.

    SURELY the nice Catholic Girl wouldn't try this!

    LOL I like her, hoping I'm wrong.

  14. Target is also stricter about their return policy than Walmart is. During the holidays, Walmart doesn't pay much attention even if there are no tags or receipts.If they carry the product, you can return it without much hassle.

  15. I don't believe in WalMart.

  16. For the many math challenged readers here, Target was not cheated even one penny.

    Walmart was cheated out of their profit, i.e. the difference between the total amount refunded and the aggregate cost of those goods. In my opinion, too bad they weren't taken for more.

  17. Generally, retailers can track those returns and will deactivate the gift cards associated with said returns.

  18. I tried returning a duplicate gift to Walmart last year and they wouldn't let me because it didn't come from there store. (It was season 2 of How I Met Your Mother which I'm sure they carried. If not in the store, at least online).

  19. ...and no one batted an eye because she's famous.

    So does that mean the customer service reps knew she was scamming them??

    Wal-marts return policy is ridiculously lax compared to the Nazi's at Target. I'm not surprised.

  20. This to vague to guess.

  21. I'm still not understanding exactly how this scam worked. And why even bother? WTF, in the end all she's got is gift cards for purchases at ... Target and Walmart.

  22. if you dont have a receipt you have to exchange. ive been in line and people get pissed but i guess if she was famous she could bat her eyelashes and just ask for giftcards instead.

  23. The scam is this. She got free gift cards at target, because she returned the gifts to walmart.

    What a puke. C List actress makes me think of someone in Twilight, or some show like that.

  24. Walmart's return policy is ridiculous. Maybe it's by individual store, but I know the one in my home town... pretty much if they sell it, they'll take it back (regardless of whether they originally sold it to you). In whatever condition. It's stupid. There are plenty of people who pull this scam who aren't famous too. They should change their return policy if they don't want to get scammed. They are evil though so I don't really care.

  25. amazon's return policy is the worst. you have 30 or 60 days to return, so forget it if you bought it for a gift. with or without receipt, you're screwed.
    i won't shop wal mart for two reasons, the main one being the size of their parking spaces (and the assholes that think "handicapped" means "cart return"), and the fact that they've been lying since the beginning. sure, sam whats-his-name is one of my best friend's godfather, but that whole "we only buy and sell american" was bullshit. i always got a laugh when i WOULD shop there, i'd get something home and it would be made in taiwan or some such.
    but now it's the parking. don't fuck with my car, my family, or my bunnies.

  26. The scam is simple. On Black Friday Target offered a $10 gift card with every $50 purchase before 10am.

    For example: The actress bought a $500 t.v. on black friday sale for $150 at Target before 10am that day. Target gave her 3 $10 Target gift cards to use in the future because of the amount she purchased.

    The actress then took the $500 t.v. to Walmart and told them she didn't have a receipt. Their return policy is lax and she was probably recognized so they didn't doubt her story and approved the return and gave her $500 (or however much the t.v. was worth at Walmart).

    The result: She "spent" $150 but gained $500 cash and 3 $10 Target gift cards.

    Target is not out anything. Walmart lost $$$.

    Actress is now on Santa's naughty list.

  27. She wouldn't have gotten cash from Walmart. She would have gotten Walmart gift cards for the amount of the items she returned, which the blind item said. Walmart's extremely lax return policy is that, if you don't have the receipt, they'll scan your driver's license and give you a gift card for the cheapest sale price they've had for the item you're returning. You can do this up to 3 times a year (they keep track with your driver's license #).

    Also, Target was giving $10 gift cards for every $100 spent, but guests were only supposed to get one gift card for each purchase, so if she bought a $500 TV there, she should have only received one $10 gift card. But since it was Black Friday and hectic, if you complained, they would scan additional gift cards for you to avoid the hassle. So whoever this was either broke up all of their items into multiple purchases or complained to get the additional gift cards.

    My money is on Kristen Bell. She brags about stealing hotel toiletries and she's also had issues in the past with taking additional swag items at events. She's from Detroit and Burlesque was released a couple weeks ago.

    Also, shame on everyone who thinks doing this is okay because Walmart is evil or whatever. It's crap like this that drives up the prices everywhere for everyone.
