Monday, December 06, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This actress who is out of town promoting a film about to be released that she has a small part in, has already battled substance abuse and now is about to tackle a new challenge: motherhood. The troubled star hooked up with a random guy at a bar before leaving to promote the film and is now pregnant. She will probably say when the news comes out that the baby belongs to her boyfriend. It doesn’t and couldn’t since the two haven’t slept together in six months.


Jessi said...

Pretty sure this has Winona written all over it.

danatestingsite said...

Definitely Winona.

timebob said...

I hope it is Winona she always seems so isolated and lonely. Sorta like the female Keanu.

At least this way she will have someone to love and be loved. And stay off the pills and stealing.

sunnyside1213 said...

I, think, it's Wino Forever. Other guesses on the web - Ashley Green.

Now! said...

If it's Winona, who is the official boyfriend?

Moose said...

Kirsten Dunst

RocketQueen said...

I'm with the Dunst guess.

Now! said...

If it's Dunst, who is the official boyfriend?

PotPourri said...

Winona. I guess some guy could be desperate to have a piece of a stealing idiot.

RocketQueen said...

@Nutty - Jason Boesel.

FluffyElmo said...

I immediately thought Winona. Kinda hope it isn't though she seemed to be getting herself together and raising a baby will only increase the pressure.

RocketQueen said...

Just reading BG and someone guessed Eva Mendez - which is also a good possibility.

nunaurbiz said...

If it is Winona, somewhere, some woman is saying, "Where the hell is my embryo? I swear it was just here before that Winona chick showed up...."

Anonymous said...

Double LOLs at nunaurbiz!!!!

As for who is Winona's boyfriend, it might be easier to determine who HASN'T been Winona's boyfriend.

Unknown said...

IDK when this was originally posted, but Kate Bosworth just got back from Korea and I don't think it's too much of a stretch to believe she has dabbled in nose candy or that Alex Skarsgard hasn't bothered to touch her in 6 months.

ChasingHeaven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
K said...

It's called "Protected Sex" people. It's not difficult,and it keeps you from having the babies. I'm an old married lady and have been practicing it for the past 24 years. Seriously, it's easy. Look into it!

ctkat1 said...

Kirsten Dunst- been in rehab, promoting "All Good Things" (although she is one of the leads- not sure if it is considered a small part), dating Jason Boesel (drummer for Rilo Kiley).

Winona- rumored substance abuse, promoting small part in "Black Swan", stated in interview recently that she was single.

Kate Bosworth- rumored coke habit, promoting female lead in "Warriors Way", dating Alex Skaarsgard, rumored to have take a break in their relationship recently.

Eva Mendes- stay in rehab, promoting small part in "Last Night", recently in Morocco at film festival, dating filmmaker George Augusto since 2002.

Could be any of them!

Anonymous said...

Guys its natalie portman!!


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