Monday, December 06, 2010

"Bristol Palin" Says Her Mom Didn't Make Her Do DWTS

As big of a fan as I am of Margaret Cho and who is on tour right now and should not be missed, it was hard to believe what she said about Bristol Palin being forced to do DWTS. It seems pretty hard to force Bristol Palin to do anything. Maybe she could be bribed by her mother, but I don't know if she could ever be forced.

Anyway, someone alleging to be Bristol Palin said on Bristol's Facebook page that Bristol was not forced to perform on DWTS. "Bristol" says the show offered and then she decided. On her own. She also decided to take some swipes at Margaret Cho, promote her mom's book, and promote her mom's book some more. Oh, and promote her mom's book again.

The open letter "Bristol" wrote does not sound like anything I have ever really heard from her previously. It sounds like it was written by a professional pr person who was trying to sound like a teenager. Read it and you decide if she wrote it herself.


  1. Somehow I don't think the word "canard" is in Bristol Palin's everyday vocabulary.

  2. Enty, you should know as well as anyone that celebrity FB pages are rarely managed by the celebrity themselves. It's a PR site, written by communications professionals, as part of her overall communications/PR strategy.

  3. I'm with loserdude..No one uses "canard". I've got a very large vocabulary and it certainly isn't one of my every day words. Too bad no one can post a commment for this little shit..The Palins 15minutes need to be up tout de suite..And I do use that word on a regular basis.

  4. It sounds much more polished than anything she's presented before now.

    I don't think Sarah could force Bristol into doing anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if she guilted her into it.

  5. It's beyond obvious she didn't write that. She can hardly form a coherent sentence when spoken to. And I believe SP is more than able to force anyone in that family to do anything she wants them to do. I believe she's batty and they're all afraid to cross her and one day soon the public will see her as the nutcase she is.

  6. Am I the only one who saw the humor in Margaret Cho's joke? It was a joke.

  7. ITA, nataliesinger, Sarah runs the show.

  8. the entire country's collective knee-jerk reaction is to automatically slam all things palin. while most of it may be deserved, i highly doubt mama palin pushed bristol into this. yeah, fun to speculate and believe, but total bs, in my opinion. i like MC, but this was lame, even for her.

  9. EXACTLY what Pookie said.

  10. that letter is professionally written, no doubt in my mind. and i'm a professional.

  11. They already said Sarah's husband is going to be on next season's DWTS - I can totally see Sarah pushing it for publicity and probably did so for Bristol.
    If you read what Margaret Cho wrote, that does not sound like speculation, that sounds like something that was confessed to her.
    Also, Bristol was dumb enough to take Levi back the second he wanted her, even after announcing she was over him. That made me think she was pretty stupid.

  12. i wish they could have a professional write that other kids facebook. then perhaps there would be less gay-bashing.

  13. of course she didn't write that. canard? shit, her mother doesn't even know what that word means.

    most public figures don't respond to every single slight, every single time they find out about one. with this crew, it's all they seem to get done.

  14. Anonymous1:21 PM

    If we DON'T read the facebook page, and we just pretend the whole thing never happened, will the Palins go away?

  15. brendalove - not if everyone keeps bringing them up!

    gahhhhhhhhh - i'm with you. i just want them to disappear

  16. Maybe she'd just seen "The Natural" and looked up the word after she heard it. Then thought she'd use it as soon as possible.

  17. I've got kids from 27 to 33, and I assure you they have no idea who kd lang and The Indigo Girls are. I find it hard to believe Bristol Palin does. I really can't imagine Sarah and Todd exposing her to that type of music, and I don't think most teenagers listen to that type of music.

  18. kd lang came out in 1992 -- damn near 20 years ago. Not only would Bristol have no clue who kd lang was if she ran into her today I doubt she'd even realize kd lang is a woman

  19. Maybe Mama Palin told Bristol she's gotta pay for baby diapers somehow it's either DWTS or Burger King.

    Someone has to pay for Tripp seeing that view of Russia from Grandma's house.

  20. I could tell it wasn't written by her based on the title of the post. HA!

    I don't really think what Margaret said was THAT big a deal to warrant this post. I think the Palin's like having the last word.

  21. I must be the only person on this forum who thinks MC's version of humor is completely meh.....

  22. OK I am 29 and I know who kd lang AND the indigo girls are. TRUE I grew up in a liberal Pacific NW area but that they were actually on my junior high playlist
