Thursday, December 02, 2010

Amber Is A Drug Addict

Amber Portwood has had her baby back for two days and today The Enquirer is claiming that Amber is a full blown drug addict and that Leah had to be saved from choking to death on a chocolate while Amber did nothing because she was whacked out of her mind on drugs and someone else had to reach inside Leah's mouth and pull it out.

The report says that Amber has been prescribed Klonopin for her anger problems, and Tramadol for back pain, but that she gets a bunch of other drugs from dealers and friends including, hydrocodone, morphine, Vyvanse and Adderall. To me, that sounds like a recipe for an overdose and I can't believe the state is letting her keep Leah.


  1. You must go over to dlisted and check out the abomination that is her tattoo. Gross.

  2. damn gurl, you need to get yrself to target. they have the best pill bottles out there.
    and klonopin isn't for ~*anger*~, its for anxiety. (i'm on that) and Tramadol... does that really do anything for anyone? Maybe I've just never been given high enough doses. I know its an opiate though.

    but holy shit, morphine + adderall? you're in danger! and I haven't been following too close, the state is letting her keep Leah???? what about Gary?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Um, I would think/hope they'd drug test before they let her have her kid back. What's up with that??

    And um, in that picture that kind of angry neanderthal brow she has really stands out. Why is it it's always the violent people that have it?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. who isn't?

    (i only read the headline).

  7. @kathrynnova. you are depriving yourself of some gossip gold by only reading the headlines. Plus, sometimes Enty must be drunk blogging cause he is so funny. I know I am.

  8. Damn - when my dad was dying of cancer he was only on oxycontin and paxil! What kind of docs does she have that is supplyig all these meds?!?! And they need to get Leah in foster care STAT - neither her nor Gary are good parents :(

  9. Having myself contacted CPS many times about a family member who is a heroin addict with a small child I can tell you that being a drug addict is not reason enough for the authority's to terminate parental rights. One must somehow show that the drug addiction directly causes neglect or abuse of the child, which is very difficult to do. They are more likely to direct her towards drug groups, parenting classes, and other "resources" than take her child.

  10. i read CPS was impressed that she cleaned up the apartment and decided it was now an acceptable environment for leah. (sigh)

    CPS is essentially worthless, if you want my opinion. they leave/return kids to unfit parents every day, often with disastrous results.

    gary's a loser, but at least he loves his kid. i hope he keeps a close eye on her, because nobody else is going to, apparently.

  11. A. Bedelia. That's awful :(

  12. Tramadol is an "opiate agonist", which I believe isn't actually a narcotic. (I've been wrong before, however.)
    It won't do anything for severe pain, but it sure will take the edge off back pain or something more minor. And let you keep your wits about you at the same time. I'm a fan.

  13. What I want to know is how Leah managed to get a chocolate away from Amber. Most of the pictures I've seen of her look like she whould shank a bitch for a piece of candy or any other food. Oh and that tattoo she just wasted her money on is God-awful

  14. ^HA!!

    OMFG that tattoo is HORRIBLE.

    She is a tragic looking girl.

  15. how about a show on the peeps that make up this f-ed up system (i know it wont be done)- BUT it would make a sh!tload of people pissed off!
    michael moore listening???

  16. I can't believe that she is taking Tramadol, hydrocodone and morphine together. And then Vyvanse and Adderall together? She's going to have a freakin heart attack.
