Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Airport Celeb Stories - Khloe Kardashian & Kevin Smith

So, it is not just Josh Duhamel that seems to be making news in the airports or on planes, a couple of other celebs got into the act this week. For some reason I still do not understand, Khloe Kardashian was on George Lopez last night. Explain to me why. Her show is over. The new season does not have her on it much so why was she cluttering up my television? George could not find any other human being who was more worthy? Seriously George? Maybe he is just hoping Khloe will introduce him to some women now that his wife left him after all those hookers.

Anyway, Khloe compared a recent trip through airport security as rape. Really? You got groped by a TSA guy because you did not want to go through a body scan. I understand that female was in your personal space, but it seems to me that by comparing it to rape you are minimizing the horror of an actual rape. If you don't want to get groped by a woman then go through the scanner or don't fly.

I have been groped once just to see what it is like. Is it fun? No. But, what choice do I give them if I say no to a body scan? I don't mind the body scans. I would rather do that then go back and forth through the metal detector five times removing more and more clothing each time.

Meanwhile, Kevin Smith complained on his blog about being denied boarding on Virgin America. It seems that the rest of the plane was ready to go, but Kevin and his wife were not. They wanted the plane to wait for them. It didn't. So, Kevin threw a hissy fit because the plane had shut its door and would not let him on. He says that he was more upset they would not remove his bags to get his wife's medication. OK, two things. Usually a plane will not fly with bags that are not with a person on the plane. If for some reason they did, then why would the airline delay the flight longer to remove his bags and if the medication is so important why was his wife checking it anyway? Has he never lost a bag?

Kevin said Virgin kissed his ass and gave him new tickets to use and an apology. I think they should have told him that he and his wife can't make an entire plane full of people wait for them to deign themselves ready to fly.


  1. If ordinary people acted like this...

  2. Just read that a couple of law students are taking the TSA searches to court to determine constitutionality. Good luck to them.

  3. My only concern about the body scans is with all the traveling I do is how harmful are these X-rays to the human body?!? Can they be carcinogenic?!?! The problem is there is not enough evidence to let you know either way.

  4. The searches are blatantly unconstitutional. I hope they win.

  5. These celebs are so cheap. The studios or sponsors fly them private or VIP commercial. So when it comes time for them to fly personally. They are too cheap to cough up the money to rent a private plane or pay for VIP status on commercial airlines. YET they expect that service for free.

    Fuck them and the plane they rode in on.

  6. I would rather be groped than have a barely trained person use a possibly defective x-ray device on me.

  7. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Agreed that the searches are unconstitutional. Good for those students.

    Khloe is worthless and taking up someone else's ration of oxygen. She's a cunt, like her equally worthless sisters, and I hope she is miserable for the rest of her life. Of course she minimizes rape. She has no empathy whatsoever for anyone else.

    Kevin Smith likes bitching like he likes cake. And beer. And wings.

  8. I have loved Kevin Smith for what, 15 years? I'm starting to think he's kind of an asshole. Fuck him. But I still want him to go work for George Lucas.

  9. MontanaMarriott - MSNBC had an article recently that said there is more radiation in the actual flight itself than the scanners.

  10. That SNL skit was hilarious the other night:

    "I'm Kim, the cute one."
    "I'm Kourtney, the smart one."
    "I'm Khloe."

  11. I'd rather be bodyscanned alt. groped by security than dead. That is all.

  12. My only gripe with Kevin is, who the hell puts their meds in their luggage? That is just stupid!

    Khloe is so fucking annoying that even when she makes a point, I can't agree with her. Fucking Yeti Monster.

  13. Had no idea, thanks Ms. Cool

  14. Khloe is just scared the scanner will reveal her penis.

  15. Khloe Kardahian is too ignorant to engage in a debate over the necessity and/or legality of TSA's use of Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT). She (and her sisters) successfully insert themselves in current popular topics and the press buys their tactics thus perpetuating popularity. If all media stopped "reporting" on these useless creatures then they would shrivel up and fall back to obscurity.
    Kevin Smith is one of those egocentric travelers who are standing in line at McDonalds as the airline pages them and the rest of the passengers wait to depart. The doors close 10 minutes before flight time so the plane can depart on time. Everyone knows to carry medicine and valuables on.

  16. I think it's time for a "Dear Richard" letter...

  17. Wow, Khloe. Rape, really? I guess she has never been sexually assaulted, because anyone who has been through that would not call it that.

    Funny story about those scanners, my daughter went through one recently-she is 21 with a very curvy body and is petite and attractive-anyways she went through the scanner and said "yeah, get a full look now because it is the last time you will see this. Burn it in your brain before you get to the boner killer behind me". A very large, large man was behind her. She's a smart ass, but I love it and her.

  18. Parissucksliterally, you got that one right. Who carries their meds in luggage? I have 25 prescriptions I take on a daily/weekly basis and lug the whole damn batch in a back pack through the airport and lock them in my room at my destination -so if my arthritic, screwed up,autoimmune impaired, crippled ass can lug my shit through the airport- then Smith's wife can do the same.

  19. It's official - Kevin Smith is a douche. As if, there were any question.

    I would go with the body scan. I think these measures suck, but I would rather go through with it than be on a plane that blows up.

  20. Time for a Dear Richard letter.

  21. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Kevin was late for the plane because he was enjoying his 6th McRib of the day.


  22. @shakey - I though they had their enunciations down pat.

    @Maja. With a J. - Exactly!

    The Kardashians were on Conan recently, so maybe they are doing a TBS tour. I am not sure what they were promoting on Conan either?

    I'm calling BS on the Kevin Smith claim. How old is he? How long has he been flying? WTH would his wife put needed medication in checked luggage?? And if he wants an plane to be that accommodating, he needs to get his own.

  23. I'm really sorry to hear this about Kevin Smith. Anybody here have any kind of rational excuse for delaying a flight this way? I'm looking for some reason to keep liking him.

  24. This isn't the first time Kevin Smith has acted like a twat in airports. I;m shocked Virgin did anything to help him.

  25. I won't even check my make-up bag, I sure as hell wouldn't check the meds (if I had any).

    Said it before, I'll say it again...they can grope, pat, or scan me.

    I'd rather be alive.

  26. Don't fall prey to the fearmongering, or the terrorists win. These scans/searches are not going to affect your chances of dying in a terrorist attack.

  27. Yes, what Mooshki said. Airports are very porous places and the searches are very ineffectual. They're almost purely cosmetic. Lots of easier ways to get bombs on planes than in a passenger's knickers.

  28. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Kevin put up his side of the story here:

    If the plane is posted to leave a certain time, and they decide to leave early, then why have a posted leaving time in the first place? Does it matter when you get to the gate? 1 hour before or 1 minute before as long as it's before the posted time, you should be able to get on.

  29. Des,
    If you checked in, they consider you there, and therefore they are able to pull away from the gate early. You must be checked in 30 minutes prior, sometimes 20, depending on the airline. If you checked in and you're not there, all bets are off and it's your own damn fault.

    Holding up a plane is asshattery at its finest. And they tell you constantly to pack stuff like medication in your carry on bags.

  30. Sara Bellum - Kevin is absolutely twisting the facts. He is acting like the "posted time," which is the DEPARTURE time, is an appropriate time to get his overpampered mass-ass to the gate. The plane did not leave early; it boarded ON SCHEDULE and left ON TIME. He just got there right as it was supposed to leave - meaning, hit the runway and skies. As a frequent flyer, he should know that boarding happens usually 30m-45m before "posted" DEPARTURE time. He's being a whiney little toddler, just as he was when he was asked to buy two tickets on SWA, because he exceeded his seat allotment. Ask the passenger next to him how fair that was - or the whole plane full of people he expected to delay. He bums me out, because I actually liked him. But, his behavior is getting consistently more humiliating. Shame...

  31. Kevin Smith needs to get over himself---I certainly have. Good luck getting me to see another of his films!

    I like the scanners. Every scan of me....I'm flipping off the world! :D Can't wait to see if I make the interwebs, LOL!

  32. biggirl1988 said...
    Kevin was late for the plane because he was enjoying his 6th McRib of the day.



    You beat me to it!

  33. biggirl1988 said...
    Kevin was late for the plane because he was enjoying his 6th McRib of the day.



    You beat me to it!

  34. Oh for Effffs sake! Kevin Smith. Are you really this entitled?

  35. If it makes flying safer, I honestly don´t care about being searched and scanned.

  36. Before you crash down on Kevin Smith, read his side of the story...

    One of the only pricey indulgences I’m happy to pay for is First Class air travel. I fly LOTS, and when you’re also big fat-ass, the wider seats are definitely more comfortable...when you fly first {class}, you board first, sit down… and then EVERYONE files past you. And when you’re the Too Fat To Fly guy on a plane? Well, everyone stares. Then the whispering starts. A hundred people look right at you - when you’re not on a stage. It kinda blows.

    ...Affleck told me that when he flies, he uses a concierge service: a company that works with the airport and each airlines. Their job is to get you to the plane on time, but not when boarding begins; that way, you don’t have to play the Elephant Man for passengers passing you en route to their seats. Essentially, you board last. The entire service is designed to get you to the plane door shortly before the door closes.

    We were at the airport and checked-in for over an hour before departure, waiting in the lounge. Dorothy, our concierge, has been doing her job for years; she knows EXACTLY how much time she has to get her clients to the plane before the door closes. This is how she makes her living, so it behooves her to know when to head for the plane; we had time. The plane was not only in sight, it REMAINED in sight for the next 15/20 minutes. Dorothy the concierge was, rightfully, beside herself: the gate agents made HER look bad - even though this is EXACTLY how she does her job every day.

    So that’s why I got to the door ten minutes before the flight: because I was told to by a professional who’s been working JFK for years.

  37. There is plenty of douchebaggery here to go around. I know when I get my teeth X-rayed, my dentist puts a lead blanket over me and walks out of the room. I know this government doesn't care at all what happens to the slaves. Anyone of any consequence to this country flies charter, not commercial. I have been x-rayed. I have not seen any obese person be x-rayed. I would not want my cancer stricken Aunt to be x-rayed when she travels to visit me.

    But, a more interesting question: If I choose pat-down instead, and they need to check the crack of my butt, and I'm wearing support hose that virtually obscure absolutely all of the crack of my butt, what then?????

  38. thank you, jerry.
    i knew there was something fishy with that story.
    kevin's never been one to draw attention to himself because he IS embarrassed by his size, maybe, like me he has cushings syndrome/disease and hasn't been diagnosed,because he has been trying for years to lose weight. AND he is one grade A, super nice guy.
    lets face it, anything that every happens in an airport he happens to be in, there's going to be a story, because he stood up for his rights and pissed the airlines off when they kicked him off that time (which, BTW, he DID fit in the seat, arms down, seatbelt on. he was seated and comfortable and they demanded he leave AFTER the fact).
    this is why he prefers to drive when he can.



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