Thursday, November 04, 2010

Yo Quiero Taco Bell - Unless You Are Jon Gosselin & His Girlfriend

Apparently the thought of someone taking their picture is extremely upsetting to the girlfriend of Jon Gosselin. Let us see how she feels about all that when the pair break up and she starts selling her stories to the tabloids. Anyhow, Ellen Ross and Jon were in a drive thru at a Taco Bell close to Jon's house when the employees acted like humans and started whispering about Jon and just acting goofy. Ellen expected five star treatment from the staff and wrote a letter demanding such. Note, there are racist undertones in her letter.

When we pulled up to the window there were three girls inside and a man. The three girls noticed who Jon was as his phone rang and he answered (it was his attorney, coincidentally), they proceeded to laugh loudly and talk about him as if he weren't there they said "OMG how funny, that's him OMG, say something to him say something." Jon put his car window up to avoid them. Every employee inside was gathered at the window staring and talking loudly about us. When we put the window back down to get our food, one employee (she had a wrap around her head) pulled out her cell phone and held it up to us to try and take a picture, while laughing at us. No one did or said anything to stop this. It was humiliating. We are sending a certified letter complaining about the manager's lack of professionalism and his obvious lack of control on his staff. I also want to be put in touch with the owner, and I will go to corporate to file a complaint if this problem is not addressed properly. I expect it to be resolved immediately since there is no excuse for your employees to make a spectacle out of us for their entertainment when they need to be doing their jobs, so instead they violated our privacy. I surely hope this employee whom I see frequently (the one with the wrap) can be terminated immediately. Employees be terminated immediately or we will sue your company for taking pictures of us while we waited for our food. At this point we had already paid. I am extremely disgusted by this conduct.

I am happy to report that no one was fired at the store and if I was one of the employees I would have also been standing at the window and laughing at them too while trying to take their picture. Ellen does not have any problems with people taking her picture if it is going into the national magazines. Maybe it was the laughing? You are dating Jon Gosselin how are people not going to laugh?


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