Thursday, November 18, 2010

Willow Palin Thought She Was Pregnant

Apparently spouting out homophobic slurs is not the only way Willow Palin spends her free time. The 16 year old who is sure to be a contestant on DWTS at some point in the future, was also making a bid to be on Teen Mom. According to The National Enquirer, Willow has been having sex with her 18 year old boyfriend. They said that Willow was scared because her period was a week late so she went out and bought a home pregnancy test.

I'm guessing the results were negative or we would have heard something more about it. Can you imagine if she was pregnant? Crazy.


  1. Sounds like Willow got a taste of fame/attention and wants to get pregnant like her sister.

    Why are these Palin kids so ass backwards. Here's a thought, go out get a degree and help people. And try getting married first for love and then having kids. Just a crazy thought.

    As slimy as people think Bill & Hillary Clinton are. They raised one hell of a kid together.

  2. Who the hell is Willow???

  3. really tried hard, but just couldn't care less .

  4. There's something off with this family. Can't put my hand on it. If Sarah Palin makes it to the White House, Switzerland here we come!

  5. Yes, I'm crossing a border also....
    This is some family..

  6. Is the oldest son still in the military and far away from this mess?

  7. I agree with TimeBob.

    You always hear about how liberals are ruining the moral fabric of our society, but the Clinton's did a great job in raising their daughter.

    Hey Sarah-How's that Christian Conservative changy hopey whatever thing workin' for yer family?

  8. I guess there's nothing else for teens to do in whatever town they live in?

    Send her off to boarding school - maybe she'll learn some manners and some rules from others because Mom and Dad sure aren't teaching them much.

  9. This is the sister of the same girl who gets paid for making public appearances and filming cheesy PSA's with the likes of The Situation to promote abstinence, right?

    God I hate the Palins. I wish the earth would just open up and swallow all of them already.

  10. The attention-whore nuts don't fall far from the tree. I'm a staunch moderate, so I don't go off on either end of the political spectrum even though both sides infuriate me on a regular basis. So this comment about Sarah Palin is based on my thoughts on her as a human being, not as the face of a political group - She is a HORRIBLE mother, wife, public servant, and human. I almost can't blame her kids for being so shallow and horrible. Sarah is the epitome of narcissism. I don't doubt that these girls would do ANYTHING for attention and "love". They have probably received very little from their mom, the person who is suppose to love you more than anyone. I truly hate Sarah Palin, I don't feel that way about conservatives in general.

  11. OK...why are we talking about a 16 year old girl's pregnancy scare?

  12. @RJ-don't hold back...please tell us how you really feel!

  13. @timebob: Absolutely! No matter what else you say about them, the Clintons must have done something right for Chelsea to turn out so well.
    What gets me about this is Sarah Palin's reputation as some kind of paragon of "traditional American values," or something like that, and this is daughter #2 with a teen pregnancy issue. If you can't instill these values in your kids, where do you get off pontificating about them to America? When are all her supporters going to see through her, if ever?

  14. Question: While I don't agree with the use of the language that was used by Willow on her FB nor of the language of most of the other kids in the messaging either (there were the slurs, plus lots of swearing and abbreviated swearing.)

    But here is my question. Is it really "homophobic" to call someone a name if you aren't referring to their sexual orientation? I mean, certainly to call someone that you know to be a homosexual a slur, that to me would be homophobic and cruel. But to just say the words, while perhaps generalized insensitivity, are they really homophobic? I mean...I even hear a lot of my gay friends use the same words all the time and not just at their fellow homosexual friends but hetero friends as well.

  15. The Situation is promoting abstinence too? Wow. LOL!

  16. I'm going to question this story. I have two teens who do not have regular periods yet, and neither did I at that age. I don't know if others have a similar biology, but it seems like I was around 20 before it became consistent.

  17. @ HannahPalindrome: Ha-ha!
    @RJ: You said everything I wanted to, more eloquently.

  18. Imagine the outcry if the Obama's daughters were engaged in even a hint of this behavior. Family values indeed.

  19. shakey:

    They filmed a cringeworthy PSA together, yep.

  20. I'm no fan of the Palins but I think politician's children, all politicians of all political stripes, should be off limits. It's hard enough being a kid without having the National Enquirer speculating about your sex life.

  21. she is a credit to her mother....

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. For the love of god, when will this disgusting, trashy family from hell go away? When??? The fact that people like this with no redeeming value, usefulness and with nothing constructive to add to the national dialogue can get so famous in America makes me terrified for the future of this country. Beam me up!

  24. Looserdude...that would be true if the politician children themselves weren't in the limelight....but in the case of the palins...nope.

    you can't ask for privacy when you are constantly thrusting your family on tv.

    You can't ask for privacy when you are constantly telling other people how they should raise their children like how you raise your children.

    Abstinence only education works people.....look at BRistol Palin....shining example of how it works. When is she going to college...when is she going to get a job that doesn't involve her mother in some capacity.

  25. Palin is a hypocrite nut-job so I wouldn't be surprised by anything that her family does. But that is par for the course for politicians--liberals and conservatives alike. If the Republican Party nominates her for their Presidential candidate they will pay for it dearly.

  26. @Ice Angel, just put down as "undecided". Hee hee. I also agree with you that the WordPolice aren't really taking the use of potentially offensive words in the proper context. Most of the time I think it's pretty obvious when a word is being used in a legitimately hateful way and when it's not. Homosexual slurs and the word "retard" are lightning rods for people who are looking to be outraged. Liberals jumped on Willow's post because of who her mother is, pure and simple. That being said, I do think the bullying of gay and lesbian teens is a VERY widespread and serious problem, so where do you draw the line? I actually really don't where I come down on this. I don't want the WordPolice to tell me what I can view as humor and what I can't. However, I also don't want to support words that contribute to the trashing of an entire group of people. How do the gay/lesbian on CDAN feel about straights using words and phrases like "that's so gay", "you are such a 'mo"? I never consider it insulting to gays when I hear things like that, but I'd like to know if you do.

    Personally, I never use the "f-word". I find it offensive all the time. Like the "n-word".

  27. @ timebob - totally agree.

    We seem to keep having this conversation about "faggot". Listen, the word is used to disparage/denigrate someone by implying they are gay. By definition, it implies that gay people are less than "ok" and accepted. By using the word "faggot", you are denigrating gay people. Period.

  28. OMG 0, that is hilarious! "Magnum!" I think the message would have worked better if the word situation wasn't used so much. A bit confusing.

    RJ, I never use the f-word, but I also don't call things "gay". Could be at the time that I grew up it just wasn't used period, but I don't use it even now. I think when someone says "that's so gay" it implies that someone who is gay is ridiculous/lame/whatever. Just my 2¢.

  29. RJ, you are my new hero.
    The other things I wanted to say, TimeBob already said. :)

  30. @Patty - I don't understand. Are you saying that you doubt that she could be pregnant before she's regular?

    I'd *love* for this story to be true. One teenage mom in the family could be an accident. Two teenage moms is a clear sign that something is missing in the parenting. And I think that Sarah Palin is the biggest hypocrit out there. It kills me that she's trying to become the figurehead of the tea party movement, because I identify with the tea partiers but cannot stand this useless, unqualified celebrity/"politician".

  31. @Valerie-Sarah Palin isn't trying to be the figurehead for the tea party movement. She IS the figurehead for the tea party movement.

  32. @Vanessa-is Bristol really touting abstience only education? I just thought the was touting another form of birth know...the one that is 100% effective 100% of the time. No STD's, no unwanted pregnancies, no public humiliation, no one calling you names or speculating about your sex life. I stayed abstient until after I was an adult and somehow managed to avoid all of that, while many of my friends caught diseases and got pregnant even when playing it "safe."

  33. Well said, RocketQueen. I agree completely.

  34. This is so sadly ridiculous; Some classmate of Willow Palin tells the Enquirer that "she was worried she was pregnant" and the Enquirer runs with the story just "assuming" it's fact? That's bullshit to put something like that out there about ANYONE'S 16 year old.

  35. Bristol doing a PSA for abstinence is like Gibson doing a PSA for a synogogue.

    This family is made of fail, but ever since Enty posted that The Situation is going to make $5 mil this year, nothing about my country surprises me anymore.

  36. I think the f-word in question is not fuck. I thought that at first, too. I was like, fuck that!

  37. The f-word that I was referring to is definitely not "fuck". I fucking couldn't live with out the occassional fucking outburst. For clarification, the f-word I find equal to the n-word is faggot. I think that's a word that's always demeaning to gays. I also hate the word dyke.

  38. well, as emily litella would say, 'never mind.'


    BUT, i think the OTHER f word is as offensive as the n word, and these kids using it need to STOP. if i had a kid who said it and i knew about it, it would be dealt with, and if they did it on facebook, they wouldn't be on facebook anymore.

    teach your children well. it never goes out of style. all this 'that's just how kids talk today' (that i read yesterday) is a cop out. i'd rather they said FUCK than the other F word.

  39. Bristol has been pregnant two times so far this year. Once when she was pursuing a reality TV show deal with her ex, Levi, but the baby she was pregnant with was fathered by a guy she was dating through the winter and early spring named Ben Barber. Levi and Bristol couldn't land a TV deal, and even he had second thoughts about pretending to be the new baby daddy (since the moolah wasn't coming.) Bristol either had an abortion or a convenient miscarriage. She is now about three to five months pregnant by a rebound guy.


    Watch the ever-expanding belly on Dancing with the Stars. It's quite fascinating, in a "I'm going to throw up in my mouth" kind of way. The Paylins ARE expert at extracting loads of money from rubes, that's for sure.

  40. Oh hell! Of you lived in Freaking Alaska, where all you can do is FUCK, you would too. There's no SouthEast Sky for Satellite, you people!

  41. Bristol has not been pregnant two times this year. And she is not pregnant now.

  42. Felicia, I believe you. As someone pointed out here the other day (maybe you), the strenuous exercise she's suddenly involved in, and she blows up like a balloon over the last few weeks? She should look 20 pounds thinner than when she started, not 40 pounds heavier!

    It's always the people who chirp loudest about their family values and parenting skills whose kids get knocked up. Reminds me of the gay-bashing, but closeted Congressmen.

  43. If it weren't for the fact that any poor child born to this family is going to grow up ignorant, uneducated, and bigoted like the rest of them, I would be happy to see another one of the holier-than-thou Palins knocked up out of wedlock. @#$%^&* hypocrites.



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