Monday, November 22, 2010

When Reality Sow Taping Meets Real Life

Last week on Real Housewives - Atlanta we saw that Kim Zolciak met Atlanta Falcons player Kroy Bierman. Now we find out she is 3 months pregnant. It is kind of like knowing the ending before we really even have a chance to get settled in and ask if the relationship is going to work or if they are going to see each other again or even have sex. Well, apparently the answer to all of those three questions is yes. Sure, she might have got pregnant via some other method, but I am pretty sure, the couple actually had sex. Kim confirmed on her Twitter today that she is three months pregnant. For now she does not plan on getting married.


  1. I thought this was already confirmed by her as well as him not wanting her anymore?

  2. Rather, him denying he had sex with her and got her knocked up?

  3. Reality "Sow"? Is that a typo? LOL

  4. @Jenny: I think it's a typo, but more accurate than not--and hilarious!

  5. Love the type-o in the title. How appropriate for this particular post.

  6. wait! I thought this trick announced she was a lesbian....I'm so confused. This is why I don't watch that show

  7. I think Kim is whatever she needs to be to stay important/relevant.

  8. @Sue Ellen.....ahhhhh, so she went to the White Oprah school of celebrity? makes sense now

  9. she's huge for 3 months. dear god.

  10. @BigMama

    Yes, exactly. This one said she had cancer and that's why she has to wear a wig. Then it came out that she never had cancer and wears wigs cause she likes them. Sounds a little crazy to me.

  11. Gawd I loves Freudian slips.
    And I'm even more thankful I don't watch this dreck.

  12. GIANT 3 month belly...
    This whole thing reeks

  13. YES, This is the way to insure an income without working...
    Does anyone wear a stupid...
    He's got 18 years of payments ahead of him...

  14. Did anyone see her on Watch What Happens Live last night and how she dodged the pregnant question (Does everyone think I look fat? She asked.) Meantime she avoided standing up on camera and kept her belly hidden the whole time. I wonder if Andy Cohen was mad that she waited until this morning on Twitter to announce instead of on his show. She looked SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off when people questioned her singing "ability." It was funny!!!!!!!

  15. Meantime, I suggest she stop the Botox, seriously, while she's pregnant.

  16. About her belly size - compare to Pink who is also 3 months...

    Kim is either having triplets or she's a lot farther along.

  17. She's quite hideous.

  18. @Jessica-
    Kim Z is not the physically fit specimen Pink is and You also have to remember that she's had 2 children before so 3 months pregnant is bound to look alittle bigger on someone with loose adominal muscles.

  19. Okay, I know I am old and everything, but why do they all feel the need for the naked/half naked pregnant belly picture?? Okay, we get that you are pregnant! don't need to see the belly shot.

  20. i would be shocked if she was a day less than 6 months with that ginormous belly...3 months my ass!

  21. Okay when I first saw the photo I thought her babydaddy was Corky from Life Goes On.

    Shit, I'm going straight to hell.

  22. Lol chopchop! I haven't thought about that show in AGES.

  23. @chopchop

    See you there. I pulled a "Gretkzy" this weekend at work.

  24. ok, while I do think she looks further along, I also have to admit that with my 3rd child, people were asking me when I was due at 4 months and looked shocked when they realized I wasn't that far along. So...some of us *fluffy* folks do show alot earlier. (hangs head due to the shame of defending this nut job)

  25. if she's 3 months pregnant, she has a litter in there.

  26. I understand that the housewives get a substantial bonus for babies and weddings.

  27. i thought that this was a pic of angelique for Rock of love

  28. emailchallenged - you should know, Angelique would NEVER wear that much clothing!

  29. No matter how much makeup, silicon, hair extensions, and plastic surgery one gets, an ugly woman is still an ugly woman.

  30. Erm...this lady doesn't need anymore kids.

    I almost fell off my couch last night when she mentioned she has a nursing degree. My mind could not wrap around the fact that she could potentially a) have a college degree and b) was ever in the medical profession? Can you imagine her bedside manner???? GROSS!

    Also, can we talk about how clueless Phaedra is with her baby? It was like watching one of those MTV 16 year old baby mama shows.

    Kroy Bierman is an idiot, obviously.

  31. That picture is AWFUL. Get rid of that blouse. It's hideous!

    A lot of belly pics come out looking tacky instead of beautiful, which is why I never took one. Pregnancy is beautiful, but you'd never guess it by looking at this barf-fest!
