Monday, November 29, 2010

What Do You Think? James Franco & Anne Hathaway As Oscar Hosts

Deadline is reporting that James Franco and Anne Hathaway have been asked and accepted the invitation to host the Academy Awards. This is an unusual move. The Academy thinks it will boost ratings big time by having them host. I don't know. Anne Hathaway can be funny, but if she is not on, then she can come across stiff and James Franco, well he can definitely be funny, but he can also come across as way too serious. The Academy Awards is four hours long. Desperately long. You need someone who can move it along and who is light and airy and breezy and the last thing you need is to make it more serious and more dramatic. I think this will either be a disaster or meh. I don't think it has any chance of being a home run.


  1. Would love to see Franco host it. The man at this point can do anything. Anne has always just been to shrill for me.

    The big issue is wether or not they will be nominated and host it or not. Franco seems to be a shoo in with 127 hours and Anne is 50/450 with Love and Other Drugs.

    I say let Ricky Gervais host it and take a piss out of of all the overinflated egos in the room.

  2. You know they'll bring good pot.

  3. timebob...I'd definitely tune in for a Ricky Gervais hosted show. Make it happen, pretty please?!

  4. does anyone even watch the oscars anymore?

  5. I didn't watch last year....boring

  6. Team Gervais, fo sho.

    I thought Jimmy Fallon did a good job hosting the Emmys? Was that what he hosted. I don't remember. But, I actually found some amusement in the whole thing.

  7. Ricky Gervais doesn't want to host it. He says it's to stiff and he can't drink as he hosts.

    JF is very funny but it doesn't translate into 4 hours of hosting. I'd rather see them do some type of opening skit.

  8. I thought Anne did a great job in her number with Hugh, so I'd be okay with her hosting. James Franco seems to do everything else (write, direct, soap operas...) why not let him host too?

  9. I think they could do it if there was decent writing for them, but the chances of that are zero.

  10. I would be worried that Franco would go off on some type of mental bender in the middle of the show. I like Anne, but I'm not so sure about her in this role. Still holding out hope that Neil Patrick Harris gets the hosting trifecta someday with the Oscars, but he doesn't seem to be everywhere anymore. Guess he's out of fashion since the twins arrived and he's just a stay at home dad now.

  11. Bob Saget should host it.

  12. I think it's hard to come up with someone who the Academy will like and will be interesting at the same time. I don't expect much out of the Oscars, anyway.

  13. These two over Betty White? Better yet, why not have a the cast of SNL host it-now THAT would be a freaking show!

  14. Team Gervais and Saget - basically, team COMEDIAN.

  15. so i guess Billy Crystal, Ellen Degeneres,Jon Stewart, Conan O'Brien, Steve Martin and Whoopi Goldberg were busy that day?

  16. I think someone just pulled two names out of a hat.

  17. I'll pass. Too bad they won't let Ricky drink. He is funnier drunk.

  18. Good lord, who cares about Anne Hathaway? I like her and all, but - I want to see 3 hours of Franco! I love him! Saw 'Pineapple Express' yesterday and he's utterly adorable. Both are clever and would make a great team.

  19. NO!

    team coco!
    or, if you want me to tune in for the entire 6 hours....Jon Hamm

  20. UPDATE!
    They just released a press release saying they are confirmed to host.

    Should be interesting to say the least.

  21. But I still think it would be weird to host the show if they both or one of them are nominated for an award.

  22. like them both.

    they are going to blow.

  23. I think Beavis and Butthead should host the Oscars. They would give it the respect it deserved.

  24. I vote for Stewie and Brian

  25. @skeeball: Stewie and Brian would rock!

  26. Bring back Hugh Jackman.

    If not could Jack Nicholson host just so he can say, " F*ck it! Let's all get drunk instead."

  27. I love James Franco but don't really care for Anne Hathaway.

  28. @ardleigh they asked him and he turned it down. He is focusing on Wolverine now.

  29. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I haven't watched the Oscars in years, but may have to tune in this year just to watch James Franco. LOVE him!

  30. I don't like this. Get me someone REALLY FUNNY.

  31. That is a terrible picture of Anne. She looks WEIRD.

    Go James! Do it!

  32. If they really wanted better ratings, they would have gotten Tom Cruise. EVERYONE would watch that train wreck.

  33. I like them both but not as hosts. They need real comedians. Why do they HAVE to have hosts?? Just have a bunch of different people acting as "hosts" & then the normal presenters.

  34. Franco and Hathaway are both funny and great eye candy but I don't know if they can pull off a 4 hour hosting gig.

    Ricky Gervais, Billy Crystal, Ellen Degeneres, Jon Stewart, Steve Martin are all good choices. Meanwhile Whoopi Goldberg is too insufferably smug and has lost her comedic mojo, and Bob Saget is foulmouthed and just plain unfunny.
