Friday, November 19, 2010

Vidoe Footage Discovered In Ronni Chasen Shooting

I don't know if the Ronni Chasen shooting gets much play in the media outside of Los Angeles, but this story fascinates me. You almost have to think this is either a big case of mistaken identity or something was happening in the world of Ronni Chasen that my mind cannot comprehend. Police in Beverly Hills say they still have no suspects in the shooting, but they do think they know what happened. Kind of. They think a vehicle, probably a SUV, pulled along the driver's side of Ronni's car and opened fire. They even think they know what block it happened because they found some broken glass in the street.

There is a red light camera at the intersection where they think the shots were fired but it did not get any photos of the shooting. There was some video which police removed from the former home of Buddy Hackett, which I am assuming might be helpful or else they would not have taken it. This is just the most bizarre crime. Who gets murdered this way? The police are saying it was intentional and not just some random shooting or carjacking.


  1. The BHPD finally figured that out. So not a car jacking gone wrong? Huh, no sense in jacking a banged up 'Cedes. BHPD needs more peeps.

    It was a professional hit.

  2. ROAD RAGE?!?! Who is driving around on a weekday at that time?

  3. I am sure that the LA police department will not be able to find the killers, but if by some miracle that were to happen, the LA prosecutors would not be able to convict them.

  4. Yes. it's played in New York and just give me the chills...What could she have done to deserve this..?

  5. I agree with rc&n. I can smell a professional hit from here and I live 3000 miles from California.

  6. With all the security cameras in Beverley Hills I suspect that, sooner or later, the police will get a glimpse of the SUV.

  7. Maybe it was one of those star-whackers that Randy Quaid is talking about.

  8. Speaking of Randy Quaid, look at this youtube video near the bottom of this webpage at Gawker.

    Is he telling the truth or really crazy? God, I love Gawker.

  9. I was reading an article this morning where an expert on gangs had been consulted, since that is one of the theories they had been kicking around -- that it was some kind of gang initiation or something. He pointed out that in those cases it was very unusual NOT to be shot in the face, which Ronni Chasen wasn't. All five shots were to the chest. His speculation was that it was a mob "message", but I find that kind of hard to believe.

  10. This gives me the willies.

  11. Me too, Lauren, something is just off about the whole story. It's a tragedy of course, but I can't help but think there was a whole lot more to this woman than what we know of her...

  12. God Bless your sense of super smell, Sue Ellen.

    This is just creepy. this is either a story with a big secret or some kind of road rage.

    Oh, and I love how cameras are everywhere, but so few of them work..

  13. It was a hit ordered by the Weinsteins.

  14. I've seen coverage of it here in NC & SC. It's a fascinating story to me too. Reminds me of something you see on 48 Hours Mystery. With all that video footage, I hope they are able to solve it.

  15. Oooooh, that's some private investigator! "I think someone pulled up beside her and shot her" -- now there's a daring hypothesis.

    Could be road rage? If it was a hit, it was good? I could have told them all that and I don't know anything.

  16. Vicki: Frankly, considering award season is coming up, and the lengths to which Harvey Weinstein will go to get Oscars, I wouldn't be at all surprised. Wonder what movies he has on deck for this year that might be award bait?...

  17. Buddy Hackett?

  18. Interested in this on the East Coast. Can't speak for TV, but it's easy to follow via Internet.

    A couple of things make this case fascinating:

    1. The lack of obvious motive, and her seemingly normal behavior earlier in the evening, including the innocuous phone message left shortly before her death.

    2. The extremely violent way that she was killed. Her assailant managed to hit her with five bullets while she was driving. Five hits to the body of a moving target?

  19. I always wait until my customer pulls up at the lights? Drive alongside and wave dollar bills at them, winding down my windows aforehand. If they open window or not, I empty my piece into them.
    Stationary target. Often no glass to deflect my first shot.
    I normally use a motorbike, for evasion purposes, but for some reason I was asked to use an SUV with plates supplied, so it would look like someonme's vehicle?
    No, I am only kidding.

  20. I was going to say...road rage? Dude is an awesome shot if he can pump 5 shots and land all of them in her chest when he's all pissed off like that. Even if he was stopped at a light. Unless you just happened to piss off a former sniper, that's a little unusual. Just because she was an older chick doesn't mean she wasn't a clean person w/a spotless rep. Hollywood doesn't have any morals. I agree with everyone else that it had to be a hit. They didn't even try to make it look like anything else. I'd love to know what went down to motivate these people to just blatantly smoke her on the street like that. It's got to be nasty.
    Feel bad for the lady. Horrible way to go. How terrifying.

  21. Yes, it's being covered here in NY - sounds like a weird story.


    These nuns, yes, sisters, may be USN Intelligence according to some.

    Star whackers? Hmmmm.



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