Monday, November 29, 2010

Today's Blind Items

I have written about this couple before, but apparently it is getting to the point where some kind of public announcement is coming. I don't remember how I described them in the past, but one is an openly gay male singer and the other is also male and a singer and is in a heterosexual marriage. Apparently, now that our married singer has ended his most recent tour, he is going to file divorce proceedings soon. He and the other singer are tired of living in the shadows and want to bring their relationship out in the open.


  1. The fun continues on the fan page...

  2. barry manilo and eric clapton

  3. Who does Ricky Martin hang out with...

  4. Clay Aiken and Keith Urban. Yes!

  5. Ricky is in a pretty well publicized relationship already... I don't think it's him. What about the American Idol guy?

  6. Not Clay Aiken though.. the newer one.

  7. The only ones I know of that are out would be Ricky Martin, Clay Aiken, Lance Bass, George Michael and Boy George. At least that I can think of.

    I wonder if one of them is Gavin Rossdale. The one in a heterosexual marriage. Enty has written about him before.

  8. @ Erin-I think you mean Adam Lambert

  9. Thank you Ice Angel! That's the one.

  10. Is George Michael still with his longterm partner, Kenny something (Goss?) If so, that would likely rule him out.

    What closeted, married singers just came off tour?

  11. Willie Nelson is in the news....


  12. Elton John and Marc Anthony? Haha.

  13. I like the Gavin guess!

  14. Didn't Clay & Ruben Studdard just tour together?

  15. Gavin Rossdale's tour ended a month ago. He's a good guess.

  16. Gavin FTW, totally. Poor Gwen.

  17. There would be a rich irony if this were Boy George & Gavin Rossdale, given Gavin's history with BG's friend/rival Marilyn. But I'm betting Gavin is going for the boytoy this time - Maybe Gavin & Adam Lambert

  18. Whoever it is, good for them. I can't imagine how hard it is to pretend to be something you're not. I hate how much pressure is on those in the entertainment industry and the world in general to be perfect hetero couples/families.

  19. well said memyselfandi. i hope these 2 guys can find happiness. it's a shame others may have to get hurt in the process, but i hope the 2 who want to be together get that.

  20. Is this the previous blind? I thought it was, but after reading it again, I'm not sure. The closeted gay guy in the previous blind is an actor, but a singer in this one. Anyone know of any other blinds that would fit this description?

    I don't know if you will ever get the first person in this blind, but he is a celebrity. He is a gay actor/singer/and bff of one of the biggest A list female singers in the world right now. Anyway, a few years ago our celebrity was involved in a relationship with this A list movie actor. Not just a fling, but a real relationship. Not living together, but it was still a relationship. Anyway, it ended a few years ago after our A list actor went from mainly (with one exception) obscure small roles to international stardom. Our celebrity says there was so much pressure on the relationship from so many different people and agents and managers it just could not survive.


  21. I agree with memyselfandi, but only to an extent. Yes, it's good for people to find happiness, but I'm going to bet that whoever the "hetero" singer is knew he was gay a long time ago. Assuming that it's Gavin, I'm sure that Gwen knew that he was at least bi. But then why have kids who then have to live with a divorce? You should have owned up to your true feelings of self earlier, before bringing kids into the mix. You shouldn't get married if your whole heart isn't into it. Just my opinion.

  22. good point ali
    and well stated

  23. Gwen is in the random photos. Gavin, ftw...
    he's kept other things secret. Didn't he just admit his relationship with Marilyn? Sounds like he is laying the groundwork...

  24. i get what you're saying, ali, but for a lot of gay men, it's just not that simple. they don't want to believe the truth, and they think if they can just get married and have kids, it will all be okay. sometimes it even works for awhile, but quite often, the self-deception is just too much and that burden too heavy to carry.
    so it's not a selfish, conscious decision to fuck up someone else's life. i've seen people go through this and it's incredibly painful for everyone involved.

  25. good. why should they have to hide? live and let live.

  26. when the new No Doubt CD comes out next year, it will be interesting to hear the lyrics to some of Gwen's songs as she apparently has some not so nice things to say about him. That should time nicely with the divorce announcement.

  27. Gwen is getting ready to spin this. I would bet anything on it. I wonder how much Gavin is going to make on this divorce.

  28. Gwen and the kids usually look so cute and happy and Gavin looks miserable as hell. If it is him, I hope he can finally smile for the camera and maintain a good relationship with his kids. I think that some women honestly believe they can "turn" a guy. Famous women are used to having their way and who they want when they want. Just because the object of their affection (obsession?) is Gay ain't no big deal until a few years down the road when the notoriety of a hetero marriage and family wears thin because somebody really loves another. How many Gay guys did Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Garland, and Liza Minelli marry and/or fall in love with?? Sometimes we can't have it all.

  29. Wasn't there a blind where people were guessing David Bowie and Adam Lambert?

  30. Strike that. David Bowie has toured in years.

  31. I don't "follow" Gwen and Gavin, but knowing something about them, at least as far as this blog goes, I would say that if Gwen wanted children badly enough and thought Gavin's genes made him a suitable father, knowing that he was bi or gay and likely not to stay in the marriage might have been enough for her at the time of their marriage. Just sayin'. Because if it is Gavin, then I'm thinking she knew about this a long time ago.

  32. Gwen and Gavin, but not sure who the other guy is. Sad anyway, with the kids.

  33. Adam Lambert and Rod Stewart.

  34. @kathrynnova - if only everyone felt that way. You know, worried about themselves instead of worrying about what two consenting adults may or may not be doing? Then people wouldn't hide in the closet and deceive themselves and others by desperately trying to be something they're not. It's sad. And I'm sure the partner knows their hubby is gay, but they deceived themselves as well. I guess this kind of mess is preferable to being honest and open to some people claiming "moral" values. :(

  35. Sorry about the grammar, as always.

  36. Kris Allen, winner of the eighth season of American Idol, and Adam Lambert, 1st runner up that same seaspon. Allen married his girlfriend of seven years, Katy O'Connell, on September 26, 2008. The two began dating back in Allen's junior year of high school. No kids.

  37. I think the married singer could be Gavin. But I don't think the other openly gay guy is Adam. He's a known "top" who has clearly stated that he like younger, feminine guys. Gavin doesn't fit the bill at. Plus, he's been on a world tour for the past 6 months. When would he have had the time to hook up with the also touring Gavin? I say it's Lance Bass. Lance and Gavin, ftw!

  38. Is this the previous blind about the two?

    My guess is Kris Allen and Adam Lambert.

  39. I bet that's the one Sarah, thanks. I couldn't find it. You can also run a Google search for 'Adam Lambert admits crush on Kris Allen'.

  40. Check out this blind item that ran on from August:

    In today's blindgossip, they quote CDAN's piece and suggest the two items are related. Note that in the August item, it only says "reality show people" NOT singers. At the time, a lot of people were guessing those two.

  41. Another very good one Sarah.

    I just came across a video of Kris admitting to having a man crush on Adam also. You can Google 'Kradam: Kris Allen's Man Crush On Adam Lambert! TV Guide Magazine' to quickly find it.

    A good deal seems to point to them, but I'm still having a hard time believing it myself, if that makes any sense. I always suspected Adam was gay, but never Kris.

  42. I'm liking the Allen/Lambert guess. I always got a vibe from Kris Allen when he was on AI. And I'm a big fan of Glambert, so I can't see him keeping a relationship hidden for too long. The way the blind is worded, it seems as though we will find out soon enough.

  43. Pic on Cdan from July:

  44. Good one Jackie. Notice the photo was from the July 17 blog and the original Blind Item was July 16. Hmmm.

  45. Anonymous6:47 PM

    When a man in a heterosexual relationship cheats on and leaves his spouse to be in another heterosexual relationship- no one says oh good for him, I hope they find happiness. Cheating is cheating- I realize that it is painful to live as someone you are not, and I agree that it's great that this singer no longer has to hide who he is - but the relationship should be ended first regardless. There's another party involved here - the wife- that people seem to be forgetting in this self-actualization love story, and she's about to feel doubly deceived. I just had to say something because I felt like there was a little bit of a double standard going on.

  46. I agree Katie, but maybe the wife knows already? And they've just been married for public sake but broken up for a while? That's how it usually goes in Hollywood.

  47. This isn't Europe. The societal pressure for a homosexual not to be himself is palpable in many parts of our country, while heterosexual men experience nothing of the sort, so I have to cut the married one some slack here. I can't imagine him going public without privately coming out to his wife first.

  48. Gwen was said to be devastasted when it was revealed that Gavin already had a teenage girl by another woman. She wanted to be the first to give him a child. That showed how much he gave a crap about Gwen, and what Gwen actually meant to him. He didn't care. He liked her, they had fun, a couple of kids, not a bad deal. He wants to be gay and happy.

  49. If it's Gavin, who is the out gay singer he's hooking up with? Elton John?

  50. I think one of them is Gavin Rossdale, because he has a history of this with Marilyn.

  51. The first blind said "reality stars". I`m going with Adam/Kris.

  52. Katie--what if a hetero person divorced a hetero person because they wanted a career instead of being stuck as a homemaker? Your assumption is that people are cheering divorce when they are really cheering discovering one's true self. (separate issues) Cheating is definitely a terrible symptom of a much deeper issue, but not the issue itself. I agree, leave first before you feel cheating is your only way to feel good about yourself, but leaving in itself is not always terrible, in fact, sometimes it is the only kind thing to do.
    I think these two (Gavin and Gwen) both knew exactly what they were doing. Not all marriages are about erotic love, sometimes people just want to have kids and one of them is gay, and it's hollyweird and whateva! And then you move on. What I never understand is, why get married at all? But that is a bitterness for another day.

  53. Missy,

    I don't think the married singer is Kris Allen; in another blind from this site, the married guy is referred to as being "A list"....and the opening gay singer is referred to as "B-" Lambert is at least B, maybe B+ That's why I think Gavin and Lance are a better bet...

  54. My only problem with the Gavin Rossdale guess is that none of the blinds make any reference to the married singer's wife being famous herself, a pretty big detail for various items to all totally ignore, especially since Gwen is a more lucratively successful artist than any of the guesses here.

  55. Gavin didn't know he had a child before he married Gwen. If she was upset, that's understandable, but he didn't know he was the father of Daisy Lowe.

  56. It's not like he had no relationship with his daughter, even if he didn't know she was his daughter. He was her godfather. So I'm thinking Gwen knew her before it came out that she was Gavin's. Not that that lessens the impact, but at least it wasn't some stranger out of the woodwork claiming to be his kid.

  57. @Katie, 6:47 PM

    Well said, I agree. We should all remember how hard it much be on the wife when her husband is gay and sleeping with other fellas.

    Oh, and good luck with your film next year, I think you'll make a great Jackie Kennedy.

  58. RE: cheating

    People forgave Brad Pitt for ending one heterosexual relationship for another.

  59. Sounds like your usual gossip site crap to me. Given the record for this kind of 'blinds', I highly doubt any public announcement is coming any time soon.

  60. There is no way this is anyone BUT Kris Allen and Adam Lambert. Kris's tour just ended on the 24th, with a few appearances at charity events coming up, and Adam's last Int'l date was the 29th, with only two more official tour shows in mid December. Adam is openly gay. Kris is married. They had a very well publicized "bromance" that many people believe was much more than just deep friendship. There's tons of stuff out there that points strongly in the direction of it being more than friends, most of which is right from their own mouths. I'm pretty interested to find out if it is them or not.

  61. Thank you for starting my morning off on a high note @fletch_in_dubai.

  62. katie, the sad reality of life is that people are flawed. while i do not champion anyone who cheats, or has cheated, it does happen in life. sometimes people change, sometimes people make mistakes - sometimes people cover up who they are and just can't keep it that way 'til death do they part' with the person they don't love anymore. i would like to hold everyone, including myself, to the high standard of not involving someone else in my/their potentially hurtful mistakes - but unfortunately this is sometimes impossible. i have been hurt - in fact, by a similar situation (only we weren't married). i have also hurt myself by staying in a wrong relationship while i was trying to figure things out and not hurt who i was with - i ended up hurting both of us much more this way.

    see? it's all so subjective. life is an endless cycle of conflicts and weird situations.

  63. If the married singer is Gavin, who's to say the openly gay singer is hugely famous in America? There seems to be more openly gay singers in England than over here, and not all of them are "names" that we would recognize. The guy who won the English version of Idol a couple of years ago is openly gay, though his name escapes. Could be him.

  64. Adam/Kris is my guess!

  65. Adam/Kris would blow my mind.

    I remember this blind showing up on someone else's website & someone said Adam Lambert & Sting. That made me LOL.

  66. Can't be Kris Allen. In another blind, dated Sept. 24, Enty describes the married singer as "formerly A list, but still A+ for name recognition". Give me a break; Allen has never been more than C list. Maybe B-

  67. What about Robbie Williams? Always have been rumors and he recently married a woman. Was Robbie recently on tour? I know his Take That tour begins next year.

  68. Also, where does it say reality stars on CDAN? Is it some other site?

  69. Yeah, it is Adam and Kris, but there will be no announcement before the Grammys. Adam is a nominee and they don't want to risk his chances.

  70. Somehow I doubt Adam's chances would be affected if they came out as a couple.
    His chances are just fine either way.
    I thought it might be them at first, but other information points to it not being them at all, and most likely this is a fictional BI.
    It's "self revealing" therefore safe.
    Enty won't out people, and if nobody "comes out" as a couple then it's no big deal.
    So, I vote fictional.

  71. Eh why should having kids mean you should remain in a marriage? You have to keep yourself happy, if you're not taking care of yourself how are you going to take care of your kids.

    The only irresponsibility there would be if you and your divorced spouse began to hate each other and pit your kids against each other.

    Besides, it is totally possible to love someone enough to want to make some beautiful happy babies together, and then decide there is more in life to be had and go your seperate ways without making your marriage or kids or life out to be some mistake or waste of time.

  72. Why doesnt the author just tell us who it is -.-

    Is that picture of the actual married guy? Then just look up who just ended their tour, and look up tour photos. If the clothes match, bingo.
