Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This squeaky clean, late night talk show host is cheating on his wife. If you thought the Letterman thing was explosive, you have not seen anything yet.


  1. Crybaby Conan. But all of them at one time or another.

  2. Would Leno count as squeaky clean? Apart from his work shenanigans, he's never been known for trouble in his personal life, has he?

  3. Please don't let it be Jimmy Fallon.

  4. Jimmy Fallon is cheating on his wife Nancy. (Probably with Jewels Curby)

  5. Mooshki, I thought I read somewhere he has unusual kinks where the wife did not want to participate.

    It's got to be Conan. I wonder if he's banging the staff or the guests. Or the studio audience, lol.

  6. There's no way this is Conan. And Conan's not a crybaby. And Jay Leno's not funny. Every joke Jay makes is obvious and directed at the intellectually deficient.

  7. I hope this isn't Conan.

  8. I'll vote Jay. I think that would be the most "explosive," bigger than Dave.

  9. My first thought was Jimmy Fallon, but I like all your guesses too...*L*

  10. First thought was Fallon, second thought Craigy Ferg. Both are depressing thoughts.

  11. PS - I hope it's Leno. Please let it be Leno.

  12. Please let it be loser Jay and not my secret boyfriend Jimmy Fallon.

  13. I'm putting my foot down. Not Craig Ferguson or Jimmy Fallon. I'm marrying both of them.

  14. Sandra Bernhard dated Leno a bit back in the day, and she said he likes the naughty tie a chick up and spank her sex. Lots of toys and outfits. That would be hilarious if this sort of thing came out about Jay. Please, please, please let it be Jay and handcuffs.

  15. is george lopez considered squeaky clean?

  16. Leno is considered "squeaky clean" in the sense that his personal life has never been tabloid-worthy and he has been married to his wife (Mavis?) absolutely forever in Hollywood terms. If it's him, it would be more explosive than Letterman.

  17. and just a bit off topic, who would not pay for a premium talk channel with Dave, Conan, Jimmy Fallon, Kimmel, and Ferguson in a loop? I would be there in an instant. I'll also throw a couple of chicks in there. Also I'd like to see Russell Brand do one. And David Spade.
    I know my new mission in life now. I'm a television programmer. at last! :)

  18. George Lopez is getting a divorce. Craig Ferg had a drinking problem for years, isn't squeaky clean. After the NBC karfuffle, I don't consider Leno squeaky clean, either, sneaky bastard. My guess would be either Fallon or Conan. Leaning towards Conan.

  19. Lopez and Ferguson are not squeaky clean. Lopez is getting divorced due to infidelity and Ferguson's a former addict/alcoholic.

    Let's say Leno, as I can't stand him.

  20. When Leno talks, he sounds squeaky. Comedian Mitch Vatel was on a morning radio show in Minneapolis last week and said most people don't realize how much coke Leno snorts. He always offers coke to comedians on his show, and in fact pressures them into snorting with him. If that's really true, I could see Leno also liking whores.

  21. I would like to think Conan is too smart to run around cheating right now. His new show is getting tons of publicity and he's in the public eye 10 times more than he ever was. Hell, he even has that American Express commercial. Plus I selfishly don't want it to be him because he's actually funny, even without writers (as he proved during the writer's strike)
    I could see Leno cheating being a big deal though, especially to his older demographic.

  22. Leno would be the most explosive of ones mentioned. I'm going with him.

  23. Since the debacle with Conan, there is no way anyone would consider Leno squeaky clean.

  24. @ms snarky - and Ricky Gervais!

  25. I would die if it was Conan.
    I hope it would be Jay if anyone... he'd be done if there was a cheating scandal, considering he has a bad rep. for the Conan thing. I think Conan would bounce back, his fans are so loyal.

  26. Sweater - Conan is brilliant. He went to Harvard, after all. The best years of The Simpsons where when he was in charge. I should actually watch his show, but I can't stay up because I fall asleep to downloaded episodes of Arrested Development. It's my lullaby.

    Mom - Good one. I hope, at least.

  27. George Lopez getting a divorce infuriates me. His wife donated a kidney to him to save his life, and this is what he does? What a skank!

  28. Anonymous2:21 PM

    conan for he's the only squeaky one left. maybe his wife won't listen to his whining anymore.

  29. Karmen, thanks for that info! I didn't realize he has a Harvard degree. I absolutely adore him and his humor.
    I also have an older friend I speak with a couple of times a week. His only rule is to not call during Leno's monologue. I imagine that (as I mentioned)the older demo really hasn't paid that much attention to the drama with him. They are carry overs from Carson and have him as simply a set routine in their lives 5 nights a week. Him cheating would be HUGE to them.

    Hahaha great call on Arrested Development :)
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  30. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I got five on Conan.

  31. Didn't Jay Leno make jokes about David Letterman's affair?

  32. I say Leno because he is so squeaky clean in his unfunny humor.

  33. I cannot handle it being Conan. Therefore it can't be him. Right?

  34. Ms. Snarky you can have Fallon, but I will fight you for Ferguson.

    First thought with squeaky clean - LENO. That would be so explosive.

  35. It is absolutely not Leno. I have connections to him and ALL he cares about are his cars and his show- in an almost OCD manner, but he does still treat Mavis very nicely.

  36. got to be leno. been married to the same woman forever. no rumors about him. has to be him.

  37. Dear Santa,
    I've been a very good girl this year (well, within reason), so please let this be Jay Leno. I promise to leave you a very yummy treat on Christmas Eve.


  38. I think that all of the Tonight Show issues taints Jay. I'm going with Jimmy Fallon as he just exudes squeaky and he was my first thought as well.

  39. Damn kcqueen. I really wanted to be Leno.

  40. Jay Leno would be explosive but he is not squeaky clean. He's even in the randoms for using a bloggers montage.

  41. Well, Leno and Fallon are both in pictures, so I'm going to guess one of them. Dear God, don't let it be Conan. (Although even if it IS Conan, it still doesn't make Leno funny or his show watchable.)

  42. @Erin - That would explain why he and Chelsea Handler are good friends...

  43. Ryan -- the J.K. thing never gets old. Never!

  44. Shakey - EWW!!! He probably has them pretend they're cars and crawl around on the floor saying "honk! honk!"

    Sorry gals, Ferguson is all mine.

  45. Oh Moosh - you love Ferguson too... I DVR his monologue evry night and watch it the next day. Did you see the eppy with Stephen Fry? Fantastic. He is a hot sexy one.

  46. Squeaky clean? Maybe he's talking about someone that is OCD about germs?

  47. This is totally Leno, and nancer summed it up perfectly.
    Leno's demo is over 50.
    Leno's been married to Mavis forever, nary a rumor.
    Leno took jabs at Letterman about infidelity. If this comes out about Jay, his WHOLE house of cards (that he is just a good guy who wants to entertain, that he was innocent of ever stealing "Tonight") could come crashing down.

    Anyone who followed BOTH TIMES Leno stole the Tonight Show has lived for this moment.

  48. This has got to be Leno! He has been married FOREVER and he is a crybaby 'cause that's how he got rid of Conan.

  49. Leno hires hookers left and right. Is known for that in Hollywood, but so what, big deal. All Hollywood men do. Now if he was a kinky slob, or a demoralizing pig to this hookers, than that would be something.

  50. I'm in the 'I'd love this to be Leno' camp. And leave Conan aloooooone!

    @ms snarky - I love your channel.

  51. If it's Jay, it's explosive because his wife is SO high profile. I lost my respect for Jay after the Conan/NBC fiasco, but I will really be upset if he cheats on Mavis because I thought they were the one old-fashioned marriage left in town.

  52. If it's Conan, Eric Schaeffer will be laughing because it will serve Liza (Conan's wife) right. Liza left Eric - who wanted to marry her - for Conan after being interviewed by him and quickly married him. He's still bitter. If you ever watched his Showtime short series "I can't believe I'm still single" he "pays tribute" to her in the opening.

    I love Conan, but can see this being a chuckle. Cheaters, cheaters. They're everywhere.

  53. The clue is "Explosive" = TNT
    Either Conan or Lopez.

  54. Please, please, PLEASE no on Conan.
    Or Fallon or Ferguson!! Love all three so much.

    Has to be Jay. Maybe the squeaky also refers to his awful voice.

  55. Retailprophet - loved the TNT observation. I can't see it being Lopez because the hookers have already been in the tabloids, the seperation and now the divorce announced. Unless he's doing children or animals there would be no shock value left. Conan, with the warm and cuddly underdog persona would be explosive.

  56. Please let this be Leno and please let this hit the tabloids.

  57. Conan has that commercial out reminding everyone he is back on the air, where he is washing his desk with a sponge and frolicking in the suds...squeaky clean?

  58. Maybe Leno got someone pregnant! Mavis never wanted kids, but Leno did, if I remember correctly. It HAS to be Leno! I like Conan.

  59. I really don't make it a point to watch any of the late night shows but I do think that Craig Ferguson is the funniest of the bunch. Leno, on the other hand, is anti-funny. His show must be for the older demographic because all the jokes and gags are groan inducing.

  60. Forgot to mention: PLEASE LET IT BE LENO !!!

  61. Okay, I can see it's not Lopez. Even though he's getting a divorce, he's still married. But I forgot about the hooker thing. I hope it's Leno. I can only imagine the field day Howard Stern would have with this. =)

  62. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Change of pace. What about Stewart or Colbert?

  63. Craig Ferguson is an alcoholic...could clean mean sober? And his wife is pregnant, so it'd be quite explosive...
    but I do want it to be Leno, love all the others.

  64. I'd always heard Jay has a collection! --That he badgers people (underlings) to watch with him. And he's been such a tool, I don't know that anyone would still think of him as squeaky clean...Hope to hell it's not Fallon, although he seems pretty squeaky to me, darn it!

  65. Conan just joked on his Thanksgiving show that if he does doing a stunt, pleaes tell his wife that he's sorry about his secret second wife. I spit my Coke out.

  66. @Sweater - Conan not only has a degree from Harvard, he graduated magna cum laude, and was valedictorian of his graduating class in high school. I believe his degree is in English Lit, and I know he wrote for the Harvard Lampoon.

    Also, unfortunately, he's the only one of the late night guys I think of as "squeaky clean". :(

  67. I just cannot believe it's Coco, love him way too much. That's funny about the Jay Leno kinky sex thing. My guess is Fallon though. He's the squeakiest.

  68. Does Jon Stewart have a late night show? Could it be him?

  69. Stephen Colbert.

    He's the real squeaky clean one out of all these guys.

    I really hope it's not him. I love The Colbert Report.

  70. @ kcqueen
    Leno asked out someone I know. Another mutual friend is a promoter and she brought in Leno for a gig. A lot of her friends and friends of friends were backstage. Jay and Cynthia (not the promoter, but connected in the comedy world) really hit it off, hung out for a couple of hours and there definitely was an attraction between the two of them. He asked her out for dinner the next night and she thought about it for a while, then declined because he's married. Make of that what you will.

  71. Oh, please be Leno!

    If it's Colbert, I'm going to have to go into therapy.

    Conan? Not even an option.

  72. Since he isn't having an affair with me, it can't be Craig Ferguson.

    I don't think Conan's all that funny, but he's likeable.

    I hope it's Leno. I've hated that bastard since he stole the tonight show the first time. Haven't watched it since.

  73. @roach queen: i am right there with you. if conan or colbert are cheaters, i am joining the convent tomorrow because there really must not be a single respectable man in the world.



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