Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today's Blind Items

I don't know if this was a pickup line or if it is actually true, but this almost A list movie star in a huge franchise confessed to two women at a recent party that he was a virgin. Hmmm. He said he was looking for the right woman. This guy could have just about anyone he wants so I don't know. It might explain a certain break up not too long ago.


  1. Shia (Transformer's being the franchise) but can he get anyone he wants?!?!

  2. Daniel Radcliffe?

  3. I always thought Radcliffe was a friend of Ellen's?

  4. Sigh... one of the oldest lines in the book....

  5. Taylor Lautner - The Hollywood Reporter made a list of possible A list actors and he was on it (almost A List). Could explain his breakup with Taylor Swift

  6. Montana, I was going to say Shia but I agree with your thought process on him, lol! I was thinking Daniel since the latest Harry Potter is out.

  7. Also a reminder that you can like the fan page without withing for Enty to add you as a friend (his fingers get soooo tired after a long lunch!!)

  8. LOL @ Shakey, its funny because I thought Launtner too was a friend of Ellen's, since like Radcliffe you constantly hear rumors about him being gay.

  9. Rupert Gint actually

  10. lol - what hello kitty said.

  11. I doubt Dan Rad could get anyone he wants without an irresistability spell.

    Shia seems like more like a guy who'd cry to get pity sex than to spring the virgin line. (I'll bet he's into the cougars)

    Taylor makes more sense. He gives me a bi vibe so I could believe him doing this.

  12. vagina virgin maybe.

  13. Not Daniel. He has told his losing virginity story in interviews and said it was with a much much older woman.
    Maybe Rupert? Couldn't ANY of the HP kids get anyone they wanted just for being in HP?

  14. Taylor Lautner is gay gay gay ...that's why Lainey calls him Tom Cruise Jr.

  15. I'm going with Taylor Lautner. Theoretically, he should be SWIMMING in women...and some willing men....but something tells me he's not.

    Poor guy.

  16. sorry, Shia, your MOM counts.

    (collective ewww!)

  17. I'm on the Taylor Lautner wagon. There is just something virginal about him. I don't think it is a line I think it is true. He was almost homly before he buffed up and aged a bit.

  18. Jax, you took the words out of my mouth. And the ewww.

  19. DANIEL CRAIG? What? Where?

    Hmmm... My guess is Shia.

  20. just to be different Hayden Christiansen

  21. Anonymous3:46 PM

    i think it is rupert.
    there was an interview last week about what he will do now that the finished filming, etc...and i think he said he was looking for love.

  22. Def Taylor Lautner. Check those other blinds:

    June/09 - NW Magazine: Which female fans of a highly desired actor are wasting their time? No, he’s not gay, he’s actually celibate but it hasn’t been leaked for fear of running his sexy screen god image.

    02/23 - Gossip Boy: This young actor is quickly working his way up in Hollywood. He has been doing anything he can imagine to cement himself in the industry. He almost didn't get the role that made him who he is because his sexuality is not hidden with people in the know. It's not that he flaunts it, it's quite the opposite. He doesn't even mention it at all, and has never been with a man. Or a woman for that matter. He refuses to play the dating game anymore since the one time they convinced him to do it, he ended up looking like a bigger ass than before. Now he just plays the type that is too busy for a relationship and refuses to do what is told. When threatened that if he didn't, no studio would ever work with him, what did he do? He told them he would make his own movies and that they could replace him and THEY could come up with a reason why. He knew he was instrumental to the studio and used it to his advantage. He promised he would ruin the fame that they so quickly built up by exposing all of their PR set-ups. And if that were to happen, the world would implode. He got into the shark tank and fought fire with fire and won. Some older actors should take a page from his book. Not James Franco.

  23. He got into the shark tank and fought fire with fire and won.

    Shark Boy.

  24. Wow. If that 02/23 blind is Taylor Lautner, he must have "balls big as church bells". I admire him.

    I HOPE that blind is Rupert G! Call me, gingey!

  25. I mean the virgin blind for Rupert.
    I like redheads.

  26. @ Misch - Taylor Lautner might be gay gay gay but he's probably in denial and thinks he's bi bi bi

    @ Libby - I like redheads, too!

  27. Definitely NOT my man Gerry Butler! LOL

  28. are probably right..
    Did anyone read the Ted blind of 11/16...
    it says Taylor Swift (also a virgin) is Priscilla Desert
    and Jake Gyllenhaal is Parrish Maguire.........
    so who is Toothy Tile ?

    This was on www.AGCWEBPAGES.COM/BLIND ITEMS/2010/NOVDEC.html

  29. @Misch - thanks! Fun web site. I don't believe any part of TS is virgin though.

  30. In what world is Rupert Grint almost A list?

  31. Not Daniel, not Rupert, probably Taylor.

  32. The other sites say Parrish Mcguire is Lautner...

  33. Shia LaDouche. My bet is that he's lying.

  34. jax said...
    sorry, Shia, your MOM counts.

    Jax - I always enjoy reading your comments - but that is pure GOLD! If I had been indulging in a beverage at that point, I would now be cleaning my monitor.

  35. Decided to stop lurking and start thinking... Taylor Lautner is my guess. Analysis here:

    Sorry to shamelessly link, but a girl has to start somewhere.



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