Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today's Blind Items

More familial sex fun today. Despite his B- list pop singer son being a minor, there is nothing this dad likes more to do than pay for his son to have escorts each night they are on the road together. He thinks it will make the son a real man. The dad is very worried about that and wonders why his son has yet to have sex with any of the escorts. The dad does though. Yes, the same ones who just spent an hour with the son.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Never mind, Archuleta's not a minor.

  3. There aren't many underage singers out there so I gotta go with Beiber.

  4. Trying to think who else it could be other than the Bieb.

  5. Is the Biebs only B- list, though?

  6. yeah, I think Beiber's father too.

    He took him to get a tattoo to be manly (iirc- it was a butterfly, so i don't know if he counts that as "manly success or not)

    so why not escorts?

  7. By the way, I think a good haircut would do more to make him a real man than a hooker would.

  8. Where do these parents come from?

  9. I stand corrected- its NOT a butterfly.
    It's a baby bird.
    on his HIP bone.

    umm...still not sure how manly that is considered.

  10. more fun on the fan page


  12. Bieber is definitely B- list. We may all know his name, but his songs aren't exactly blowing up the airwaves. Not out here, anyway, and not when you compare them to other hit-makers.

  13. I highly doubt this is Justin Bieber. That kid looks like he'd be afraid of a vagina if you showed him one...

  14. HelloKiitty: Do I just make a friend request to Enty to join the fun?

  15. I'm heterolicious and I wouldn't want to do it with an escort. Don't know what this proves except the kid is smarter than his dad.

  16. Waaaait, the Bieber has a baby bird on his hip bone? Bwahahaha...
    I don't know other underage pop singers so I guess I'll go with the popular guess, Bieber.

  17. Isn't this some form of child sexual abuse? This SHOULD NOT be a blind and should be reported.

  18. biebs is the easy guess, but i'm hesitant to go w/ it b/c his dad doesn't travel w/'s the mom, and from what i understand, via production office gossip, their relationship isn't always the friendliest. unless the dad doing the tour dates is a really recent thing, i don't see how it could be him, esp. since he's remarried and has younger children to raise...on the other hand, isn't little biebs all into the little girl that's doing one of the opening sets? or is that over now? that could be reason for not screwing around.

  19. Totally Bieber's dad. Guy's like 32. And dresses like an Ed Hardy loving d-bag.

    PS: One of the escorts was Jules Kirby. ZING! J/K Jules.

  20. Haaa, Cheryl! Too true. Couldn't
    STAND that 'do it the first time it was popular.

  21. Bieber is Alist...sorry guys. Not him.

    And yes...this is child abuse and illegal and disgusting in more ways than one. GROSS.

  22. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Right away thought of the Beaver, oops meant to say Bieber hahahaha.

  23. I don't think it's Bieber, but also wanted to suggest that a minor could be someone under 21, not necessarily someone under 18. That said, I got nothin'.

  24. Hey, how about Sean Kingston? He's 20....

  25. Lorenzo Lamas's dad did something similar with him. Look how he turned out.

    Poor Biebs.

  26. NO WAY is Bieber B-!

  27. Ew!!

    You guys really think the Biebs is only B-? If that crotchety old guy on 60 minutes knows who he is, then I'd say he's A list.

  28. My first reaction was Mitchel Musso, but I think he would be described as an actor/singer, since he's on Hannah Montana. I don't think it's Bieber - he's A list, or maybe - MAYBE - B+/A- He's all the shizz right now in the teen world.

  29. I have to say "no" to the Biebs...he's Canadian. We don't do

  30. I think David Archuleta also, his dad is a total control freak. And just a freak. Note to David's dad, the reason he doesn't have sex with them is becuase they aren't male escorts.

  31. Not Bieber and it says he isn't having sex w the escorts, his dad is.

  32. At least the Dad is getting his money's worth.

  33. As stated before, Beiber's dad doesn't travel with him, and if my parents know who he is, he's higher than B- list. This isn't the Beibs.

    That being said, I don't think I know any other underage male pop stars.

  34. @TimeBob: LMAO!!!!

    Is Archuleta under 21? It's got to be him. For all the reason TimeBob already stated. Plus, I think Bieber would be considered A List, much as it galls me to say so.

  35. Bieber's dad may not "travel with him" 100% of the time, heck, maybe not much at all. But a quick google search turns up PLENTY of tour stops/places all over the world with photos oh him and his dad. And it doesn't APPEAR his wife or other kids are along.

    His dad SCREAMS douche (Michael Lohan 2.0) he most definately seems to be enjoying the perks and status of living through his son.

    this would not surprise me at all.

    the only other minor male "pop singers" I can think of are the Jo Bros. Also, I just consulted my 14 & 16 year old daughters and even they couldn't come up with additional names.


  36. David Archuleta turns 20 on December 28. Technically that makes him still a minor for drinking & gambelling but not for sex.

  37. *gambling (like slots, poker, Vegas) NOT gambelling (like...I don't know how to spell! lol)

  38. The dad is very worried about that and wonders why his son has yet to have sex with any of the escorts. The dad does though. Yes, the same ones who just spent an hour with the son.

    Maybe I'm just tired, but I don't understand this. What is the son doing for an hour with the escort(s) if he's not having sex? Playing video games?

  39. Not Bieber, he is most definitely a solid A list. His father isn't much involved in the day to day, and he's actually pretty charming with the ladies, he handled himself well with Chelsea Handler for example.

    Not Sean Kingston, there have been many, many stories of him and having sex with several girls at once/being kind of a pimp(not literally)

    Don't know who though, although Archuletta sounds like a good bet if he is 20 or younger.

  40. LOL @ Ryan!

    @Mango - That was my question too!?

    I immediately thought of Bieber. Wasn't his dad out of the picture until he got famous? I thought I read that somewhere.

    I'd buy the David Archuleta guess but he's 20. I don't have any guesses. Don't know much about pop stars under 21.

  41. No way. Bieber is totally A-list. Can't be him.

    The Jonas Brothers - none in the band are minors & their little brother isn't on tour. One is married and the other two travel openly with apparent girlfriends (fwiw) all over the world.

    B- list would have to be someone not too commonly known.

    I am going with...


    Australian 13yo. Currently touring middle schools with his creepy single w/FloRida "iYiYi" ( - srsly wtf) in the US to try to capture some Bieber magic.

    Dad's def with him:

    He & his song were a running joke on OhNoTheyDidnt sometimes... Never thought the reference might come in handy...could be?

  42. Um, this is def not David Archuleta. He's LDS and is a very active practicing LDS (mormon) member, as well as his dad. The reason his dad is considered a "control freak" is because he doesn't want his son straying away from the church. I can personally vouch for this. So, not him.

  43. Didn't Archuleta's father get busted for soliciting a prostitute?

  44. @Cheryl and everyone else --

    Just click on the like button on the fan page.

    Just look for Crazy Days and Nights or follow the link I keep posting.

    No waiting for Enty to get out of his food induced coma to add you!!


  46. I really, really like the Cody Simpson guess. It is the only guess here that fits the B- list status, singer, and underage.

  47. I was going to say Cody Simpson too but I looked up his age and he's only 13! :( Not that 13 year old are incapable of having sex but....Eww on the Dad if true.
