Friday, November 12, 2010

Taylor Momsen Blames Her Parents For Everything

I don't know where Starpulse got their quote, but apparently Taylor Momsen gave an interview and in the interview she blames her parents for the fact that she is so miserable and messed up and that she can't ride a bicycle. No, not the last part, but I wonder if she can.

"Everyone's like, 'Wow, why is she upset and why is she so miserable about things?' My parents signed me up with Ford (modeling agency) at the age of two. No two year old wants to be working, but I had no choice. My whole life, I was in and out of school. I didn't have friends. I was working constantly and I didn't have a real life."

Well, now that she is old enough to do something about it, you would think if she hates it so much she would stop. But, she won't because she likes the attention and the fame and the money. She does bring up a good point though. Parents too often live the lives they wanted through their children. I really miss that show Stage Parents or whatever it was called. Those people were relentless in pushing their kids.


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