Friday, November 19, 2010

Random Photos Part Three

Long time no see for David Faustino. Here he is with Christiana Leucas.
Fred Armisen and his SNL castmate, Kristen Wiig.
Gordon Ramsay was in Toronto and being the ass he is, said he is a chef and Jamie Oliver is a cook. On the bright side Jamie does not have a failed business and his in-laws suing him.
Heather Locklear in the Vancouver airport.
Yeah, like Holly Madison ate it.
Natalie Portman and Jake G talk about?? The sex scenes in both their new movies?
Not the best look for Joe Perry.
Julia Stiles in new York.
Ke$ha does her hair like, well, a tribute to Something About Mary?
Here she was earlier in the day. Hangover anyone?


  1. Wow. I though Joe Perry was a rough Janice Dickenson with short hair there for a minute.

    Heather Locklear is fucking with her face too much. It's all swollen.

    Kristen Wiig looks great.

  2. Is that really Natalie? She looks like a cross between Giada and SJP.

  3. Joe Perry's getting ladyface from some bad work. Surely regular old face is better than that?

  4. Did Joe P. have a stroke?

  5. David Faustino is looking very healthy & happy. I'm glad. I'm looking forward to seeing him in more stuff and hearing good things about him.

    Hey, Fred...can I have Elisabeth Moss' number? And get rid of that unfunny wench Kristin Wiig.

    Gordon Ramsey >> Jamie Oliver. Jamie Oliver is a tool.

    Holly Madison in a Harry Potter outfit. Bless you, Enty. Bless you for making my Friday that much better. Holly's so cute.

    And Ke$ha's mohawk is really bad. Beyond cringeworthy.

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Heather looks horrible.

    What trashtalker said about Natalie (True).

    Who is Joe Perry? Looks bad.

    Julia looks cute and I like her on Dexter.

    Is Kesha trying to imitate Lady Gaga LOL?

  7. Add Heather to the list of celebs that look like Madam. Jesus that's so freakin unattractive.

    Joe Perry has finally caught up with Steven Tyler in the "looks like an aging trophy wife" dept.

  8. Joe Perry has obviously had a stroke. For Fuck's sake, fix that hair, Joe. Put the gray streak away from your fake tan!

  9. Add me to the list of those that think Natalie Portman looks like SJP there. Bad angle.

  10. I love Julia Stiles on Dexter. Hope they don't kill her off at the end of the season as they are so apt to do on that show.

  11. Gordon Ramsay isn't any more of a chef than Jamie Oliver is. There are plenty of better chefs out there who could out-cook either one of these guys. It's a mistake for either one of them to think that fame equals talent.

  12. Heather should have put on those sunglasses before she got off the plane.

    I like Gordon and Jamie okay, but are they really chefs? Shouldn't you have to pass a test or something? How does a person go from being a foodie to chef? On some of these shows it seems like being called chef is a show of respect. I've never heard Rachael Ray referred to as chef.

  13. WOW. Dude totally looks like a lady in that picture.

    Kesh4 - What a difference hair/makeup make.

  14. David Faustino seemed really happy in the EW interview, I was expecting bitterness.

    Why the Jamie Oliver hate? I love his books and shows, and he's done a lot of work to improve how kids eat.

    Heather Locklear looked so good for so long, and it is all falling apart really badly. Nice Birkin tho.

    Portman looks bad there, but her body looks kickin in that thong shot going around.

    Kesha = poor man's Gaga.

  15. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Ramsay is an ass. He treats people like crap and believes he is deserving of respect. He's not. At least Jamie Oliver is using his fame to better peoples lives. Grrr, Ramsay makes me mad. Jackass.

  16. Heather better stop messing with her face because she looks fine without any work done.

  17. Either Heather has too much filler injected or she's on prednisone for something.
    The paps must be so proud for catching her this way.

  18. It's the strangest thing...I saw Joe Perry's picture and now I can't get the theme from 'Maude' out of my head....

    ...and then there's Maude (and then there's Maaaaaaude)...

  19. Ramsay's entertaining. Oliver's not. And if you can't teach your kids to eat well, you shouldn't have to rely on some pretty boy "cook". And you shouldn't have kids.

  20. I remember as a teen looking at an Aerosmith album where there were caricatures of the band, and thinking they were some of the ugliest guys I'd ever seen. Rolling Stone ugly, which is actually really hot. :)

  21. I thought Ramsey was Ellen in the pic before I looked at the caption! Whoops! Still love him though. If you see his early Kitchen Nightmares on BBC, he knows what he's talking about. Agree with Nightmare Child on Oliver.

  22. Anonymous8:44 PM

    @califblondy- chefs go to culinary school, do apprenticeships after that, and have to pass a certification test. rachael ray did none of that, hence why she is not referred to as a chef.

  23. I like Jamie Oliver, I like his recipes, I can cook his stuff. I've eaten at one of Ramsay's London Restaurants. Yeah, it was good, but grossly overpriced. If I had to choose between the two, I'd take Oliver every day at the week, and he won't swear at me.

  24. Heather NO! STOP it NOW, or you will turn out like Meg Ryan!

  25. Heather looks like Joey Lauren Adams there.

    Ohhh Joe. You were once so, so hot. With arms you could suck on for a week. I bet they're just as ugly as your face now, too.

    Anyone else think Angelina sounds like Ke$ha in her new autotune "song"?

  26. I dont get the Jamie hate either - he seems like a nice enoguh guy and he doesnt treat people like shit.

    I love Stiles in Dexter too, she is good.

    And Kristin Wiig is a funny lady! Come on, she has done some good stuff!

  27. Looks like Joe has had a Bells Palsy stroke. It's just the corner of his mouth. Does look like a lady though, I'll give you that.

    They can't kill Stiles off Dexter in just one season simply because they have killed everyone else off in one season. I think she'll last two at least.

  28. Joe Perry looks like somebody's Aunt Doris, half in the bag at the family Christmas party. Holy shit, what happened?

  29. @MCH - your comment for the win!
