Monday, November 22, 2010

Post Secret Blind Item

Thanks to those of you who sent me the above item from Post Secret.


  1. So someone wasn't using a wand-dom.

  2. When I saw that yesterday my jaw dropped for a hot second, and then I wondered if this postcard was fake. You know, so they had a better chance of being posted.

  3. @looserdude - Now THAT was funny!

  4. If the person who wrote the card is actually telling the truth, why wouldn't she get a paternity test and collect child support from the guy??? Must either be fake, or it's one of the lesser earners pictured so not Harry, Ron, or Prof. Snape.

  5. And why make it a riddle? How does that help the kid? Or is it one of the twins and she can't figure out which one.

  6. I love Alan Rickman!!!

  7. Maybe the person is not a gold digger and has her own comfortable income.

    Although I think the father should at least be given the opportunity fo knowing his daughter.

  8. @kristen: i agree. there's a difference between going and having a media circus (ala jude law) and privately reaching out to contact and simply inform.

    and i would looooove to have alan rickman's bebe.

  9. Yeah on Rickman..the best villain in the first Die Hard....and not a bad ghost in Love You Madly..whatever..

  10. Alan Rickman is someone special, but I've been checking out Jason Isaacs. Yum.

  11. Sue Ellen I thought the same thing.

  12. It think it's fake, but assuming it's true and that she(mother) doesn't want to be a gold-digger I'll say for the fun of it..Jason Isaacs(Lucius Malfoy - bottom left corner).

  13. Totally agree, Kristen. If this is even real, that is. It's timed quite well with the new movie release, isn't it?

  14. i can rule out Jason Isaacs for certain. trust.

  15. I'd have Alan Rickman's baby! I was thrilled when he friended me on FB. One step closer. Oh, wait, I'm too old to have kids. Hm. Well, it can't hurt trying, right?!?!?

  16. "Maybe the person is not a gold digger and has her own comfortable income."

    Someone who was mature and emotionally/financially "together" would never have written something like this. If it's real, I'm picturing a fangirl under 20 who expected something more to come from a one-night-stand with her moviestar crush, who wasn't careful to use protection.

    And if it's real, she will eventually come looking for money.

  17. The Harry Potter world has its own "unique" fan base. There are actual women out there that believe they are married to Snape on a different astral plane. For reals.

  18. @MISCH~the movie is Truly,Madly, Deeply, and you are right he was a great ghost in that!!!!

  19. True or not, it's sad either way.

  20. I'm sure one of them is the father the way that porn star claimed Tiger Woods was her baby daddy.

    Whoever sent this in was off their meds. Not buying it. But clever.

  21. regardless if it is real or fake, it's a pretty good one - i think after reading it we all had a moment of "whoa...."

  22. I saw this yesterday. It reminded me of this post secret:

  23. LOL @ looserdude

    I like to call him LUSCIOUS Malfoy much do the irritation of my son.

    Too bad there isn't a picture of the kid who plays Tom Riddle for the riddle.

  24. Yeah, I saw it yesterday and was like, 'WHAAAA?!?'

    Of the six, who has the potential to accumulate enough groupies to forget the names of all the women he's slept with?

    Process of elimination:

    Alan Rickman is too old to be sidestepping on his woman. (The Alan Rickman of my imagination wouldn’t dare!)
    Daniel Radcliff seems to do relationship, and/or men rather than groupies.
    Rupert Grint: I can’t fathom him having sex. Ever.
    James and Oliver Phelps: It just doesn’t seem plausible.
    Jason Issacs: Apparently, he’s so unrecognizable to fans that he can go to a Harry Potter premiere and return home via the tube without anyone recognizing him; therefore, given than this woman probably recognized him (which would shock/please) him, I doubt he’d forget her name and/or have loads of groupies.
    Tom Felton: He seems like the type who would have casual sex with as many people as possible before his three-fingered forehead becomes a four-fingered forehead and/or this fame thing dies.

    Tom Felton for the win! (Or loss, depending on how you view it.)

  25. It doesn't take fame to have enough women to forget their names. Plenty of non-celebrities pile up the hookups.

    This touches on someone I've always wondered about. If you're a groupie or fan who had a one-night stand, how *would* you get in touch with the person afterward, if you got pregnant? You probably don't have their phone number, or if they gave it to you, it's likely to be a fake one. You don't just call their agent or publicist saying that you need to reach the star - you won't make it past the "weirdo" pile.

    So I really think this is plausible.

  26. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I would never do Prof. Snape unless he wore his Trent Reznor wig during.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Katie Holmes and the kid is

  29. @chris: so true LOL

    who is a straight guy here?

  30. @Humanist - If Radcliffe were gay, he'd have come out already, if just to be, you know, Dan Radcliffe. But I agree otherwise.

    NOT Alan Rickman.

    Mebbe one of the twins?

    Rupert - yeah, mebbe. He was hanging out with some rather disreputable people a few years ago, wasn't he?

  31. I'd have a go with all but Daniel. He's just too petite. I have had a crush on the twins since the first movie. Rupert is eccentric and that is cute. And the Malfoys and Snape are just hot, because evil is hot. ;)

  32. I don't think Radcliffe would have come out necessarily. Could be part of a "moral clause" that he doesn't. (not like I agree w that. But you don't really hear of these kids boozin. You know

  33. My guess is either Tom Felton or her imagination.

  34. Whoever the girl might be, she is young, young, young. "He's never met her, he never will." The sort of romantic, self-dramatizing, tripe you actually believe when you are 19 or so.

  35. I definitely said "WHAAAAA???"

    Is it weird that I got sad when I saw the pictures of the twins???

    You'd think when something this juicy comes their way that they'd out the people.....or at least try and verify if it's real or not.

  36. "My friend just found this on the web! Just to confirm that I can be cancelled out of this equation," - Tom Felton

    Twins Oliver and James Phelps, who play George and Fred Weasley respectively, also denied the report.
