Patti Stranger Says Chelsea Is Dating A Homeless Guy
Patti Stranger decided to take some shots back at her long time employee, Chelsea Autumn, who a couple of weeks ago said Patti was not a good matchmaker asked why anyone should use a matchmaker who cannot even maintain her own relationship. Well, Patti says that she can commit. This is the part I don't understand. I guess Chelsea has said that she found her boyfriend on her own, but Patti says that the boyfriend actually asked her out first but she decided she was too old for the guy and gave him Chelsea's number. Now, was this during her relationship to her ex, because it seems likely it was. If that was the case wouldn't you say something like I told him I had a boyfriend and told him to call Chelsea??? Anyway, Patti says Chelsea's boyfriend has no car and no house which would make him homeless wouldn't it? How is a homeless guy getting numbers from Patti and Chelsea??