OK! Magazine Has Most Deceiving Cover Yet
Tell me what you see when you first look at the cover. What I thought I was getting was that Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were just married. I wonder why I would think that. They even have the only photos and show the couple in what could be wedding attire. Of course, the entire world would probably know it if they did and OK! would never be the first to know, so I thought they were going to try and turn it into a planning on getting married article. Nope. The article even starts off talking about their honeymoon. You have to carefully read the entire article and read between the lines to realize the magazine is simply talking about the couple's honeymoon as characters Edward and Bella. Yep. Despite the fact they use Rob & Kristen on the cover and show scenes of what is frolicking honeymoon like, the whole thing is just about the movie. And the publishers wonder why they can't make any money.