Friday, November 05, 2010

The National Enquirer Tries Its Hand At A Brad & Jennifer Story

I'm shocked that none of the other notorious Brad and Jennifer tabloids thought of this angle to try and put them back together. According to The Enquirer, after learning that David Arquette and Courteney Cox were splitting, Brad Pitt called Courteney Cox to offer support to his long time friend. Or was it just support? According to The Enquirer, the reason Brad called was to try and "rekindle" his romance with Jennifer which of course put Angelina into a jealous rage and threatens their marriage. This stuff cracks me up.

"Angie flew into a rage when Brad admitted he called Courteney - and she accused him of using the Arquette split to reach out to Jen. Angie said she wouldn't be surprised if Jen was sitting right next to Courteney when he called!"

I swear that if Jennifer Aniston is still single in 30 years and Brangelina are still together, the tabloids will still try and sell some kind of story like this at least once a month. It just never stops. Can you imagine if Brad and Angelina ever split how many Brad and Jennifer covers would be printed? Why does everyone think the two would even get back together?


  1. Meh. At least they have stopped using the kids to create headlines and drama.

    I'd rather 100 of these stupid stories than 1 Shiloh cover.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I am really tired of the 3 of them.

  3. There's always an upswing of these stories during the holiday seasons. So predictable.

  4. Usually I want to bitch slap the "journalist" who write these stories, but this one made me chuckle.

  5. I would believe them if they said Brad was going back to Juliette Lewis!

  6. brad makes a random phone call to courteney yet they suspect that jen is right there? contrary to popular belief, they actually aren't conjoined twins.

  7. I wouldn't buy anything that had any combination of them on the cover. I guess someone is buying, but it ain't me. Don't care, at all.

  8. If Angie gets any thinner Brad won't be able to see all bets are off..

  9. @ _-_=_ > I agree completely. I have always thought that there was alot more to that relationship than we the public has been led to believe.

  10. What in the world is Angie doing with her hands? If it's pockets, they are not symmetrical. Weird.

  11. Even if Jenn does get married, I don't think the stories will ever truly stop. Unfortunately.

  12. Maybe in 30-40 years they will all end up at the Motion Picture retirement home and we can have stories of Jenn chasing Brad in her wheel chair and vice versa.

  13. I actually read this story about 2 weeks ago on other gossip sites so it kinda is old news.

  14. Who reads this fanfic stories? because if it didn't sell then magazines would stop writting them.

  15. Come on. Brad has stayed in touch with Courtney as a friend all along, and every time he's in contact with her the press flips out but I seriously doubt Angie does. Does anyone really think she's at all insecure about Jen? Brad will never go back to her. No way, no how.

  16. Hmm...yeah, as much as I don't like The Jolie, I don't really think she's getting her panties in a wad about Courtney or Jennifer.
