Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Thoughts On Eva And Tony

As you all know, I always take the side of the person who has been cheated on in a marriage or a relationship. I don't think it is right to cheat and I feel a lot of sympathy for people who have had their trust betrayed. As much as I despise Camille Grammer, she was cheated on and if Kelsey wanted someone else, he should have filed for divorce first.

If Tony Parker cheated on Eva Longoria, then I would have to support Eva. I also think that sexting is cheating, so again would support Eva. Plus, if you cheated with the wife of your teammate that is really really low.

My point yesterday was about Eva's full on publicity charge to make Tony look really awful was somewhat thwarted by the announcement earlier that Tony had filed for divorce which would have made Eva ticked off because of what she had planned. I had a discussion with someone yesterday at work who was like Tony cheated and was sexting this teammate's wife and had hundreds of texts from her.

The source of the reports? Mario Lopez. Mario, the best friend of Eva Longoria and who is a big fan of cheating himself. That overwhelming avalanche of publicity has set the tone. With a day to actually have someone investigate, it turns out that the teammate's wife was also a friend of Eva and that the couples did stuff together frequently in the past. There are also reports that the texts were not sexting, but just friendly and very few of them would be considered flirty.

The person who controls the publicity machine controls the story. If Tony cheated on Eva, then he sucks. I am just not 100% convinced that this is what happened.

Go back to the Shania Twain/Mutt Lange story. The woman in that story vehemently denied cheating with Mutt. But, Shania said he did, controlled the publicity machine and the whole world believes Mutt did even though there has been nothing to indicate he actually did.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    you hate cheating but you allegedly cheated on all of your ex-wives? what's your problem with women or yourself for that matter. imho, you really shouldn't have a say so in this matter. pot. kettle. black.

  2. ITA with your stance on cheating, Ent.

    So is Mario controlling the publicity machine? Cannot stand that guy. I do hope she didn't cheat period, but especially not with that dick.

    btw, Shania cheated on Mutt long ago, even left him. Plus there was the rumour that Curtis Joseph (NHL goalie) had an affair with her.

  3. Trying to care about this story. Trying...trying. Nah, not happening. Yawn.

    Like Ent said yesterday, when that dumb show goes away so will she.

  4. I love how Tony Parker must be crouching down really low in that photo to be near Eva's height.

  5. This marriage was doomed to fail from day one. They both have high profile careers, different millieu. Why didn't they have a child? The child could have made them closer...marriage without a child is pointless. Eva is very beautiful, but clearly it wasn't enough for Tony.

  6. Did I miss something? Where does Enty say he cheated on all of his ex's? ea17 - are you really Tony Parker??

  7. I know a few married without kids couples, and they are happy. I only wanted one, can't do the raising multiple kids. Children should only be born because they are wanted and not with a job.

  8. marriage without children is pointless? wow. I'll have to share that with all of my friends who are happily married but NOT going down the children route. I guess there's no purpose to a lifelong commitment.

  9. ha...Valerie I totally agree...I thought I was losing my mind as I'm reading some of these

  10. Yeah, I don't recall anything about Enty cheating. Funny when commenters make stuff up!

    Enty has suggested/hinted many times that Eva hasn't been innocent in this marriage. If she's manipulating the press to make him look at the bad guy, then she's even worse than I thought.

    On a totally random note, I have beady eyes like the ones in this picture where I've tried to remove redeye with an application. Photoshop fail.

  11. @newyorker - yeah, that's kind of an antiquated view of marriage. Jesus. And for the record, Eva had a miscarriage. Feel like a jerk, yet?

  12. Whoa, what about the happily married people who can't have children? Yes, those couples *do* exist.

  13. unless i know the story,i don't take sides. Plenty of great relationships have come out of someone already being in one and not being happy.

    life isn't black and white.

  14. Is Iker Casillas involved?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Thank god those two didn't have kids. What a mess that would of been.

  17. @ jax completely agree.

    And even when you do know the story, chances are you still don't REALLY "know" the story. Heck, even in my OWN marriage I'm sure I don't know the WHOLE story. Does that make any sense? There is PLENTY of stuff I keep to myself, so I'm sure that is also true of my spouse. (not cheating)


    @ newyorker

    Is what you wrote really what you meant or are we all interpreting it wrong? Because,

  18. @RocketQueen - I can't always get the red eye thing in Photoshop to work. Sometimes when I apply it gives me (what looks like) a black eye.

    I'm sure we'll be learning more about this story in the next few weeks. I don't understand why Eva is friends with AC Slater or why she would confide in someone that guests hosts on Extra.

  19. Just tell me, now: Would you eat Turkey bacon? Would you???

  20. I don't believe her. Like most of Hollywood, attention whore.

  21. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Didn't they married in France? If they did does it matter where you get the divorce? Also by her filing in CA wouldn't she get a better deal than filing in Texas???

  22. Just for the record, I would NOT eat Turkey bacon. Ever. It would be cheating on real bacon. And cheating on myself!

  23. I am not a big Eva L. fan, but this made me unhappy to read about. For a Hollywood person, she seems to have really thrown herself into the marriage thing and tried to have a regular life, as regular as it can be with millionaire athletes and famous actresses. Tony Parker is awfully cute -- I can imagine lots of people flirt with him whenever they can. Let's hope they get through this.

  24. @Sylvia, I wondered about that too. Her divorce papers listed a prenup from 2007 and an amendment in 2009. But she also asked for spousal support, so maybe that's part of the prenup?

  25. He was caught before in their marriage, within the first 6 months of cheating. Texting another woman IS CHEATING! For the record, we all know he was SEXTING!

  26. OK, I'm confused now, if he didn't cheat on herm why is she divorcing him?

  27. California is a community property state and I'm willing to bet Texas isn't, which is why he filed in Texas and she filed in California.

    It doesn't matter where you wed, it matters where you live or lived during the marriage that counts during a divorce. Being that he was an athlete based in Texas and she worked in Hollyweird, that's gonna make some dollars, um, some arguments for a few divorce attorneys! LOL

  28. marriage without a child is pointless

    Gee, thanks -- I'll let my husband of 15 years know that there's no point in our being together. (And does this mean that infertile people might as well just throw in the towel as well?) How incredibly ignorant and insulting of you.



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