Monday, November 29, 2010

More David Beckham Cheating Stories

As you know David Beckham sued In Touch after they claimed he had an affair with Irma Nici, the former hooker, who was also sued by David Beckham. Well, as a result of the suit, In Touch has filed some pleadings and other documents that allege that not only was David Beckham having sex with Irma but that he had a regular f**k buddy who sold lingerie and who David would meet after every home LA Lakers game for some sex.

They also allege that Beckham's nanny found sext messages between David and a mother whose children go to the same school as the Beckham boys. This is the same woman whose husband claimed in his divorce documents that she was having an affair with David. From the looks of the court papers it looks like the sex with the lingerie saleswoman was probably their best shot. The hotel where the sex was to have taken place confirmed that David Beckham had stayed there many times. I guess he did not want to make the 20 minute drive home at the end of the night. The saleswoman told a few people she had sex with Beckham but In Touch could not get the woman to admit that she had sex with Beckham so they ultimately chose not to publish the story even though the magazine was convinced through all of their other efforts that she had been having sex with Beckham.


  1. is this guy relevant? The stars are really boring these days. I wish someone would spice it up.

  2. I guess I'm not surprised. I suppose the Posh and Becks are in a sham marriage.

  3. Shouldn't it be LA Galaxy? Doesn't matter. He's going back to Everton for a loan, I think, and won't be in the US for a while.

  4. what's up Susan! How's the bebe?

  5. David Beckham's straight? Man, did not see that one coming.

  6. Wow David, your children will be so proud of you.

  7. OH MY!!! STOP EVERYTHING!!! you mean, david is not faithful to victoria?

    come on. i don't even need details. it is pretty obvious he's the kind of guy with a girl in every port.

  8. hmm a high profile sports figure cheating...Stop the presses - this has NEVER happened in the history of mankind.........what it did? Tiger? oooh OVER IT

  9. lol @ kathrynnova - so true. No one is surprised, least of all Victoria.

  10. Their marriage is not a "sham," he loves her and their family very much. He's just a big horndog.

    Apparently their deal is that as long as she doesn't HEAR ABOUT IT and be publicly humiliated, she turns a blind eye.

    But it makes me feel sorry for her.

  11. David I will be your f*** buddy anytime. I promise I won't tell a soul.

  12. Oh, but you should read how this is covered in the UK Daily Mail. Family man David Beckham is being harrassed by cheap American floozies. The comments are even funnier, they have none of our CDAN snark and my commnets about the Beckhams are never published.

    lunaire: He goes to lots of Lakers games and he's already out of the house so why not hook-up with someone.

  13. I thought Victoria was the blind about the woman who didn't have a clue about her cheating man.

  14. @sunnyside - she was! And then Ted C came back with a blind saying he was wrong, turns out she DOES know, but along the lines of what Dawn says above. It's "don't ask, don't tell, don't let me HEAR about it".

  15. Color me bored. Of course he's having affairs. Didn't their marriage almost break up a few years ago because of his cheating? Let's face it, men with his kind of fame and looks are not apt to resist the temptations that comes with easy access to almost every woman within their proximity.

  16. @ chihuahuense,

    the bambino is fab. thanks for asking. i'm nursing him as we speak in the man room (it's where the computer is. i so need a laptop).

    so great to be back at CDAN. I was in the hospital forevs. Induced labor was followed by a C-section, which was followed by four more days in the hospital. Ick nast. So excited to be home and just chillin' with the babe.

    Hope you're all doing great.

  17. Welcome back Susan.

    Great to hear you and the baby are doing good. I had my fingers crossed for you.

  18. Welcome back Susan. What did you name him?

  19. Susan, congrats! Makes me want to go out and buy baby clothes, but I look for any excuse to do that because the outfits are all so damn cute.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend. :)

  20. Congratulations Susan.

  21. congrats Susan!!! Be careful, don't over do it, though. Takes a long time for those ABD muscles to fully heal, way after you are feeling great. So glad you and the baby are doing well and glad to have you back! @FS, I know, I am a sucker for the little bitty baby clothes....I look for any excuse to get me some. Then of course the mom has to indulge me by letting me kiss some baby toes--THE BEST :) I have boys, and I can't imagine how hard it would be to not drop a small fortune on clothes if I had a girl!

    Who's next? chopchop? Wasn't someone else preggers?

  22. Congratulations, Susan!! And good to see you back!

    Yep, I'm next. Laying in bed right now, the size of a beluga whale, with my laptop balanced on my ginormous belly.

  23. I think I'm getting to the age where babies are becoming more of an I want, than a get that thing away from me if it's going to cry like that.

    I know loads of people who have small ones, two and under, and have a very good friend who is due in January and I can't get enough of them or their smell. It's becoming too much.

    Anyway. Lots of luck chopchop. I shall keep my fingers crossed for you, too. Oh yea, when are you due?

  24. why am i never around when david's peen wanders?????

  25. Congratulations, Susan! Enjoy him being a sweet little pea, they grow up so quickly! It seems like I just had my daughter and she is almost 3 now.

    Enty should rename this post: "Beckham cheats again, but nobody cares. Susan is a proud mother of little boy!!!"

  26. Congrats, Susan! Good luck, chopchop :)

  27. Good luck, chopchop. Not having the beached whale feeling is SUCH a relief! I must have really good metabolism, because I only have to lose 9 more pounds to be at my starting weight. This whole C-section thing though prevents me from exercising. I can drive again on Wednesday. Praise Jesus.

    sunnyside - his name is Evan James.

    If any of you want to see pics, please check out my food blog:

    Hope I'm not offending anyone by pimping out my blog. It's really for the baby pics. Really.

    Thanks for all the shoutouts. I'm going to take a nap now.

  28. Congrats Susan!
    and Good Luck ChopChop!

    I'd be more suprised if you told me Becks was faithful. I'd feel sorry for Mrs. Becks if she ever showed an emotion. She acts like the great stone face even with her children. I secretly think she's a robot.

  29. Bah, I wish he weren't a scumbag cheater.

    Congrats Susan!

  30. Congratulations, Susan! I know you are glad to be home with your little one after four days in the hospital! YUCK!

    How does David Beckham keep all these women quiet but Tiger couldn't?
