Thursday, November 18, 2010

Make Fun Of Lindsay And Dina Threatens To Sue

Apparently no one in the world can comment on Lindsay Lohan or make fun of her or discuss her rehab without threat of a lawsuit from Dina Lohan. This week on Glee, The Goopster made fun of Lindsay. Specifically, during Spanish class, she said things in Spanish like, "Lindsay Lohan is totally crazy right?"

She also tried to teach her students the number five by explaining it is how many times Lindsay has been to rehab. Well, this shocking truth upset Dina. In her mind, Dina thinks Lindsay is a perfect angel who has probably never been to rehab and does not have a problem and does not like people making an issue of it.

Dina said that the show defamed Lindsay. Umm how? She has been to rehab five times. Because the show called her crazy? Well, I think that is more of an indictment of her parents than Lindsay, but I still don't see how it is defamatory. If Dina wants to go through her pennies and have her lawyers send off a letter to Glee, that is her call, but it is absolute waste of money. But then again, so is the money she keeps throwing at whoever does her hair and that does not seem to stop her spending money on that.


  1. It's not defamation if its true. God, I hate the Lohans. Buch of litigious assholes.

  2. I thought those moments were pretty funny. Dina just wants some easy money. They didn't say any thing that wasn't truth or common sense.

  3. Hey Dina, your daughter's life has become a national joke. Wake up.

  4. Yes, she figures it's good for an easy settlement...

  5. I agree with all three of the above comments.

  6. Love the slam on her Lion King mane! I've always thought her hair was just waaaayy too much & very clearly obvious fake. It's a hideous look for her - she's too old to rock that look.

  7. Never mind how ridiculous she is, but clearly she is forgetting how Lindsay lampooned herself at the start of the VMA Awards (with Chelsea Handler).

    So it's okay for Lindsay to poke fun at herself, but others can't?

    Sorry, she can't have it both ways.

  8. The bigger crime, IMHO, was Gwynneth's god awful accent when speaking spanish. It hurt my ears.

  9. A few weeks back, 30 Rock did a great send-up of the Carvel ice cream scandal without mentioning the Lohan name. It was awesome.

  10. Well they *did* get a settlement from the "milkaholic" Etrade ad, didn't they? Dina prolly figures it's an easy way to make a buck.

  11. I think it's more like make fun of Lindsay Lohan without paying Dina and she will sue.

  12. Dina's just upset because she couldn't cash in when her daughter's name appeared on Glee.

    @valerie (imo) She doesn't have a bad accent, it just seemed weird because of the different tone/scale from her natural english-speaking voice, which is a lot softer.

  13. @Little Miss Smoke & Mirrors -
    I caught that. Hilarious. I love that show.

    Not surprising, after the eTrade lawsuit. I don't know what planet Dina is living on if she thinks her delusional, drug addicted daughter is immune to being trashed or lampooned in the media.

    Sometimes, when I watch Family Guy I wonder how they get away with half the stuff they do. Is it b/c its a cartoon??

  14. @surfer THANK YOU -first thing i thought when i read this

  15. I may have to start watching this show

  16. Good job at helping your daughter secure future acting jobs. NOOOOO not coming off difficult at all.

    Maybe the rub was the person who was saying the lines happens to be an academy award winning actress with loving parents that helped her in life and didn't destroy her.

    Everything Lindsay will never have a chance at having or being.

  17. Good job at helping your daughter secure future acting jobs. NOOOOO not coming off difficult at all.

    Maybe the rub was the person who was saying the lines happens to be an academy award winning actress with loving parents that helped her in life and didn't destroy her.

    Everything Lindsay will never have a chance at having or being.

  18. I want the Lohans sued every damn time they open their mouths, any of them. Every damn time Lindsay runs a red light. I mean I want them sued sued sued frivolous or not, every single damn time they make a move now.

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  21. Oh, if Lindsay was pissed about the Today Show I just can't wait to hear what she thinks of this!!

  22. You can always get $ if you file enough frivolous lawsuits. Odds are it's going to be cheaper for most companies to give you money instead of paying lawyers. That's her only job, isn't it? (Just like that crazy lady on 'Hoarders.')

  23. Me enoja la familia de Lohan. Todos son locos.

    There. Now I defamed your whole family, Dina. Suck it up and deal with it.

  24. For once...I'm silently backing Dina...ONLY BECAUSE I HATE GLEE & FISHSTICKS PALTROW THAT MUCH. And it's just for today. After that, I'll be going back to praying to my horned heathen gods for a house to fall on Dina.

  25. Dina just takes any opportunity to get in the media, so here she is complaining about Glee.  What about the Funny Or Die parodies that Lindsay did?  Weren’t those poking fun at her disease (or was that just her relationship w. Sam Ronson?).  Why doesn’t Dina sue Lindsay for making fun of herself, or FoD for producing the parodies? She probably doesn’t think Lindsay is a “perfect angel” – it’s just another opportunity to be in front of the camera/make money off Lindsay.

  26. @Mooshki~are you as fascinated with the train wreck that is Hoarders as I am? I cannot take my eyes off of it! I even watch the rerun before the new one. It is fascinating what the mind can make some people believe about themselves. "I just got overwhelmed" and "I just have collections" are my fav lines!!!!!!

  27. Skeeball- I can't look away from Hoarders. I love Matt, the clean up specialist. I wish they would do a follow up a few months later. It seems for the most part that most of the people have the gene and it exacerbates when someone dies.

  28. @skeeball - Hoarders is one of the best shows on TV. Not only is it entertaining, you want to do a deep clean of your house afterwards.

    A friend of mine & his mom should really be on that show. I'm seriously considering having them put on it. Their apartment is that bad.

  29. But it was totally acceptable when Lindsay herself mocked her addiction and rehab stints on the VMA's with Chelsea Handler?

  30. Valerie, Gwyneth's accent is different from what one normally hears in the US. Low-class northern Mexican from the very poor border-jumpers. Cultured residents of Mexico City will sound very different from the poor immigrants of Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Sonora. Ditto for Argentinians and Spaniards. BIG DIF! Ditto the difference between Portuguese and Brasilians.

  31. I also wonder about the follow-through on Hoarders. A lot of these people have had their houses cleaned out before, and they just filled them right back up. I watch it whenever I need motivation to clean house.

  32. They have had a Hoarders follow up. some have kept it clean, other are right back where they started. I thnk they showed 4 or 6 people. It was intesting!

    @Jw12~Matt has had an intesting life, he was a complusive gambler and lost everything. Now he does this. he said he is going to wear move protective clothing now that he has a daughter.

    @thenightmarechild~does your friend let you in the apt? or do they hide it from everyone?

  33. @skeeball - They're 100% open with it. They act like nothing's wrong. I touched their couch with my bare hand for five seconds and got so sick, I had to drink Pedialyte for a month.

  34. It's not defamatory. The question Gwyneth asked the class is not considered a statement. The number of times LL has been in rehab is public knowledge. There is no defamation here. Dina just wants to grasp at anything that can make her money or secure media attention.

  35. i can't stand the fucking lohans. with that out of the way, i do feel that the jokes are a bit much. not because i think it is bad to make fun of lindsay - she has made herself into a tabloid fixture, showing us for years her dirty laundry, so here is a fine example of reaping what she sows.

    i hate the joke because it keeps her name relevant. i just wish the lohans would go away so i can hear about other cele-tastrophies. variety is a good thing. at this point, i've reached my limit on the brat and her stupid family.

    **steps down from soapbox

  36. PS i also don't like the jokes because i don't think it is worth it to have to pay dina every time a joke is made.

    pathetic. at this point she is making money off of people making fun of her daughter.

  37. Skeeball- I am not sure which therapist is the best at handling hoarders. I think Robin might have the most success.

  38. If I am correct (which I usually am not), Paltrow's accent was that of Spain. They are the ones that have the lispiness when they speak, right? And seeing that she did that trip with Mario Batali (sp?) through Spain, that could be the reason. We are so used to hearing the Mexican spanish that when we hear the Spainish spanish, it does sound very different. Again, I could be wrong :)
