Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kate & William Finally Engaged

With Prince William losing his hair at a more rapid pace now, he probably figured he could not afford to wait much longer and have Kate Middleton accept his proposal. So, after 8 years of dating, several breakups and about 500 magazine covers all predicting the couple would get engaged, all the tabloids can now say they were correct and told you so and blah blah.

Apparently the couple will not be waiting long to marry. No, not a shotgun wedding, although that would be cool.


  1. I don't feel good about this one, but whatever.

  2. Welp. I guess I'm out of the running.

  3. Well I just hope they're happy....not easy being married to a Royal.

  4. Good luck to them! They'll need it, no doubt. I like her for him, though.

  5. Congrats to them!

    @rebellious - I actually have a good feeling. 8 years together, in their late 20's, having been allowed to live together, I think they have it together.

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If they've been together for 8 years plus the break-ups don't feel this will last that long.

    Probably another Charles and Diana repeat. You know the cheating, the scandals, etc.....

  7. Meh
    I always thought he should have married Madeline from Sweden, a true royal union not to mention out of the Royals, she is HOT!

  8. I wish them well, Will seems to be a nice person. Hope they get the support from that dysfunctional family his mother never had. Can't wait to sing God save the King (for Wills) - never for that creepy father of his.

  9. Boring couple.

    I think his brother will marry someone more interesting.

  10. and the world went who cares

  11. I hope they are happy and have a long life together. Simplistic in thinking? Prolly, but I am a romantic at heart.

  12. I admit, I love a royal wedding. Can't wait.

  13. @MontanaMarriott, Madeline of Sweden is Orange. Not to mean she is Dutch, but that she has a bright orange skin color. This summer at her sister Victoria's wedding, Victoria was clear-skinned and lovely in her white gown, and Madeline was bright orange with blonde streaks in her hair and a violently turquoise gown. She has a pretty smile, but she needs a new stylist, with an iron hand.

    I remember when William was better-looking than Harry. That certainly reversed itself.

  14. Now, I don't necessarily mean that royals should marry one another. They are entitled to happiness, and if marrying a member of another royal fam is too high pressure, then go your own way!

  15. I just heard Will gave Kate the same ring his dad gave to his mom for their engagement. Remember it? Sapphire and diamonds. I don't know what to make of that. That ring is carrying around a lot of baggage.

  16. @mikey - are you serious? As much as I like my mom's wedding ring there is no way in bloody hell (my nod to the brits) I would want that as my wedding ring. Every time I would look at that ring I would think of my parents' miserable marriage and divorce. Hell no.

  17. @Nutty_Flavor - I remember that, too. I thought William was the better looking one for their entire childhood (I'm 35 now) and all of a sudden, it reversed.

  18. @Karmen - I know! Are the royals running out of jewelry? Is that they needed to recycle THAT ring? Is it some sort of passive/aggresive thing?

  19. Hm.

    Royalty intrigues me. I want to see what happens now.

  20. Yes I remember Diana showing her engagement ring to the press. It's a bit creepy re-using the same ring, but I suppose William is honouring his mother.

    They're marrying next spring or summer which is not that quick but royal weddings take some organising.

  21. Nutty Flavor-
    Is that your real picture?
    If so, you're gorgeous!

    I'm not gay...not that there's anything wrong with it.

  22. Ok they'll get marry, so what?..the most important thing in this entire story is who is Prince Harry (*drools over keyboard) dating?

  23. I sort of object to royalty in principle. I don't much see the point.

  24. He gave her Diana's ring...wish he had selected something else and given he that ring later on...maybe for the birth of a child..
    Sorry but that ring bothers me...just not lucky..

  25. @HannahPalindrome - actually, it's an old shot of Lindsay Lohan! Back in the days when she really was gorgeous.

    As for me, I'm 'differently gorgeous," in other words, as gorgeous as a 46-year-old single mother with no car and no domestic help can get. Lots of ponytails and sweaters.

  26. I saw some other pics of him lately and it looks like his hair is thicker. Couldn't see up close for Travolta-esque hair transplants or whatever they are called but I guess this photo trumps on my theory. Still a little baldish on the top center but good for them. I always liked them together.


  27. I'm embarrassed to admit that I am hyped up. I watched his parents wed when I was a young girl. Also, I think it is sweet that he gave her Diana's ring.

  28. The ring I saw was not Diana's. It's a rather boring diamond job.

    Also read online that they were supposed to announce this summer, but there was some problems with pap photos and he wanted her to sue and settled. He sulked for awhile before popping the question. He HATES the paps.

    Doesn't he know about rogaine?

  29. I think they'll marry on Diana's 50th birthday, July 1, 2011, and that's why he choose that ring.

    ITA @Ms Cool

  30. i like her...but i hope she keeps a tight rein on him...i don't think he'll be as bad as harry one day, but i do think he'll fall into the many mistresses mentality, and she'll drink to deal. (sorry, i bit torrent all seasons of the tudors and i'm a wee bit jaded).

    i do hope they're happy and truly in love tho. and fwiw, nothing wrong w/ baldy men!

  31. I love these two together. It doesn't feel like she was forced into the marriage, like Diana and Charles were. She has been with him for 8 years, so she knows exactly who he is and he her. I suspect alot of the breakups were caused by the Queen being upset that Kate wasn't of royal blood and William wanting to test her to make sure she could be discrete in the worst of circumstances. You've never seen Kate bad-mouth William, even when they were broken up. I think the queen finally accepted that Kate will be a good royal wife, and gave this marriage her blessing. That opened it up for William to finally marry the woman he loved. If you stop and think about it, Charles wasn't allowed to marry the woman he loved because she wasn't suitable for a royal wife, and he ended up carrying on with her for years despite being married to the "suitable wife". Good for William if he is being allowed to marry the woman he loves. I don't think we'll see William cheat on Kate, the way his father cheated on Diana.

  32. Ok, sorry. I was wrong. He gave her Diana's ring. I think it's sweet. He said it was special to him.

  33. Now *that's* a ring. These kids know how to shop -- In their lawyer's safe!

  34. Personally, I would have liked it better if he gave that ring to a daughter if he had one. I understand his intention tho.

  35. William said the ring was his way of bringing his mother into his happiness.

    valerie: That's a fascinating theory about the break-ups. William mentioned in their interview that the long courtship was purposeful in order to ward off 'mistakes in the past,' by which he could have meant:
    1. The fast courtship (cough-duping-cough) of his mother, the HUGE fame she endured, preparing Kate and all that.
    2. 'Mistakes' that led to public embarrassment of the royal family. Surely Kate's discretion in the course of a 9-year relationship has won Her Majesty over.

  36. Forget all the stuff we know about their marriage and her death - it was the ring his dad gave his mom which led to his existence, so I think it's sweet. It's a symbol of the bonds of family no matter what the circumstances may be.

  37. I like to think it's a slap in the face for his stepmother.

  38. Gold Diggers are celebrating all over the world! That's yucky that he used Diana's ring. It ended with a divorce. Kate is a gold digger, and will do just fine, like Fergie.

    I actually like Chelsy Davey for Harry.

  39. When William smiles he just lines up his upper bite with his lower bite. But he's still adorable. His baby photos look so much like my son's.

    But my son is much cuter.

  40. I'm with you Kate, I can't wait! I remember getting up for Lady Di's wedding when I was young, my mother and I made a whole morning of it. I would think that after 8 years he would be confident in her ability to cope, and she would know what she's getting into.

    Can't wait!

  41. I do have a question re the Royals.
    When the heir in question was Charles - I remember a big stink about 1)her bloodline and 2)whether or not she was a virgin.
    Since Kate's bloodline has already been touted as being "common", when did they stop that idiocy about virginity?

  42. I think they've got a good shot at being quite happy together--they met in a perfectly normal way, they were roommates in a group house, they've been together long enough to really get to know each other, they're the same age (actually, she's 6 months older, according to the BBC), she's had a chance to get used to the spotlight and decide if she could handle it or not--it's really the polar opposite of his parents' marriage in a lot of ways. As for why the long wait, they're only 28; waiting until you're old enough to know what and who you want, and to have some sense, strikes me as a very good idea, even if you have been dating a while. (Again, Diana was really too young and naive to cope with the situation into which she was thrust.) Finally, I think giving her his mum's ring is terribly sweet in a way, esp. since he's said it was his way of making her a part of things. I think they've both paid a lot of attention to what went wrong for his parents, and what apparently went right for hers, and are determined to learn from their elders' experiences.

    Mazel tov, you crazy kids! :-)

  43. Merlin: probably about the time Her Majesty realized that not letting Charles marry Camilla in the first place for both those reasons led to the big mess with Diana. My suspicions are that the fussing isn't so much the work of the royal family per se, but all the attendants & hangers-on (the same kind of people who've made the Japanese Crown Princess' life so difficult). The Queen's a very bright woman, and I'm sure she realized that times have changed enough that virginity shouldn't have to be a job requirement (it certainly wasn't for Fergie, although admittedly Andy wasn't the heir), and a a new source of fresh water in the royal gene pool is a REALLY good idea. (Read Royal Babylon to get a sense of what can go wrong when royals interbreed too damn much.)

  44. "I don't think we'll see William cheat on Kate, the way his father cheated on Diana."

    I hope not, but Tiger Woods?
    I think he said in an interview that his father cheated, so he would never cheat.

    I always think men will stray at some point...

  45. I think giving her his Moms ring is sweet. Trust me there will be many many new jewels in her life. That said, I am honestly not looking forward to 6 months of non stop hype.

  46. Obviously with Diana it was not an issue, because she really was a virgin and her courtship was so short--- but I've been impressed how responsible these kids have been with their business all these years. THEY CANNOT AFFORD to be sloppy with birth control. Ever. Remember how hard that was in your 20's?

  47. I don't think the break ups they had earlier in their relationship is any indication that they won't have a lasting marriage. I broke up with my now husband 3 times in our early twenties! I didn't want to get married that young & I'm very glad we waited.

    I like that he picked a "commoner." I'm kind of iffy about the ring choice. Its a sweet thought for him to do that but...I don't know.



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