Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kate Gosselin Is In Her Own Little World

Sometimes Kate Gosselin reminds me of the little kid who runs around with their hands covering their ears shouting, "I can't hear you," repeatedly because if you can't hear what is being said then it must not be true or will not happen. For some reason unknown to anyone, Entertainment Tonight decided they were going to make Kate their Skating With The Stars correspondent because Kate knows so much about skating???? Seriously?? Maybe it was because she has some experience in one of these type shows looking like an idiot so she could relate to the rest of the cast.

Anyway, as part of her duties as correspondent she had to sit down with Mary Hart and be asked about her kids and show. Mary asked Kate if her kids had been expelled. The whole entire world knows they have been expelled. Apparently the news is being kept away from Kate though because she said, "Two of my children, no, are being tutored at home, with a teacher who is working closely with our kindergarten teachers in school, doing the identical curriculum." Uh huh. She says the pressure of the divorce was getting to them so they are better off at home for now than at school.

Kate was then asked about her show Twist of Kate which the entire world knows is never coming back, but Kate says, "We're sort of still trying to shape it [into] what it needs to be and what is going to be fun. So no, not canceled." I'm actually surprised Mary Hart did not start crying from laughing so hard at these answers.


  1. There are some people in this world that never come out of their bubble, or consider what their actions have resulted in, to those people I say...behold your Queen!

  2. She is delusional.

    She has the Snookie poof-HA!

  3. My, my, my how quickly Kate Gosselin has learned the PR-approved way of speakin in an interview. The true victims are those kids. While both parents go galavanting around the US, the kdis are being raised by an army of nannies. No consistency in their lives anymore. I cant wait 15 years from now, when one of the kids writes a tell all book inthe vein of Mommy Dearest.

  4. I never heard about the kids being expelled or something like that. Do you guys know what happened or have a decent link?

  5. She is definitely a Delusional Downtown Diva.

  6. All I have ever been able to find out about the two children getting expelled is that they were showing anger management and bullying. That's from perez so take it for what it's worth.

    Regardless, I think it's a huge deal if your kid is expelled at any age, but at six that says there is something very, very wrong going on emotionally. Those kids need serious help.

  7. All I have ever been able to find out about the two children getting expelled is that they were showing anger management and bullying.

    They are products of their environment. Obviously, they are taking after their mom!

  8. I hadn't read/heard anything about the kids being expelled either, but even so her answer in quotation marks above is really a non-answer that shrieks SPIN!

    Re her show, Twist of Kate (which I also had never heard of) she said, "We're sort of still trying to shape it [into] what it needs to be and what is going to be fun. So no, not canceled." Okay, so it's not canceled but it's not picked up, either. She really IS delusional.

    Poor kids. They have an idiot for a father and a fame-whore for a mother.

  9. She's pathetic. I almost feel sorry for her...but, not really.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Her expression in this picture is so... scary. It's like trying really hard to be pleasant, but is actually crazy angry.

  12. I sometimes forget that this woman wanted children so badly that she had IVF twice in order to have them. Her actions and her words, however, make it easy to forget.

  13. Kate is just upset that we don't revere her as the ultimate font of maternal wisdom. I think she wants to be the Martha Stewart of motherhood and womankind.

  14. I, unfortunately, don't live very far from them and my mother lives extremely close. Rumor is the house is for sale, through the realty section of Sothebys.

    2 children were expelled - fact from people who have children attending the same private school.
    This is just an fyi:

  15. And the Joan Crawford golden coat hanger for Mother most likely to be named in a lawsuit/tell all/court hearing by her own children is...
    This trick has no one to blame but herself. She has pissed on everyone who has tried to help her. She is back on the TV because she needs money. That is all.

  16. Anonymous1:20 PM

    EXPELLED for being bullies??? At 6years old? Before the school year is even half over? I would believe suspended, but expelled? What in the world were these kids doing?

  17. Oh Borg Queen, don't you understand that Kate has to MAKE MONEY??? Her kids have dried up as a financial resource for her (ahem), so she needs to go out and work, work work. Who else is gonna pay for those $3000 hair extensions - I mean - food for the kiddies? Don't you know they're STARVING??

    (Well, they could be starving. I bet she hasn't checked on them for the week. Those nannies - whatever their names are - can handle it.)

    NOW WHERE'S THAT BODYGUARD??? Kate need some lovin'. I hope she's using birth control. Look what happened last time.)

  18. This woman shouldn't have 1 kid never mind 8. And I don't believe I've ever seen a better bitchface. Like a lizard ready to whip that tongue out and devour you whole.

  19. @jbeebs - Snookie poof or is it Palin-esque? :)

    This woman does not need to be a correspondent for anything. She has the personality of a rock.

  20. If true some people choose to suffer in this life, her kids chose well.
