Monday, November 22, 2010

Jessica Simpson Finds New Way To Sit

Did you happen to see Jessica Simpson on The Early Show this morning? She went on and on about her boyfriend popping the question but was never asked how her boyfriend managed to afford a $150K ring. I would have asked that question right away. I am not sure the CBS anchors really need to be kissing Jessica's butt at this point in time. Just ask her if she paid for it. Anyway, during the interview she says that she was so shocked that he asked that she cried for five minutes and had to sit on his knee. Huh? So, was he down on one knee because then if she is sitting on his other knee, that could lead to some kind of injury. Was he sitting on a chair? I don't think so because then she could have said she sat on his lap. How does one sit on a knee? Was she down on the floor with him? She also said her boyfriend cried for five minutes. Good thing he is still not playing football.


  1. That's because they were TOLD not to ask her.

  2. Ok, either she is pregnant or she is embracing her inner fat girl because her face looks pudgy. NOT that its a bad thing just noticed the facial change.

  3. I don't see what the big deal is about her paying for the ring she wants for the man she wants. If she's happy, good for her.

  4. flu = morning sickness. she's preggers for sure.

  5. My other comment didn't seem to post. I'm with everyone else...Totally preggo! I am happy for her. I hope she has nothing but happiness during this time.

  6. Does anyone know when the wedding is?

  7. So, will she wait after the wedding to announce her pregnancy like Ashlee did, or just get it out now?

    The "flu" excuse is the same excuse every woman tells her boss in the early stages of pregnancy!

  8. Seriously, she does nothing to dispell the notion that she is dumb. The more she opens her mouth, the dumber she sounds.

  9. I'm guessing that Papa Joe encourages her to "play dumb." The problem is that it doesn't seem like an act and she comes off like an idiot instead of a lovable kook.

  10. I don't understand the time line. She was surprised and he had the ring? How could she have bought it?

  11. It must be fun to be able to buy husbands.

  12. sunnyside1213: Maybe he has access to her accounts or she puts money in the bank for him that he uses like an allowance.

  13. Anonymous11:37 AM

    maybe her dad gave him the $ to buy it and she was surprised??

  14. I just wish she would go away.

  15. SPeaking of possible pregnancies - did anyone see Christina Aquilera last night on the AMAs? I swear she is pregnant - very noticeable belly, she wasn't dancing that much and it seems the dancers choreography was to hide as much as her as possible. Anyone else?

  16. Xtina does look puffy in the face. Either that or she has put on regular weight since the separation. Perhaps if she is preggers it's not Jordan's, and hence the break up.

  17. We said the same thing about Christina...

  18. I don't think Jessica is preggers. I just think she is very, very lonely and validates herself through a man.

    Never in her wildest dreams did she think John Mayer would dump her after she left Nick for him.

    She hasn't been right in the brain since.

  19. @nunurbiz

    Cause it's super pathetically tragic. Who buys their own engagement ring? Really?

  20. Anonymous12:59 PM

    You all realize that he made close to $10 million in his career? He may not have been good but he got paid.

    He also is a Yale graduate who had a full ACADEMIC ride. This kid is not an idiot and smart with his money.

  21. @Dubs...I was getting ready to mention the same thing...the press seems to minimize that fact...

  22. I don't care about Jessica or her ring. I just think Enty's questions about where she sat are hilarious. Especially loved, "was he down on one knee because then if she is sitting on his other knee, that could lead to some kind of injury." HILAR.

  23. Thanks for pointing that out Dubs. I don't understand why his income keeps coming into question. Pretty much nobody is going to make as much money as her except John Mayer and he's a douche. No, wait, he needs one.

    While neither is a good reason to get married, it's slightly more reassuring in a weird way to think they are getting married because she is pregnant than because Nick is.

    I hope for the sake of their relationship if she is they get as far away from Joe as possible. It's the only chance they have and as soon as Jessica realizes that the better.

  24. I always found her to be quite likeable. She just seems normal to me. I don't think she's stupid, but I do think she may have skipped the media training when she got signed...*L*

  25. @SueEllen: So someone like Jessica, who has MUCH more money than her honey, should settle for a pathetic little CZ instead of a ring she wants to flaunt?

    Oh, wait, you probably mean a woman of means shouldn't marry a man with less money.

    All I'm saying, if she's happy, who cares? :-)

    (And no, even though I was engaged twice, I never bought the ring even though Bachelor No. 2 had a lot less money than I did. In fact, he got me a better ring than Bachelor No. 1, who was a millionaire. Money can't buy ya love, but it can buy a nice ring you can flaunt! :-)

  26. Liz Taylor bought her own engagement ring AND proposed to Michael Wilding (hubby number two) while he was still married, then announced their impending nuptials to the press before he quite realized what was going on. A mild-mannered man, he was quite taken aback by how aggressively Liz pursued him.

    So if Jessica bought her own ring for HER hubby number two, she's in good company. And we can make book on who her successive husbands will be.

  27. At the end of the day, Eric is neither employed nor going to school. I'm sorry, but a person's got to have SOMETHING going or some PLANS before I'd agree to marry them and support their ass for the foreseeable future.

  28. @RocketQueen: Would you say the same if the genders were reversed? Probably not. Maybe Jessica wants to have a Mr. Mom. Someone who's career won't surpass hers. Who will stay home and take care of the kiddies while she's the wage earner. Nothing wrong with that, if that's what she wants.

    How many women who have attached themselves to stars have had no education, no career, no portfolio?

  29. @nunaurbiz - yes, I absolutely WOULD say the same if the genders were reversede. I've been working or going to school since I was 16 and I certainly don't think much of women who starfuck instead of working or going to school.

    On the other point, you're right - maybe she WANTS a househusband the same way some men want a housewife. Based on her previous choices in men though, do we really think that's the case? I think she's lonely and that's why she's rushing to the altar. IMHO.

  30. I'm happy for her, I don't think she's prego, but I don't see the marriage lasting.

  31. Of course they didn't ask her that! Are you kidding me??

    I'm still on the train w/ the people that think this kid wasn't living in a cardboard box on the side of the road when Jess found him. He came from money. He had money & made money. We're going to assume he's a fairly smart dude, so he invested well. He isn't a billionaire, but he isn't destitute. Not at least to K-Fed levels.

    Enty: Maybe Eric (in his spare time from being unemployed) takes a lot of yoga/pilates, building up his core & leg muscles to hold Jessica up on his knee. ;-) She seems like the kind of girl that makes her boyfriends practice old cheerleading routines, so hell, maybe that was common place.

    I think i like the ring better now knowing the background but still would never pick that for myself!

  32. @nunaurbiz

    Uh. I never said that nor implied it. I just think it's sad as hell to buy your own engagement ring. I've never been proposed to, but no matter how poor he was, I would love the ring. That doesn't matter to me. A good soul does.



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