Friday, November 05, 2010

Jessica Alba Explains Why She Is Such A Great Actress

Jessica Alba is in Elle this month and I cannot wait until this issue comes out. If the quotes the magazine is using to tease the issue is any indication then this could be all kinds of awesome.

“Good actors, never use the script unless it’s amazing writing. All the good actors I’ve worked with, they all say whatever they want to say.” This of course is why Jessica has had such a great acting career to date and why those Academy Award nominations keep piling up for her.

Granted, Jessica does admit that she has not been in the most critically acclaimed films of all time. “I know I haven’t been swimming in the deep end with some of the movies I’ve done. I wasn’t trying to. I knew what they were.” So, which ones were the deep end of the pool, because I really, really want to see one where she thinks she was.

Apparently Jessica is also getting used to directors being critical of her performances. “I’d been so afraid of criticism ever since I was young. Every time I’d get a critique or some redirection, I’d always just take it very personally, but now I have no problem with it. It’s just a chance to try things a different way. To play more with a character. It also gives me a chance to have some input, to use my voice.”

Well then I guess we can expect another Academy Award nomination for Jessica in Spy Kids 4.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can understand when she says that most good actors don't use scripts. I'd imagine that the script is just a guildline and they are allowed to improvise. I think that makes the movie/show more real and entertaining.

  3. Girlfriend needs to think before she speaks.

  4. IMHO the biggest problem with Hollywood movies is the boring and unoriginal scripts and stories. Given the total lack of respect that Hollywood has for the screenwriter, I don't see this changing anytime soon. When a z-level actor like Alba feels entitled to trash the entire guild of screenwriters you know they must be held in general contempt.

  5. Oh, Jessica.....poor thing.

    That picture sure is airbrushed to death. It doesn't even look like her. Strange.

  6. Just smile and look pretty honey, because that's all you got.

  7. I like her. I just think she is as dumb as a bag of hammers.

  8. ....also, wonder if she is right about the improv stuff. Wouldn't that piss off the screenwriters?

  9. Jeebus that picture has been photoshopped to high heaven! I realize most everyone in Hollywood is skinny, but there's no way her waist is that narrow without airbrushing.

  10. She just sounds like a moron whenever she speaks. So, you mean to tell me that most lines from really memorable quotable movies are improvised? I call bullshit on that. I'm sure improvisation takes place, but give me a break.

  11. Obviously, she never saw THAT particular episode of Friends where Joey mouthed off about the writers and (in revenge) the writers killed off his character.

    Think before you speak.

  12. C'mon now, people. "Be neutral. Be Sweden!" She's not just dumb, she's dumb AND nasty by all accounts of everyone who's ever worked with her.

  13. She's an idiot and with that hair and orange tan, on her way to being disliked like J-Lo.

    Her lack of respect for screenwriting has me wanting her career to crash. Great screenwriting is integral to great filmmaking and the great actors recognize it. Bette Davis did not change one word in her performance as Margo Channing in ALL ABOUT EVE, for one example. More contemporary examples are numerous (just read any of the recent Academy Award winning scripts - including PIXAR scripts - if you're interested). Yes, improv is also integral to the filmmaking process of many directors (and actors) but somehow, I doubt this moron has any such skills.

  14. Tough audience here. I'm not sure what the uproar is. I don't even understand the healine - "explains why she is a great actress" huh? Based on those quotes I'd say that she is saying she knows that she isn't a terrific actres, knows that she's been in some crap movies and now just rolls with the punches when she gets criticized. *shrugs*

  15. @RocketQueen
    Thanks for the "Be neutral. Be Sweden!" reminder. It still makes me laugh.

  16. It's one thing to say that actors improvise, but she didn't really say that. She said they "say whatever they want." Kind of implying they don't even follow the script. AND just because an actor improvises, it doesn't mean it's due to bad writing.

  17. Most actors don't veer that far away from the script (comedic films are the exception). Unless they are told that it's okay to improvise, most actors respect the writers and say the words that are written. Sometimes the syntax changes because if there's a more natural way for the actor to say it, then of course that helps the dialog flow but from what she's saying, people just make up their own lines?? Maybe in film there is more leeway but in television and especially sitcom, you say what's on the page. There's a reason there are so many color coded versions of scripts because the words are important and there are people who are hired to do just that.

    I saw that naked cell phone photos of her pregnant were leaked today *eyeroll*

  18. And when she was in Oklahoma last year and plastered "save the sharks" posters on United Way property. F'ckin brilliant, she is.

  19. My favorite movie she was ever in was "Idle Hands" co-starring with "Whatever happened to you" Devon Sawa.

  20. Reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies, Waiting for Guffman: "If there's an empty space, just fill it with a line, that's what I like to do. Even if it's from another show. "

  21. @bloodonthescreen

    Yeah...I remember that one, terrible acting but more important what DID happen with Devon Sawa?

  22. I was at a pitch event last year and some of us writers were talking about which production companies were there. Jessica Alba's was there. None of us wanted to pitch our scripts to her ANYWAY! Just wait till the next one and see who would want to pitch to her NOW.

  23. 'Idle Hands' was awesome. Looks like Sawa is doing tv now, but he hasn't worked much the last few years. He was also great in 'Slackers,' one of my top 10 favorite movies ever.

  24. I like her, I think she is cute and I think she and that dude need to have some more adorable babies. I don't think she's stupid, but I don't know every quote she's ever said. Bottom line, there are much more detestable people than her.

  25. Mooshki. SLACKERS is AMAZING. It is in my top ten as well. Most people don't know it exists, it is a shame. AND.. I will admit, when Casper came out (With Ricci), I fell in love with Mr. Sawa. omg.

  26. My favorite Alba movie is "Never Been Kissed." She perfected bitch face in that movie.

    And MY GOD, is that photo ever photoshopped. Doesn't look like her in the face, let alone the non-existant waist.

  27. I am sure SHE doesn't use the script. To use it she would have to know how to READ a script.

    If I were the scriptwriter and she changed what I'd written I'd be uber-pissed. If say Pacino changed my wording I'd be honored.

  28. bloodonthescreen, my favorite part is at the end when Jason Schwartzman is throwing a fit and stomping up and down, and Devon totally breaks character and just laughs at him. I'm sure Jason improvised that scene, but in context of what the writers wanted him to do.

  29. She has a really bad reputation for being a complete b*tch (she's called much worse by those who have met her)- not surprised that she would casually stomp on writers in an interview.

    Like Enty says, not exactly like she's quoting Shakespeare with "Spy Kids 4."

  30. ctkat1 - that reputation is deserved. I know someone who did a film with her and when they introduced themselves to JA before they did their scene together, Alba looked them up and down, then turned her back on them, still standing beside them WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. Apparently she is insufferable.

  31. That's funny, I just watched a movie the other night that's a modern take on a Shakespeare play and the first word of dialogue wasn't spoken until almost the 10 minute mark. Because Shakespeare's greatest weakness was his way with words, dontcha know. Those pesky writers. (Oh yeah, the movie bombed at the box office. I think Jessica Alba might have been in it.)

  32. "I haven't been swimming in the deep end..." Can I assume she's referring to the gene pool?

  33. Well that explains Good Luck Chuck.

    Didn't she do an interview a year or so ago about how movies are greenlit when she's attached to them?


  34. She's definitely got getting roles due to her acting ability... the casting couch must be alive and well.
