Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is Oksana Trying To Get An iPhone Deal?

Did you watch Oksana on Larry King last night? Although it was interesting to hear her first person account of what happened, it is not much different than what we have already read and heard. What I could not get past is how much Oksana seemed to mention her iPhone every five seconds. When Larry asked her about the quality of the sound recordings, Oksana started talking about this iPhone App that records conversations and she must have mentioned it several times. Then, when talking about Mel coming to the house in what she thought would be the last minutes of her life, what goes through her mind? "I knew Mel was calling on his old cell phone and not his new iPhone, because it sounded like he was in a tunnel."

Seriously? This is what crosses your mind? I am definitely on Team Oksana still, I just thought it was interesting how much she seemed to love her phone. The only new things Oksana added to what I had not heard, or don't remember hearing before is that she said Mel choked her and hit her in front of her son. For some reason, I thought Mel had only done that with Lucia there and not the son.


  1. This chick needs to shut her speaking hole because all she is doing is making her case weak. Zip.It.

  2. The New York Times has a front-page story about Michael Vick, the football player convicted of animal cruelty, and how he is slowly making a comeback as people's memories fade. Wonder if the same will be true for Mel Gibson.

    Think of all the other male movie stars who have - according to their biographers, at least - hit women. Cary Grant, Burt Lancaster, Frank Sinatra. Or those that have emotionally abused the women in their lives - Henry Fonda, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby. It's hardly the first thing that comes up when people discuss these "legends."

  3. Here's the link to the Vick story. His conviction was three years ago. Is this Mel Gibson in 2013?

  4. Isn't it illegal to record conversations without the other party knowing? I don't recall her mentioning a gun before. He waved a gun at her and she forgave him?

    I don't doubt Mel assaulted her in some way, but I'm beginning to wonder if she's embellished some of the things because more and more seems to come out from this. Don't flame, because I'm not saying she's in any way to blame.

  5. Mel Gibson has not fell out of favor with the public yet. The bulk of people are team Mel. Seems like the people on CDAN are in the minority. There is a story today that Mel is trying to get full custody of Lucia. A TMZ poll says that 70% of people think Mel should get custody. I'm scared for that baby.

  6. Didn't Kanye write a song about this woman?

  7. @caydian, LOL. Same tune came in my head.

    I thought if you were involved in legal matters you are not supposed to talk about it?

  8. The article that was in People said she told her son to go hide, I think. I could be wrong. It's been known to happen. :)

    @Nutty.. I have definitely not forgotten about Vick, and I don't think he should be allowed to play in the NFL. Other players who have been convicted of crimes haven't been let back in. But that's another topic all together...

  9. Unfortunately, every time she does an interview, which her lawyers (42 so far, I've heard) advise her not to, she undermines her own credibility. To quote Chris Farley (or Matt Foley): "Mom, I wish you'd just shut your big YAPPER!"

  10. She needs to shut up, deal with the legal matters quietly or she'll ruin it.

  11. @Nutty - posted this in another thread yesterday - it's why people should NOT forget what he did:,0,6081163.column

    Done with Mel and wish Oksana would shut her yap. She deserves to take that scum for all he's got.

  12. Anonymous10:53 AM

    It's great that people can move on. I sure as hell am glad that others did, so I could have a second chance.

    When they "get" the Charlie Sheens and Roman Polanskis of the world maybe I'll change my mind about Gibson and Vick!

  13. I'll never forget what Vick did.
    @RocketQueen - That article breaks my heart. God bless those people for taking in a dog with that much baggage & who were willing to work with him.

    That many lawyers & none of them can convince her to stop talking??

  14. She should take a lesson from Casey Anthony's parents. Those folks have convicted their daughter of killing her baby before she even goes to trial. And they won't shut up either!

  15. I have a bigger issue - when is Larry King retiring?????

  16. I saw the Vick B.S. on one of the news shows.

    The jist of their soundbite was:

    "Vick played such a good game shouldn't we forgive him?"

    Uhhhh ---NO!

  17. I watched the the Larry King interview in its entirety and I only remember hearing one time when she referred to her iphone app. I got the sense that she wanted to talk about the mental illness of an abuser, I totally believed her. And Larry King sucks and should retire. He asked her questions that she already answered. It's sooooo obvious he only reads his cue cards and does not listen to his guests. With all due respect, Enty, I completely disagree with you.

  18. It's funny that one of the TMZ posters would come over to CDAN. TMZ has a group of women who defend Mel like crazy and say the most ridiculous things. Then they go to other sites and use the links to TMZ. These women are so in love with Mel they think him hitting her and screaming is just "an Irish temper".
