Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Is Anyone Really Surprised?

US Weekly is reporting that the reason Billy Ray Cyrus filed for divorce is because Bret Michaels was sleeping with Tish Cyrus. So, not only did Bret and Miley have that creepy kind of duet thing going on, but Miley's mom took it a whole step further.

I am more surprised that Bret slept with Tish. Bret had all that positive publicity going for him after all of his hospital visits and was riding a positive wave. Now he has kind of ruined all that good will. But, then again, sleeping with everyone should have been the title of his show and it looks like it carries over into real life. As for Tish, well, she did willingly marry and have sex with Billy Ray Cyrus so her judgment is not that great to start.

I had no idea this was going on, but if you remember my divorce post I think we could all see something big coming out of a very quick divorce filing with no previous signs of trouble in the marriage.


  1. PLEASE ! Trash......

  2. She slept with someone else too.

  3. I'm no fan or defender of Miley, but even she's gotta be disgusted by this, if it's true.

  4. Good for Billy Ray if this is the reason, and will this be the last straw for Kristi? First "Rock of Love" and now this - how can she stay?

  5. Bret and Tish have both released statements denying the affair. But I noticed she didn't deny the "other" affair, however. So I wonder if BRC just "assumed" there was an affair with Bret because she's done it before. Shrug?

  6. Well, it looks like the skank doesn't fall far from the skank tree.

  7. Actually, there are two people, and it wasn't just the tramp falling for Bret's blue eyes. She's a tramp of Lohan proportions.

  8. the rumor is that Tish skanked after a photog who was shooting Miley.

  9. plus I totally believe the Bret thing. He would bed a utility pole if no one else was available. Sad ego, that one.

  10. Who else did she commit adultery with? I echo blue sky. Good for Billy Ray for leaving if it is because of this affair. I just dont get the Bret Michaels thing. He must have a BIG personality......

  11. Well she doesn't seem to have the best taste in men,the only thing missing in this mess is Michael Lohan.

  12. what a beautiful couple! I hope she has more kids. They would be so pretty with thier orange skin, and long dried out blond hair....oh, that isn't natural?

  13. It's a match made in VH1 heaven.

  14. Coming soon......

    The Real Housewives of Rock -Los Angeles

  15. Man, she is freaky-looking to me. I really can't look at her face for very long, other wise I get creeped out.

  16. I don't know if I believe this, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Neither seem to have a whole lot of morals.

  17. Imagine those faces up close and personal?! Yuck... the eyeliner on both of them is cartoonish and the stretched skin cringe-inducing.

    May they live happily ever... oh, yeah, this is an affair, not a love story.

  18. she looks like a great fuck, skinny sluts love musicians.
    i'd fuck that cheatin milf six ways to sunday.
    a few drinks, hotel room, i'd wear her out.

  19. The link to the original post is on the Crazy Days and Nights facebook fan page....

  20. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Ick. Nast.

  21. According to the music director at a radio station here in Boston, this story has been making its way around the record label execs for weeks now and it just broke today publicly. Sounds like it is true and Brett and Tish can deny all they want...

  22. @chopchop

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!! Holy crap! That was funny.

  23. So who else did she sleep with??


  24. man you guys are cracking me up! Patty and chopchop have me rollin!

  25. I have sort of made up a song to amuse myself when I see people who look like these two.

    I set it to The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby:

    Look at all the orange people where do they all come from? ....

  26. I am not sure I buy that Bret really does hook up with all of these girls. Isn't he diabetic? That has been known to seriously impact one's, um, abilities.

    I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of it is just for show.

  27. Will someone tell me why anyone thinks that orangey fake tan looks GOOD? I saw a pretty 20 ish girl in my local Wawa the other day, and when she turned towards me all I saw was orange. She was completely orange!! She looked ridiculous. I don't get it. And this coming from someone who can desperately use some skin pigment...

    And doesn'r Miley's mom look just like the winner of the second Rock of Love? What's her name. Oh - I don't care.
