Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Does Bristol Palin Keep Surviving

Has someone devised some kind of robo call program for Bristol Palin? I am not exactly sure what is going on, but somehow Bristol Palin managed to survive another week on Dancing With The Stars and Brandy and Maks were sent home. Despite being in the bottom for what seems like every week, Bristol has managed to always get enough viewers votes to stay on the show. How? Every week I say to myself that this has to be the last week. When there are so many contestants still left, obviously if you have come built in popularity or name recognition you can survive for a few weeks. But as the field gets more narrow, the great dancers get to move on and the others are sent home. This just does not seem to be happening this season at all.

Apparently I'm not the only one. This guy shot his television because of Bristol.


  1. i'm not going to take the easy road and bag on these people...honestly i don't care at all about any palins, so i'm not going to waste time and energy hating them...that said tho, do we really believe these call-in 'reality' shows aren't fixed? come on, guys.

  2. And you wonder what those robocallers do when it's not election season.
    Just sayin' ...

  3. This is (was?) one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I was ok with her hanging on until this past week. I don't care who is voting for her, or why, but please stop. She's not getting votes because of her dancing ability, and the show is sort of about dancing, isn't it? Kyle FTW!

  4. I don't think it's fixed, but I do think Bristol's "fan" base covers a few demographics that the others haven't captured.

    Also, I don't think it mattered so much that so many people voted to keep Bristol. What matters is that people didn't vote for Brandy. It makes me think a lot of people haven't forgiven her for that fatal car crash, even if she was acquitted.

  5. I was thinking the same thing about Brandy's crash, KellyLynn. It doesn't surprise me that the Palin's have a lot of fans. I can't stand Sarah Palin but there is something likable I see about Bristol dancing. I don't vote or watch other than online though so I really don't care who places where.

  6. I think the audience may be recognizing the effort over the dancing skills. It happened in my country. The guy who couldn´t dance to save his life in the beginning, but ended the show doing it ok, won over the girl who was a much better dancer, but was a natural

  7. I don't buy the Tea party block voting stuff.

    Well, I guess I sot of do - but I just don't see it as any different as anyone else who has done it (and they have)

  8. I don't watch this show....but how would Sarah palin's demographic support her daughter....isn't her daughter the thing they hate about young america.
    How does bristol palin have any fans...I mean what has she done to have so many people vote for her.

  9. theres an email loop where you can enter fake address and as long as it looks like an address it will let you vote multiple times - palin supporters are flooding the votes

  10. Also, I am sure the contestants know about their fate before the show begins. While the rest of the world may be shocked, it's usually pretty easy to tell who's going by their behavior during the results show. They might feign shock or relief, but it mostly looks staged.

    IMO, the producers give the starts their results early, so they have time to develop a nice, canned response for the exit interviews with their PR people. A few contestants still show their disgust, but most would rather appear to leave graciously.

  11. I was shocked it was Brandi. Guess it's a good thing that whole facebook bitchfest Bristol and Willow participated in came out today and not yesterday.

    I thought Bristol would be better than this.

  12. Voters would rather have a beer/soda with Bristol...snort
    I want my kids to look up to a girl who never went to college, got pregnant out of wedlock, and is a fame whore.
    You betcha!

    I will never understand why people like Palin.

    She's running all the way to the bank while her followers kiss her feet. Yeah...she's just like you.

    I can't tell if she's an idiot or if it's her followers?!?

    I would have a lot more respect for Bristol if she did something with her life.
    Instead she's riding on her mom's coat-tails.
    Hello? Even Bush doesn't get this woman!

  13. Have you never noticed the utter hypocrisy of the Palins and frankly a large part of their following? This is a woman who became mayor of a mid sized town with no financial debt and left it with a mountainload of bills who later campaigned on her fiscal responsibility small government bonafides. And that is just a small political hypocrisy.

    Apparently the stick it to the liberals right wing web sites and blogs running Pro-Bristol campaigns have discovered that ABC doesn't validate email addresses and have been power voting for Bristol using this. So it isn't that there is a overwhelming fan base, so much as there is engaged one that doesn't much care about the show (many don't watch), Bristol (they don't watch), but see it as a huge stick in the eye to the 'lamestream' media.

  14. When Audrina got voted off before Bristol, I didn't shoot my television, but I did flip it off. And have done so every week since with increasing amounts of disgust. If she actually wins this thing, DWTS has jumped the shark for sure. Maybe it already has...

  15. @canadachick - I heard all about that...but do you really think this is a new glitch in or that this is the very first time a group has discovered the flaw??

    I'm asking honestly.

  16. I like the Palins and I like Bristol. She's nowhere near the best dancer but she's come a long way. Brandy just sort of left me cold and it seemed like (if you read their body-language) she and Maks never really got along. Jennifer is very good and Kyle has come a long way himself. He seems to be a very sweet & humble kind of guy.

    Sarah Palin's Alaska is showing some fabulous shots of Alaska. Definitely on my bucket list.

  17. My bet would be it's a VFTW campaign

  18. I have two sources who are part of the cast/crew. It is fixed. Disney owns ABC and they're calling all the shots. If I get any more scoop, I'll send a message to Enty on Facebook or post here. It hasn't always been fixed. This show has been my guilty pleasure since the first season and has now lost all its credibiity with me.

  19. its explained here

  20. I think Maks may have hurt Brandy with his comments and losing his temper. Lots of peeps are pissed about this, but I still haven't gotten over Rick Fox being voted out so I don't give a crap who wins now.

  21. O COME ON! don't you know the reality formula yet? whomever is the most hated or most controversial character stay until the last three.

  22. I can't believe both of the girls engaged in that behavior on FB. I am surprised that Bristol talks like that.

    I'm ashamed for finding her likable.

  23. It's kind of ironic that there's SO much focus on how the "Tea party" is cheating to keep Bristol on the show, yet no one wants to admit that maybe it's just because most of the other contestants are SO unlikeable! Bimbo Brooke's favorite robotic chant is "Be sure to vote for your FAVORITE". So we do. I think Bristol is cute and pretty genuine- I like Kyle too. I like happy people, not crybaby diva's.

  24. @Rose

    Do your kids have Facebook? Go on and look at their page. I have two "nice kids", very likeable kids, and I had to pick myself up off the floor when I saw the level of their potty talk on Facebook.

    It is what it is. The unintended consequences of being able to write whatever you want without having to say it out loud.

  25. I don't like Sarah Palin but I can separate her from Bristol. Even though Bristol's dancing skills can't compare to Brandi's, I still think these voting shows are based on popularity. That Bristol has her mother's supporters voting for her, sure. I just can't hate on the girl because of her mother. I actually like her and she has improved considerably since she started. I'm sure there will be someone who will bring the Facebook rant yesterday-who hasn't said something they regretted on Facebook in the heat of the moment? Hell, it's happened to me here.

  26. kc- I don't have any and my nephews aren't old enough. It's not so much the way they talk but it's the gay slurs that I find really offensive.

    I thought the family of a VP candidate would just be a bit more media savvy but maybe I'm just naive.

    As far as the show, I don't think it's strange to find Bristol more likable than Brandy. She is more relate-able. I remember Brandy being bitchy from Punkd and lying about being married for her reality show.

  27. That's what gets me, rose - they should be more aware of the family image since they're high profile. Obviously Bristol still doesn't get it. And one kid calling another f*****t is unacceptable regardless of family stature. They come across as entitled little bitches.

  28. I hate Bristol's mother, Bristol's not a star of any kind, and I've heard that she's horrible on that show, so I don't understand the appeal. However, is Brandy a person that would have a lot of fans? Would people remember her past? Maybe middle America isn't keen on voting for someone that was convicted of vehicular manslaughter?

  29. The FB rant comes across to me as (unfortunately) normal for this age group.

    Another unfortunate is that because their mother is in the public eye, they will have to learn how to handle the media. It's difficult enough being a teenager/young adult without having to live your life in a fishbowl. Always felt bad for a candidate's children. Because of decisions made by their parents, they are sucked into a vortex (not of their choosing) for the rest of their lives.

  30. I feel like I'm back in high school when it comes to everything Palin and all I will say is -- it's depressing as hell.

  31. 5 million people watched Sarah Palin's reality show. The family has fans. I realize that it is hard for anyone to understand, but those are the facts.

    Would not be surprised that the show is rigged, however. I haven't watched it in a few weeks but Bristol was very robotic. But not as bad as Evil Kate.

    I am also a little horrified by the Facebook postings. All the kids, not just Willow/Bristol. But the difference is that the Palin girls should know better than to get into that. Call me crazy but I really thought her kids might be more....well spoken than that.

    That Smoking Gun article is hilarious.

  32. Maksim-Brandy, zero chemistry, that didn't help either
    I think she's getting votes Because fans of DWTS are sick of professional singer/dancers winning it every year.

  33. I don't think Brandy was convicted of manslaughter. She was only sued by the woman's family, but was cleared by the police/highway patrol, I think.



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