Friday, November 26, 2010

Heidi Fleiss' Home Catches On Fire

So, is it Heidi Fleiss' home catches on fire, or catches fire? It seems like either would work and for some reason it is bothering me. As any regular reader knows, grammar rules are not at the top of my list, but for some reason this was one catches my interest.

Anyway, yesterday morning, Heidi's house was severely damaged because her chimney lacked a spark arrestor. So, when a fire started in the chimney it moved to other parts of the house. Heidi managed to save all of her birds and other animals but would not talk to news reporters. Also, the fire department has not confirmed Heidi's tale of how the fire started. Hopefully she was not freebasing or something early Thanksgiving morning.


  1. Caught on fire, I think but neither of the other two feel right to me.

    Good grief, what's with all the fire stories lately?

  2. This creature is more than likely back to meth, but I hope not. It's time for her to tone it way down!

  3. Once upon a time, she used to be a decent looking woman.

    Now she's like the female Rick James.

    And I'm glad she's safe & the birds are safe...because, you know...those birds are her life. Literally.

  4. Glad the animals got out.

  5. Hmmm. Just a few days ago, somebody named something like "Kat Von D" had a house fire, too. Is this the Randy Quad star whackers sending a message?

  6. Enty, I'm an editor, so I checked my "Garner's Modern American Usage" reference book for you. It states that "catch fire" is found in print 10 times more often than "catch on fire," noting that the word "on" is "a needless particle in this phrase."

  7. When in doubt, rephrase:
    Fire at Heidi Fleiss' Home

    Glad she was able to get her pets out.

  8. @Mark - Why did you put Kat Von D's name in quotations?

  9. >The Nightmare Child Why did you put Kat Von D's name in quotations?

    Because other than the news reports of her fire, I've never heard of her, don't know who she is or what she does and I wasn't sure I was spelling/punctuating her name correctly. I certainly didn't mean any offense, if you're a fan of her. Sorry. I'm just, you know, old.

  10. LOL, Mark. She's a tattoo "artist" with a show on TLC. No big deal.

    I imagine people who have fireplaces are using them because it's unusually cold there. I thought it was against the law to use fireplaces in SoCal because of the high risk? No?

  11. ^^^Heidi lives in Nevada.

  12. Mark, take a moment to be grateful you don't know who she is. Trust me.

  13. LOL at Moosh.

    I'd believe meth before I'd believe some weird story about a spark arrestor. As if Heidi would have a clue what a spark arrestor was, unless it was a policeman from Sparks, Nevada.

  14. @GladysKravit: Ba-dum-boom!

  15. I have heard about Heidi for years, but first actually seen her in action when she was on the UK Celebrity Big Brother. I am glad she saved those birds, because I believe those birds saved her life.

    She is damaged, but she is only damaged because she gave the men in Hollywood what they wanted, and SHE was the one who had to pay the price for it instead of douches like Charlie Sheen.

    If Heidi is reading this I hope you get back on your feet soon and I wish you well.

  16. @Mark - What Moosh said. And no offense taken at all, buddy. I am not a fan of her. At all. I commend you for not knowing who she is. I wish I could rub the memory of her out of my brain with bleach and steel wool and a toilet brush lined with razorwire.

  17. I figure if she were freebasing or some similar activity, she might have been less likely to have been able to save the critters. Just sayin'.

  18. "Catches fire"

    Especially in headlines. So...

    Former Hollywood madam's home catches the only thing she hasn't

    (if her house were to be a den of vice that is, and if she were to have received VD - not that it is and not that she ever has of course - this is just a hypothetical example)

    Then latter in the report when describing how it happened, one might say "caught on fire", as in:

    "The property caught on fire following an oven malfunction, while Fleiss was cooking muffins for The Woman's Temperance Movement gathering."

  19. @trashtalker - thanks for that! Inquiring minds were curious. Makes sense :)

  20. Her pants were probably on fire.
