With both of their careers barely hanging on, Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen have decided to enlist the help of Kneepads to make people think they are dating again. Of course using the word again would imply they were dating previously. Which they were not. Come on. Really you two? Can't you just find someone else and be real? Rachel, you must have guys ask you out, so go out with them. I promise they will give you as much publicity as this showmance. And you, Hayden, come on. If you need some publicity go sign up for some Star Wars conventions. That would generate as much interest as you coming out of Rachel's house some random morning. It is not like paps stake out her house so it had to be you or her or one of your people who called People. See, how that last sentence worked? Well, I thought it was cute.
Do these two remotely even LIKE eachother?! All the stuff I have head say they don't and it's drama galore just to get a fake paparazzi shot going.
ReplyDeleteWhy bother?!
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ReplyDelete"...People, people who call People, are the [insert adjective here] people in the world...."
ReplyDeleteShe needs a better agent to get her a better bearding job. Or heck, maybe even an acting job! She could get the agent from '90210' to hook her up with Joe Jonas.
ReplyDelete@ Robert. LOL.
ReplyDeleteMooshki, she is filming a movie with Kate Bosworth right now. Gag. Who will want to see that?
As for him. I don't find him remotely attractive.
....or as Michael K would say, Fakety, fake, fake, fake.
ReplyDeleteSupposedly, Hayden wanted to come out years ago but George Lucas keeps him stuffed in the closet because Darth Vader isn't gay.
ReplyDeletehe's kinda channeling the Manilow look here isn't he?
ReplyDeleteoh and @Robert ..........nice, very good!
This "relationship" is a joke, nobody cares and Hayden will always be known as the guy who's acting ruined Star Wars. And Jumpers was a horrible movie.
ReplyDeleteThis makes me sad. Rachel and I have the same birthday, and we Virgo-ian women are supposed to be strong about relationship matters. Lame.
ReplyDeleteEverything about them screams to me fake, but maybe it's the real thing...because their being a couple brought them no real publicity, no one cared when they broke up, and certainly no one cares that they are together now. So I see no benefit of her being a beard.
ReplyDeleteI really liked Hayden in "Shattered Glass." It's the only movie I've ever seen him in, and it was excellent.
ReplyDeletePeter Skårsgaard was also very good in that movie.
I also agree that your beard should be someone you LIKE, so you at least have some form of chemistry together.
Supposedly Rock Hudson and his (probably lesbian) wife were actually great buddies - laughed and laughed and laughed whenever they were together, and probably hopped in the sack a few times. Didn't make him any less gay, but it must have made the bearding more bearable for both.
@Cecilia - totally. I've never seen a picture of them where EITHER were smiling with each other. Why does he already look like an old man? I guess it's the hiding.
ReplyDeleteHe's gay. Truth.
ReplyDeleteSheesh... 3 for 3.
ReplyDeleteEnty musta hit the Lottery
Gawd I love this site.
did anyone believe them the first time they were a couple?
i can't hate on them...now, feel sorry for them, yes. it's gotta suck to feel the need to have a fake romance, considering they're both beautiful and could have their pick of significant others. i wish i could pinpoint what drives that...other than bad agents.
ReplyDeleteHayden Christiansen looks like he is the Pillsbury Doughboy, if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteCome on like you people don't want to see a Jumper 2.
ReplyDeleteI mean from all the BI's and hints that he is gay. Wouldn't by now someone would of gotten a picture or a guy come out and say he had sex with him.
I'm with you, Pookie....
ReplyDeleteI just really don't get why people beard. Especially an unsuccessful match up.
I don't understand why publicists think they get more or better press this way than if there were tabloid rumours of Darth Vader dating Harry Potter, or Frodo, or Spiderman, or one of the Pirates of the Caribbean, etc
ReplyDeleteOh who gives a dingers damn whom these two date. They are "ACTORS" but can't even seem to act like they care about each other.
ReplyDeleteHello PR Reps, could you please put Hayden with someone he can at least seem friendly with. These two seem more like people who only meet for photo ops. Take a page out of Jake and Reese's showmance primer and at least hook them up with someone who can they can appear to like.
I really hope we don't have to watch this "relationship" again.
ReplyDeleteThat was a very convenient photo I saw last week of Hayden leaving her house, of course she is so popular paparazzi wait outside her house to capture her oh so mundane fashion sense!.
I think all that matters to her is that she is photographed.