Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I will be taking tomorrow off. Hell, at this point I am so drunk I feel like I am taking today off. I did blog right? Note to self. NyQuil and tequila makes you loopy. Depending on the hangover, I will be posting a little or a lot on Friday but will be thinking of all of you regardless. To show that I am all about the love I have included pictures of a traditional Thanksgiving feasts and a vegan one. I hope that whatever you are doing this weekend, that you have fun, eat a lot, try to get along with your families and don't stab anyone when you head out for Black Friday.

I'm thankful for all of you and wish I had the time to go to each of your houses to say it personally. Oh, and to steal a turkey leg. My mom has got the entire house smelling so good that I know there is no way that all the pies are making it to tomorrow. In fact, I can hear my dad upstairs and he is already stating his case why he should be allowed to taste test a pumpkin pie. He can have it. I want that chocolate pecan pie my mom has cooling right now.

Oh, and I almost forgot. It is picture sharing time again. Send photos of yourself for Random Photos and then I will post them all on January 1 on big reveal day. Send them to

If you read this far, I think you deserve something a little special. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone. That Gossip Queen blind item from today, well the A list name recognition one is an ice skater. Just between us. The Gossip Queen told me both of them and honestly I had not heard of one of them, but the ice skater is HUGE.


  1. Enty - you rule!! Not only for giving us a huge hint on the blind, but for including a picture for the veggies among us!
    Happy thanksliving to my yankee brethren! I'll drink to your health tonight!

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    kristi yamaguchi married a hockey player

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Enty!

    And a Thanksgiving treat for us--a big, fat clue...

  4. Bless you and yours, Enty - may you remember to wear your stretch pants when you sit down to eat, and may every one of your favorite foods be within easy reach and in quantities that will make you happy.
    Big guy, you are truly beyond awesome.
    Thank you again for everything you do and all you put up with in the name of the blog and our insatiable appetites for celebrity dirt.
    You are indeed a King among men.

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    drunk is good - just stay away from the "blackout in a can"

  6. @itsnotabear probably got it. Kristi is married to Bret Hedican (NHL). They have kids. What a shame.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Just try not to eat so much you explode, Enty. If nothing else, think of the awful mess your poor mom would have to clean up.

  8. Aw, thanks for the love, Enty. We love you back! And I'm thankful for your blog and for all the other commenters, because this is a place I can always go to to find a laugh, and I need that.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  9. Enjoy your bacon covered turkey Enty!

  10. You should come to my place sometime, Enty--I can make a pretty damn spiffy chocolate pecan pie myself! (Going to make a couple tonight, as a matter of fact, along w/a pumpkin spice cake w/cream cheese frosting. OM NOM NOM...) Happy Thanksgiving and many more, big guy! *hugs*

  11. Lovin you to the ends of the earth, Enty. Have a GREAT turkey day. XOXO

  12. Happy Turkey Day to all my CDAN family. I have little joy in my life, but you always cheer me up. A special thanks to you Enty. I am having a drink in your honor right now. Ummmmmmmmmm. Eggnog anyone?

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, Enty! I am so with you on that pie situation - Pecan over pumpkin. You're the best!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Coconut Creme Pie is up my alley.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  16. Heading to Captiva for a Thanksgiving picnic on the beach tomorrow.


  17. I'm taking a break from cooking right now. Happy Thanksgiving CDAN!

  18. Happy T Day Enty! Enjoy your day off. You bring me joy for that I am Thankful!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving and Safe Travels (to all traveling this weekend). Thanks for the laughs and smarts throughout the year. CDAN is a gift that keeps on giving!

    @Sunnyside123... I'll also be raising a toast to Enty... great idea. For it, I'll raise one to you, too!

  20. I have chocolate pecan pies in the oven right now.
    Happy Thanksgiving Enty!

  21. Enty LOVE YA but how about a clue to COKE MOM. Is she blond, brunette, or a red head?

  22. I didn't realize that Brett Hedican had retired. This makes me really sad, I thought they were such a gorgeous couple, they were adorable at DWTS. I met her after a performance years ago and she was so good to all of the fans that had gathered to meet her. I hope its not her on that video, but either way this one is a huge bummer for me. :(

    Happy Thanksgiving Enty and Enty fans, and happy Thursday to our friends outside the country. :)

  23. Happy Thanksgiving Enty.

    I'll trade you a slice of chocolate pecan for a slice of my grandmothers prize winning cherry recipe.

  24. Sunny, may you have more and more joy in your life from now on.

    Enty, I send you tons on bacon-y love.

    And Captiva, please send me coordinates so I can join you on the beach. It's COLD here!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving to you enty, and all my American friends!

  26. Am deep in the heart of Texas right now, for Thanksgiving. Smackdab in the middle on a map. Anywhoo. Wishing you a lovely meal, and remember the only celebration to think about on Thanksgiving involves Thankfulness, and yes, Thankfulness for home cooked food is top of the list!

    Sunny, darling. I hope you find some fun things in life. That's my grownup Christmas wish for you, babydoll!

  27. Anonymous9:32 PM


  28. Do you remember Paul Vasquez?
    (He's the double rainbow guy)

    At the time I posted that I remembered seeing the double rainbow and guessed that Paul must live near me. Well, I met him today and his house is only 1 mile away from mine. He was very nice, and didn't act like he did in the video.

  29. I'm giggling at the first paragraph. I like tipsy Enty.

    Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Have a safe holiday weekend!

  30. Hmm, Nosey, that doesn't exactly give credence to his claims that he wasn't on anything that day, does it? :)

  31. thanks for the vegan one! love ya enty, happy thanksgiving!

  32. Dear America, you're welcome, love the English :D

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you :)

  33. Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. May the family politics be at a minimum!

    I thought Kristi Yamaguchi as well. Maybe Peggy Fleming or Dorothy Hamill?

  34. Enty, you are awesome! I love the vegan feast - thank you for remembering those of us who imbibe in field roast and Tofurkey on this day. :)

    Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

  35. Happy Thanksgiving to you and're so swell, Enty, you deserve two thanksgiving's worth of food and pie!


  36. Happy Thanksgiving Enty and everyone here. Can somebody share their chocolate pecan pie recipe?? I looked up a few online, but couldn't decide. I made the German Chocolate cake for our celebration. I am thankful for so much in my life and I look forward to spending time with those I love most tonight.

  37. No pie for me; if I can't have my mom's sweet potato pie (with her homemade crust) I'll pass.

    Hope all of my CDAN friends had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  38. Thank you for the veggie feast ET! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  39. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I have added Enty and his readers to my thankful list.

    As for the blind, wasn't Oksana Baoul in the pics recently and isn't she married to another medalist.

  40. Enty, that was such a sweet wish for all of us. Hope you arenot too hungover today and hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I have to go to work (boo). xoxox

  41. Sounds like Kristi Yamaguchi.



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