Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The Goopster Gained And Lost 20 Pounds This Year?!?

According to The Goopster's trainer, Tracy Anderson, Gwyneth Paltrow gained 20 pounds from her all time low which was achieved during the filming of Iron Man 2. Tracy says that The Goopster was ordered to gain weight for her role in Country Strong and ended up gaining 20 pounds. Of course, because The Goopster takes pride in being able to lose weight magically it took no effort for her to lose the 20 pounds easily. Like instantly. Like never had to exercise any more than she ever has. Well, I suppose if I never ate anything I would lose weight easily too.

Oh, and Tracy says that she worked The Goopster out really hard for 90 minutes yesterday to get her ready for the CMA performance tomorrow night. "I made her sweat. The CMAs is a tough stage to share." Uh huh. Look at the pictures above. I don't see 20 pounds. Hell, I didn't even think The Goopster weighed 20 pounds.


  1. Hell, I didn't even think The Goopster weighed 20 pounds


  2. Her ego probably weighs 20 pounds.

  3. Of course it was easy for her! This is Goopy we're talking about! Ugh.

  4. 20 lbs would probably be 20% of her body weight. Yikes.

    Looking at the photos, it *does* look to me like she weighs more on the left. Her hips look bigger, and her upper arms look bigger. By bigger, I mean "normal". If she really gained that weight, I'm guessing she took some sort of supplement and then lost the weight by going off the supplement and taking "vitamin shots". No way did she take off the 20 lbs the way you and me do - through sweat and eating right.

    Is she the only actress in the world to ever be told that she was too thin for a part?! Yuck.

  5. So, she's filming a movie here in Chicago.

    I have a plan to throw a box of fish sticks at her. Who's willingly to contribute to my bail fund?

  6. Except, it's not the photo on the left where she's supposedly heavier. She supposedly gained the weight to play the country music singer on the right.

  7. I think the photo on the left is from Ironman, which would be her all time low.

    Either way, I call complete BS on this one.

  8. Maybe Mrs. Paul and the Gorton's fisherman will help you with that Nightmare Child.

  9. She's bulimic, it never happened....

  10. She might have put on 20 lbs. of hair extensions to play a country singer, but 20 lbs. of fat- I don't think so.

  11. She does look a bit thinner on the left.

  12. i think the 20 pounds she gained are obtained by summing the weight of everything she ate this year... and the way she lost that weight? well i think you can imagine how :P

  13. so sick and tired of this overrated, uppity, egomaniac...she didnt gain 20# she looks the same.
    she for sure has an eating disorder-no one works out that much and then clears their colon unless they have a problem...only difference is that she pays $500 for her "fast" and then spends another heap of money on her site that makes her look like a foodie.

  14. She looks heavier in the pic on the left, when she was making one of her many personal appearances on either side of the Atlantic instead of watching her kids.

    I'm sure it was no problem for Paltrow to drop 20 lbs, living on a diet of those *yummy* colon cleanse detox drinks she endlessly touts. Bonus: She will probably share details on her website!

    Bitch probably hasn't digested solid food since before Apple was born.

  15. $500? Add another zero to get in the range of what she pays for any diet plan (even if it's a fast).

  16. probably gained and lost the same pound 20 times

  17. @ tenley
    you're right!

  18. 20 pounds of impacted stool because she's so anal retentive.

  19. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I can't stand her and like always where is her so-call husband since they are never around each other unless someone mentioned their marriage is in the rocks again.

  20. these assholes just lie and exaggerate. like jessica simpson saying she can lose 20 lb. in a week---that's a lie.
    is it all designed to make the rest of us----we whose bodies work on the principle that 3500 calories=l lb.---feel inferior to them?


    She's desperately insecure, so she puts on a front of perfection that looks like arrogance.

    She also married a guy who had a much different image of fidelity in marriage than she did.

    I feel sorry for her. I know she has fame and money, but she's so obviously unhappy that I have to feel bad for her.
    I guess nobody else has noticed that she has eschewed a lot of work over the years, usually for one of three reasons (HER words):
    1. She's not "in shape".
    2. Her insecurity is so bad that acting has become difficult, so she stays home all the time.
    3. (MY words:) She can't trust her husband, also a reason to stay home all the time.

    Notice that ALL she can say about this country movie is about her WEIGHT in it? Sad to me.

    I'll always defend Gwynnie. Have at me, y'all!

  22. Five pounds, sure. 10? maybe.... and that's stretching it. But 20? NO way. But 20 is better publicity for the trainer, isn't it?

  23. I think the weight gain was all in her ego, which is why it doesn't show up in pictures.

  24. 20 pounds??? no freaking way, she seems a little heavier on the pic on the right but maybe like 5 pounds...BS

  25. I call BS on Tracy's tale. The Goop did not lose 20 pounds. No way. Especially since training adds muscle which weighs more than fat. These kind of stories do no good and these kind of women should be ostracized.

    I wish Enty would consider banning Goop for at least the holidays as her self-important self-promoting is about to kick into another gear as she starts hyping COUNTRY STRONG. (Help us!)

    Hey, Enty, here's a question... "Who should I ban?" Would be fun to see who makes the Top Ten.

  26. Libby, I'm with you.

  27. As was said aptly above, I, too, am calling bullshit on this one. Hell bullshit on Goopy period.

  28. I remember, when Renee Zellweger was filming Bridget Jones, her weight gain, then loosing it ant then again gaining it for the second part was supposed to be an example of professional devotion. And 50 cent got a lot of praise for his weight loss portraiting person with cancer. So my idea is she is trying to follow that "I'm a good actrees, I lost/gained weight fot hte role" train without actually doing it.

  29. A difference of 20 lbs. would be very noticeable on someone her size, just as it was with Renee Zellweger for Bridget Jones.

    This is total BS. I agree with pps she maybe gained 5-10 lbs. but nothing more.

  30. Her all time low was not "Iron Man", it was at birth.
