Monday, November 15, 2010

Engagement News

So, barely two weeks after Nick Lachey got engaged, Jessica Simpson told her boyfriend to go buy her a ring and ask her to marry him. Apparently he complied because Jessica was showing off her ruby engagement ring to everyone who would look. I think the guy actually did buy it himself. I say this, because I think if Jessica had paid the thing would have been a massive rock that could be seen from space. The good news for her soon to be husband is that Jessica probably wants to get married so fast that she will probably decide not to have a pre-nup.
In other weird engagement news, Dean Sheremet is engaged to be married to Sarah Silver. I think everyone was pretty shocked when they moved into together and it was not just as roommates. Now they are actually getting married and the first person to congratulate Dean was the ex, LeAnn Rimes. Now she feels like she does not have to feel as guilty.


  1. Jessica-HAHAHAHAHA


  2. I wonder if Papa Jo orchestrated the engagement to compete with Lachey.

    What tools that family are.

  3. Jessica's engagement is pathetic and sounds desparate. Even if it was a coincidence (probably not), perhaps just hold off on the announcment so it wouldn't sound like the aforementioned pathetic and desparate. Just sayin.

  4. Agree Patty 100%. She should have waited to make an announcement.

  5. Oh Jessica, Why.....Why....This is so pathetic I can't even feel sorry for you.
    It's a shame that head didn't come with a brain...

  6. I don't mind Jess, but this really is proving what some here say about her. If marriage was a "true" intent, then they could have waited next year for an announcement, or no announcement at all.

    When you don't start out right...

  7. Was talking about this with another commenter yesterday. Would any one of you be okay with one of your wealthy friends marrying an unemployed, recently divorced guy she'd known for less than a year? This will not end well. I WANT her to be happy but damn. This girl is not bright.

  8. I would not want this if I were Jessica, but wealthy or rich men marry women like that all the time. Half are smart enough to produce an airtight prenup, then cut the wife a check at divorce.

    If she does a traditional wedding, Pimpa Simpson will have a prenup available.

  9. Like, um, I'm not saying he's gay, but isn't it weird that Dean Sheremet is getting married to a woman?

  10. hmmmm....where's the fire? she just met this guy in may and the ink on his divorce papers isn't dry yet.

  11. I have a friend whom everyone thinks is gay, but he's happily married to a very nice and accomplished woman.

    I read an article in the science section of the Economist a couple years ago that suggests that people who are close to being gay, but not quite, are actually extremely attractive to the opposite sex.

    This was from a scientist who was trying to explain homosexuality in the evolutionary spectrum. You would ordinarily expect homosexuality to not make sense when it comes to any species that wants to reproduce....but according to his findings, people who are oh-so-close are VERY fertile, which compensates for the people who never reproduce at all.

    Anyway, Dean Shermet seems like a pleasant and honorable guy - who never spoke badly about LeAnn - and he is now an award-winning cook in addition to being a former professional dancer and still in fine physicial shape. And he's probably rich after his divorce settlement. That's plenty to appeal to any woman, including me.

  12. Here's the link to that story, if anyone is interested. Thought-provoking.

  13. Totally agree, Nutty_Flavor. Great link.

  14. I don't believe for one second that Jessica's boyfriend proposed on his own; this REEKS of Pimpa Joe orchestrating it. Nick and Vanessa are engaged ... GET OVER IT dumbo!

  15. I want to read that, thanks.

    And yeah, Jessica should have waited. This makes her seem desperate. On the other hand, I guess she shouldnt let Nick determine what happens in her life? Ah, I dunno. I would have waited, thats for sure.

  16. Thank you, Nutty. That was an awesome article and it answered so many questions I've had about men who are straight and married (with 3+ children) but seem to be gay.

  17. I say again -- this is what happens when you under-educate your daughters. This will end badly and Pimpa Joe will still be in control of her life and her money. From his standpoint, this is all good.

  18. How long will it be until we get a baby announcement from Jess? I don't think she's pregnant now but I do think she really wants a baby. Plus, she has to beat Nick on something. ;)

  19. Pre Nup She Mup all he has to do is knock her up to get around the pre nup.

    Eric meet K-Fed, there's your future.

    I do love though that people put LeAnn on blast for twittering saying she was publicity hounding.

  20. The karma fairy will not be kind to this couple. Nick on the other hand might make it with Lemonjello.

  21. How hard-up are you Jessica, and does anyone else get the creeps from that guy?

  22. Oh Jessica ! No No No !

  23. This is so embarrassing for her on so many levels, it's pathetic. That ring was bought on HSN and don't try to tell me otherwise.

  24. Im going to have to agree with lainey on this one this eric guy is jessica's Kfed ..i am not lookin forward to what comes next ..really does jessica really dont have any friends to talk her out some of her mess

  25. dear jessica,
    1. fire you dad
    2. fire your stylist
    3. move to the a small town and try to keep as low-profile as possible.

    that is the only way you are going to be happy.

  26. nick is marrying his rebound and jessica is marrying a guy after dating 5 months...his reeks of fear of the real world, hers reeks of desperation...shame they didn't make it. they were cute together.

  27. Blue Sky, I'm with you. There is something off about this guy. I'm going to see what I can find out. Red Siren, totally HSN!

  28. Should I know who Sarah Silver is? I don't mean that in a bitchy way, just the way Enty said it, not like he qualified it saying, Dean got engaged to his non-celebrity girlfriend...and she looks like she could be a "someone". Anybody?

  29. I really do hope Jessica is happy.... really.... but:

    It does not matter how you spin it - or even if it IS just a coincidence - announcing your engagement a WEEK after you ex announces his looks desperate. And now that will follow her during the length of this whole relationship.

    Her PR people should have advised her to wait at least until the holidays. But does she even have a PR person???

  30. @SFG - I read somewhere this weekend that she is a pretty famous photographer.

    UGH. I cringed when I read this story this weekend. Why does she feel like she needs to race Nick to the altar??? This makes her look so bad. Even if this boyfriend had planned on proposing before they heard Nick's news, I would at that point try and distance my engagement as long & as far as possible from him simply to not look like an ass. Plus, Nick and Vanessa have been together FOREVER. I really like her but stuff like this makes me crazy.

  31. ugh, jessica simpson is so trashy and gross.

    who cares if she is engaged.


  32. Jessica's ring makes NO sense to me. And I feel bad she's going to end up as a 2x divorcee because I think it will kill her confidence, which is already weak.

  33. I totally agree with Pookie. Both relationships seem forced. I bet Jessica is probably happy though... You know who's not right now? Vanessa Lemonjello. She probably felt pretty smug for all of 5 days and now JSimps is upstaging them again. (That part I kind of love.) I hope it works out for her, but I just don't know. Could go either way. Maybe Eric is just a nice guy and it feels right, or maybe she just wants to start a family so badly that she is sacrificing? It just seems like way too much of a coincidence, but is she really that foolish? Or that smart - she does have a holiday album coming out and the press she is going to get for the "dueling engagements" will be triple. Is she addicted to the attention like her dad? I just don't see her setting out for that though... I like to think that with everything she's been through and this whole self-love kick she's on, she's smarter than that and the last thing she wants is to go down that road again? It's a set up for failure. The tabloids always win! This is going to keep me up at night. Lol. She has to address it at some point!

  34. Jessica needs to run from this guy. This guy is a gold digger. Papa Joe is already doing her show shopping.
